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What’s Your Mojo? – Ep. 28: Get to Know the Hosts, Moon Landing, Commercial Catchphrases

hey mojo Alex welcome back to what’s
your mojo the weekly show where we fill
you in on what you might’ve missed last
week give you a sneak peak on what’s
coming up next week ask your feedback
and answer viewer fa Q’s let’s get down
to business in case you missed it we
published another short series this week
that included top ten food catchphrases
top ten product catchphrases and top ten
commercial jingles I don’t know about
you but every time I see one of these
lists about commercials I get uber
nostalgic so these are definitely some
more fun ones for me and finally today
we published two related Clips top ten
quirky movie pick-up lines and top ten
serious movie pick-up lines I’m not sure
any of them would actually work in real
life so use them at your own risk
but watching people use them in movies
is epic no I don’t want to go to a party
in your pants very well yeah just like
to go to a party in my pants the
calendar tells me it’s Friday and that
means it’s the weekend and that means
it’s time for a mojo thong so what can
you guys expect to see on your screens
on Saturday we’ve got the ultraviolent
top ten torture scenes I will warn you
now that clip contains mature content
and gets pretty graphic at times so it’s
on Sunday we’ve got a follow-up clip to
a popular video we did a while back so
many of you seem to like top 10 ripoff
songs that we decided we would do top 10
sound alike songs the difference between
those two is that four ripoff songs
there was a lawsuit involved and forced
sound-alike songs
it’s just songs that a lot of people
think sound very similar and also coming
out on Sunday top ten comic strips so
whether you like Dilbert or Garfield or
peanuts that one should keep you
entertained you guys ready for some
trivia let’s do it everyone knows the
names Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as
the first and second men to walk on the
moon respectively however there was a
third man who was the third man
aboard the Apollo 11 space flight John
Glenn Alan Shepard Jim Lovell or Michael
Collins you are correct
if you said Michael Collins who piloted
the missions command module and did not
actually get to walk on the moon bummer
if you want to test your knowledge on
that or anything else head over to slash trivia anyway I’m
talking to you about the moon landing
because July 20th 1969 is the day the
Apollo 11 landed the first humans on the
moon so if you want to learn more about
that historic event check these videos
out top 10 defining moments of 1960s
America space race 20th century timeline
and firsts top 10 televised events of
all time top 10 astronaut movies top 10
Walter Cronkite moments and top 10
conspiracies of all time also don’t
forget to head over to
slash calendar to see thousands of our
older equally timely videos and make
sure to vote on the topics that matter
most to you so we can tailor our future
videos to your tastes before we ask you
guys your opinions on a few of our lists
we thought we’d let you see where your
hard work gets you last week we
published top 10 songs about famous
people yesterday we published top 10
songs about alcohol and coming up on
Sunday July 27th we’ve got top 10
hilarious slow motion movie scenes for
you thanks again for your help in
choosing those lists but we’ve got even
more lists in need of your input this
week to start top 10 beloved Hollywood
actors we’ve done hated actors now it’s
time to find out which Hollywood
heavyweights can do no wrong Tom Hanks
Meryl Streep after that I’m stumped and
another one for you gamers top 10
annoying situations in gaming so if
you’ve ever come up against an
unskipable cutscenesthat’s nice – ice
cream or some regional dish like boots
in or shwarma you should get your vote
on and as always head over to slash suggest to let us
know what you think and while you’re
there make sure
exercise your right to vote on any other
list you might have an opinion on hey
guys we’re here to give you the red
couch treatment to answer your questions
and to give you a sneak peek on how we
do things behind the scenes che
WatchMojo to help me is death Hey okay
let’s start with a comment from this
really his name pedophile disguised as a
school asks do you guys have to be so
scripted sy and it actually says sy on
my paper but anyway while YouTube has
historically been a platform for
opinionated hosts WatchMojo has always
been a very factual and research heavy
