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What’s Your Mojo? Dumb and Dumber, GIVEAWAY, Happy Holidays! – Ep. 49

hey mojo holics welcome back to what’s
your mojo the weekly show where we fill
you in on what you mighta missed last
week give you a sneak peek on what’s
coming up next week ask your feedback
and answer viewer FA cues do they know
it’s Christmas time at all in case you
missed it this week we got real neurotic
with top 10 Woody Allen movies I’m kind
of intrigued do you guys have a favorite
Woody Allen movie I put a few of these
on my must watch list so let me know
what you think we also published top 10
movie pranks in case you need any good
ideas for screwing with your family and
friends over the holiday break I mean
don’t try any of these at home kids and
finally how does another top 10 most
hated songs strike you I’m thinking
you’ll be down because I know how you
feel about oh I don’t know let’s say
Justin Bieber anyway check it out you’ll
be annoyed well it’s that time of year
again boys and girls the last what’s
your mojo episode before the holiday
break but like I’ve said a bunch of
times fear not for the watchmojo elves
have been hard at work to bring all of
you on the good list lots of content
over the holidays you know what you guys
on the naughty list can partake too so
what can you look forward to well this
weekend our end-of-year series starts
with actor of the year today actress of
the year tomorrow male musician of the
year Sunday and rounding it out with
female musician of the year on Monday
but there’s more our end-of-year fun
continues on tuesday with our next
episode of watchmojo news which is the
top ten news stories of 2014 from pop
culture events to serious news stories
this clip covers it all you think we’re
done not even close for the gamers worst
video games of 2014 comes out wednesday
followed by the best on thursday and
finally you can look forward to top 10
watchmojo top tens of 2014 on friday
december nine
and if you think for one second we’re
going to limit ourselves to ten awesome
videos to remind you of how amazing we
are think again these are the good the
bad and the ugly of watchmojo top 10s
throughout 2014 and yes we talked about
the gravity falls debacle oh and there
may or may not be a blooper reel coming
up where dan and I look very talented
and do not swear like sailors are you
guys ready for some trivia let’s do it
which of the following actors was never
considered for a role in Dumb and Dumber
gary oldman Nicolas Cage Rob Lowe or
John Travolta you are correct if you
said it John Travolta but even Martin
Short Steve Martin and Chris Elliott
were considered so it could’ve been a
very different movie if you want to test
your knowledge on that or anything else
head over to slash trivia
anyway I’m talking to you about dumb and
dumber because December 16 1994 is the
day that movie was first released so if
you want to relive Harry and Lloyds
adventure or if you want to prep
yourself for the sequel then you should
check these videos out top 10 movie
idiots top 10 movie Cars top 10
hilarious movie bromances top 10
hilarious gross-out scenes top 10
hilarious movie toilet scenes top 10
comedy movies of the 1990s and many many
more also don’t forget to make your way
over to / calendar to see
thousands of our older equally timely
videos and while you’re there make sure
to vote on the topics that matter most
to you so we can tailor our future
videos to your tastes but before we ask
you guys your opinions on a few of our
lists we thought we’d let you see where
your hard work gets you as mentioned our
actor actress and male and female
musician of the year videos start today
classic and modern Christmas songs come
out the 21st and 22nd respectively and
our animated movie series starts on
December 26th and goes all the way to
New Year’s Eve thanks again for your
help in choosing those lists but we have
even more lists in need of your input
this week to start top
an multi-decade successful musical
artists these are the artists who
managed to stay somewhat relevant and
timeless in their success so like the
stones have been popular since the 60s
so I’d say they qualified but who else
speaking of music we’ve already done top
10 TV shows and top 10 movies that you
shouldn’t watch with your parents but
now we have top 10 songs you shouldn’t
listen to with your parents fun fact
every time I hear the song you oughta
know by alanis morissette my dad says
she did what to him in the theater and I
am lit super let us know if you’ve had
any similar experiences I’d love it if
you guys could help us with top 10
smartest anime series villains evil
geniuses are all the rage so tell us
which one you think reign supreme with
his brains we know you love awkward we
love it too so how about top 10 most
Awkward film conversations these are
those movie moments where you want to
roll up into a ball and die from
embarrassment or sheer uncomfortableness
boat and finally a little Christmas
present for you top 10 celebrity
derrieres I cannot believe we’re doing
this but I suspect JLo is going to make
an appearance but give it a vote to tell
us who you think has the sweetest
celebrity rump and as always be sure to
head over to / suggest to
let us know what you think and while
you’re there make sure to exercise your
right to vote on any other list you
might have an opinion on any mojo holics
as mentioned this is our last show of
the year so we should probably make it a
good one yes we probably should and we
should probably get right down to it
with the giveaways fact first the winner
of last week’s contest last week we’re
an A Sketch contest and we had some
really good submissions so here are a
few of the best so you know what we
would deal with
but as you know there can only be one
winner of the coveted watchmojo t-shirt
and we’ve decided to go with the
bodacious bum who actually submitted two
entries one is the green arrow and this
one is Jennifer Aniston but they’re both
awesome and they want you a t-shirt
please email us at contest at to let us know your
address and which t-shirt model and size
you would like congratulations again so
to help kick off the holiday season
right we’ve got one final contest for
2014 this one’s actually a doozy we got
a buttload of blu-ray and DVDs to give
away yeah I’ll read the list fast you
get blu-ray copies of 24 live another
day american horror story coven dawn of
the Planet of the Apes how to train your
dragon 2 jingle all the way to let’s be
cops Rio to sing along sideways 10th
anniversary The Fault in Our Stars x-men
days of future past Young Frankenstein
40th anniversary and a DVD copy of how i
