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What’s Your Mojo? – Ep. 8: Brutal Beatings, Jailbait songs, TV Teachers

hey guys welcome back to what’s your
mojo I have a bunch of new lists and
need of your input this week check out slash suggest to find new
lists feature daily and suggest your own
before we get to that our watch mojo
exclusive clip of the week is top 10
Futurama characters head over to to see if your favorite
character made our list for the movie
fans we’re currently working on a list
of the best movie beatings if you need
inspiration think of Drive when Ryan
Gosling wailed on that guy in the
make sure your favorite movie beating
makes our list for the TV fans we’re
currently working on the list of the
best male teachers from TV we all know
number one has to be female vote now for
the male TV teachers you would have been
excited to go to school for I have
another one for TV fans best TV hosts
are you a fan fan or are you team Coco
let us know which TV hosts you could
watch all day long for the music fans as
a follow up to our list of stalker songs
are working on a list of jailbait songs
have you heard I’m on fire by Bruce
Springsteen Bruce isn’t always the
hometown hero we want it to be vote now
for songs that fathers would not want to
hear sung to their teenage daughters our
second music list is of best white
stripe songs we all know seven nation
army by that famous riff but what else
should make the list
vote for the songs that made Jack white
the star he is today and our mojo a
lotto winner is top ten sports venues to
see before you die Thanks to everyone
who suggested so Wrigley Field or Fenway
Park who’s number one be sure to vote
for your favorite sports venue good news
list I mentioned in previous episodes
are being published next week make sure
to check out our video of two pop songs
controversial band member replacements
and fast and furious moments thanks for
your questions last week look out for an
FAQ video soon again you should check
out slash suggests devote
on all the lists I mentioned direct
links are in the description below and
be sure to subscribe to I
have think work to fake do see you next
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