channel as we’ve said a bunch of times
before and our top tens are a prime
example of this even our early stuff
like biographies and how-to were heavily
scripted so while it’s not scripted in
the terms like drama or comedy has to be
this is still factual infotainment so
when we decided to do that what’s your
mojo show part of it was to show the
faces behind the voices you know can you
tell somebody else with that one anyway
but we also wanted to keep it
professional and scripted however you
know we’re huge on feedback so we’re in
the early stages of making some
programming changes that will reflect
that what changes I don’t know I forgot
to read this before we shot and now I’m
also kind of stressed but let’s press on
use a question that comes up in the
comments a lot and it’s basically how do
we decide who narrates what short answer
we flip a coin no not really but
seriously folks we’re both lucky enough
to have many roles and responsibilities
at WatchMojo and early on we conducted
some basic focus groups to decipher
which of our voices groups react to
better and we’ve more or less stuck to
those patterns over time we do
occasionally thumb-wrestle which as you
know led to this unfortunate incident
oh my god how many times do I have to
apologize for that once would be nice
anyway as we started doing last week we
are letting you guys get to know us a
little bit better so Dan what is or are
your favorite TV shows well always a big
fan of the citizens the early stuff
before season 8 of course big fan of The
Wire probably my favorite HBO show I’ve
been watching a lot of Futurama and
Archer lately sums Bob’s Burgers what
about you well there are quite a few
shows I can quote back to you verbatim
and I watch all those shows that
everybody watches but my number one
would have to be 30 rock because Tina
Fey is my spirit animal
I also watch jeopardy every day because
I’m a huge nerd you’re so boring okay
what’s your favorite city well I am
boring so I don’t have a great answer to
this you know I’ve been to New York
loved it been to LA had a great time
Vegas I’m not gonna talk about it but it
was fun um but I actually visit
Stratford Ontario a lot home of the
festival theatre and birthplace to none
other than Justin Bieber and that is not
why I go there but it is one of my
favorite cities in Canada and in the
world how about you you Globetrotter
well for me and I’d say it has to be a
split between Paris and Milan
Who am I kidding I didn’t know where
I’ve been to Bangkok that was pretty
cool I’m a fan of Montreal because I
live here but I’m I’m pretty boring I’m
too poor to travel I can’t believe I
forgot my own hometown of Montreal and
now I’m pandering but of course I do
love Montreal anyway next question
favorite musical artist go Tom Waits
tool and the misfits okay same question
well I lean towards the classic rock and
I guess I like glam rock
stuff so listen to a lot of journey and
Bon Jovi and Elton John and you know I
like singers that have a really good
voice but I also I love the Foo Fighters
which is modern earth and stuff so
that’s good and every novelty song ever
so yeah it’s toss up always with the
eighties anyway now that that’s out of
the way let’s finish up with some
comments of the week
smooth TV commented on top 10 so does
this video made me go out of my cave to
buy a soda
thanks WatchMojo and WatchMojo we are
always glad to hear that you do take a
break from the computer as long as it’s
between WatchMojo videos of course if
knowledge of pizza and scoring babes
makes you a genius then maybe parth glad
might be on to something when he
commented on top 10 TV geniuses how
about Joey from friends sticky out
tongue face are you doing Shane the
filmmaker commented on top 10
Doctor Who doctors the cosmic hobo I
would have called him space mo Howard
you know I never noticed this until he
pointed it out but the second doctor
does kind of look like him
and finally hashbrown and commented on
top 10 summer songs in Canada we only
get two months of summer o hashbrown we
feel your pain believe me anyway guys
thanks as always for the comments and
questions and if you want your questions
answered leave them here in the comments
catch us on Twitter or Facebook or email
us at watch at don’t
forget the hashtag WM FAQ and if you
want a nifty t-shirt head over to slash store that’s all for
this week thanks for watching and tune
in again next time for another edition
of what’s your mojo may the force be
with you
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