met your mother the complete series and
we also got our mojo bags in so we’re
gonna toss all of the movies in there
when we send them out with the prize but
since this is a pretty big contest we’re
gonna make you guys work for it well
it’s not that bad you just have to send
us a recent or current picture of you
with a mall Santa haha so you have to
send it to us via twitter or instagram
with the hashtag WM Santa well I am
totally looking forward to this one but
you’ll only find out if you one in the
new year all right now that’s out of the
way let’s get to the questions hey da y
dot s dot 1997 says rebecca and dan what
are your favorite breakfast cereals and
do you pour milk first and then the
cereal or pour the cereal and then the
milk please answer this in your next
what’s your mojo show I hate to
potentially insult a viewer but what
kind of maniac pours the milk first I
mean like big things are just gonna
spill everywhere okay it’s just if you
think about it though it might alleviate
that thing of when giver pour milk on
and then it like goes everywhere because
you have too much cereal and then you’re
pouring to it would like
enthusiastically I don’t know what kind
of heavy cereal you have but I’d like I
find surface tension would kind of keep
it on the top it would all just like
spill out
like it wouldn’t half of it wouldn’t
even get wet so anyway I like crispix
and Cheerios I’m very exciting ah I am
much more exciting i kind of like reeses
puffs there are some of my favorites I
find that they’re very refreshing with
the milk um it’s true that’s my answer I
got it there you go girly girl 24x wants
to know hey dan and rebecca i have a
question for you what’s the most
embarrassing or funniest thing that’s
ever happened to you at the watch module
office please answer and sorry if
someone has already asked this question
well aside from slashing my hand open
which was more harrowing than
embarrassing and the multiple times a
day that my voice cracks if i do a lot
of voiceover or a lot of these hosting
my boys just tax yeah that’s pretty
embarrassing but that’s kind of short
term uh about a year ago I was having a
really bad day and I put it like it I
had to re-export which is like um send
out a video like three or four times and
on the third time I added like an extra
e to green day in the title so I wrote
we need a and that was like the third
time I was redoing the video so I went
kicked a chair an actually embarrassing
because like that we just hired like
three new people so that was there like
first experience with me with me boiling
brook dan has rage I have rage and so
yeah but that’s not what my stories
about ok so my embarrassing stories in
our old office so it is important i need
to paint a picture for you the bathroom
what had like a glass door but it was
frosted so you can see but you could see
if the light was on and if the light was
on that means someone was in there but
so like everyone in the office knows the
code which is the droids on there
something there but cuz if you walked it
you got locked in but then there was
this new guy who wasn’t like he was just
there and he walked in on me in the
bathroom obviously is what the point of
the story is and of course that is
always great but fortunately
I remember that that was fun day yeah
sin fans are at gaming asks he dan and
rebecca really hope that is how you
spell it yeah it’s da n what is your
favorite quote from a movie I would be
very happy if I answered this cuz you
made my day with these lists love from
Sweden well basically any line in back
the features that’s boring but ok I have
a really obscure one from Tootsie that I
say a lot which is bull Ron and
it’s not the line it’s the accent and I
just I like to emphasize glad it’s not
cool move on I’m a big fan of I drink
your milkshake and or drainage from
there will be blood another one I like
to use a lot was who’s the greater fool
the fool or the fool who follows him
from Star Wars I always thought that was
great how about that one from the dark
night that our camera guy loves alright
awesome let’s finish up by reading some
comments of the week Aidan Kelly
commented on our marvel vs DC video all
caps let’s get ready to rumble rennes
curse Bergen left this one on watchmojo
faq last week nice hair Rebecca I like
it oh and your hair is also great ash
like it always see that’s funny cuz
these balls angel Juliet thought we were
daring our viewers with top ten
emergency and impromptu movie surgery
scenes eat lunch while watching this
episode challenge accepted dr. scoops
said something along the same lines on
the same video warning contains mature
content grabs popcorn duck the duck
somehow commented on top 10 movie
depictions of the future someone should
make a planet of the ducks that would
make a pretty accurate depiction of the
future mark my words I mean quack Taylor
Simpson took my Christmas ornaments
story to heart last week and decided to
share one of his as well my grandma also
buys me a new Christmas ornament every
year also i have a huge nutcracker
collection from when i was a little kid
I saw a nutcracker decoration and
started playing with it and since then
my family always buys me nutcrackers
I’ve grown to really like the collection
and it’s one of my favorite things to
set up
also I don’t know if other people do
this but we do the hide the pickle
ornament which is a tradition in some
families I’ve seen those pickle
ornaments and I don’t know what the
story is but I would like to know and
finally ending the year off on a
positive note Danny Cruz tells us I need
my daily dose of watchmojo every morning
along with my coffee before I go to work
if coffee procrastination is called Pro
caffeination than coffee plus watchmojo
is pro calf moja nation just rolls off
the tongue anyway guys thanks as always
for the questions and comments if you’d
like more of your questions answered be
sure to tune in to the FAQ show which
airs weekly although we are taking a
break for the new year right and of
course if you want your questions
answered leave them here in the comments
catches on Twitter or Facebook or email
us at watch at you don’t
forget the hashtag WM faq and if you
want a nifty t-shirt some other merch a
mojo box a mojo bag or any of the pieces
in the Mojo box purchased individually
die at all anyway head over to / store and happy holidays
that’s all for this week thanks for
watching and tune in again next time for
another edition of what’s your mojo
happy festivus speaking of which we have
to do the feats of strength oh yeah okay
one two three four I declare a thumb war
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