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Wolverine: Origins and History

considered as the next phase of human
evolution moons within the Marvel comic
book universe possess a gene that allows
them to naturally develop superpowers hi
welcome to
I’m your host Derek Allen today we’ll be
exploring the history of one such mutant
Wolverine to avoid confusion it should
be noted that we are following the
storyline which unfolded in the comic
books what we aim to do is lay out the
events in his life that led to wolverine
becoming a member of the x-men Wolverine
was in fact born under the name James
Howlett to rich plantation owners in
Alberta Canada sometime in the 19th
century as a boy James had many
allergies and his father John Howlett
introduced him to a young orphan girl
named rose to be his friend a key figure
in the childhood of James was his
family’s grants keeper Thomas Loudoun
whom it is hinted that James’s mother
Elizabeth was having an affair with
after his father spells Thomas Logan and
his son from the Manor for increasingly
violent behavior he returns to rob the
Howlett’s and convince Elizabeth to
leave with them Thomas kills John in
front of the entire family and it is
then that a young James Howlett powers
first are manifested as claws protrude
from his hands and he kills Thomas Logan
years later after being kidnapped by
agents of what is known as the Weapon X
program dr. Abraham Cornelius begins to
examine James who has taken the name
Logan he discovers that Loudoun is a
mutant and here they bond his bones and
claws with the indestructible adamantium
metal in an attempt to turn him into the
perfect weapon proving too difficult to
control wolverine escapes the facility
and sometime after begins working for
the canadian government other than his
famous flaws wolverine has a
regenerative healing factor as well as
superhuman strain and agility after
receiving an offer from Professor X of
the x-men Wolverine decides to leave
Canadian intelligence and join the
superhero supergroup
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