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What’s Your Mojo? – Ep. 2: Modern Metal Bands, Movies by Decade, Fast and Furious Moments

hey guys welcome back to what’s your
mojo thanks for the feedback last week
you mojo holics are awesome oh and by
the way sorry for dropping the n-word I
have to get back to work see you later
nerds see you later nerds through brutes
I have a bunch of new list for you this
week but before we get to that I just
want to clarify your boats definitely
helped shape our list but they aren’t
the only source for our rankings
otherwise my job as a researcher would
be obsolete having said that your boats
are very helpful so please keep it up
check out / suggest to
find our featured lists and also suggest
your own anime fans you blasted the
suggest page with your votes last week
thank you so much I have a new one for
you in your opinion which are the most
epic anime battles links in the
description you know what to do for the
movie buffs we’re currently working on a
series of the best movies from every
decade whether you’re a fan of The
Wizard of Oz or partial to the 80s
action movie let us know which movies
you think should make the list go forth
and vote my pretties our office was sad
to hear of Paul Walker’s untimely death
that events sparked an onslaught of
requests for the top ten fast and
furious moments vote now for your
favorite high-octane moments Hollywood
often screws up when remaking something
beloved The Grudge anyone why not add
your most hated movie and TV remakes to
the suggest page below for the music
fans we have three count em three lists
we need your votes on modern metal bands
controversial band replacements and best
singers of all time voice your opinion
now again be sure to check out / suggest to find all the
lists I mentioned also direct links are
in the description below be sure to
subscribe to
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