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What is Climate Change?

scientists agree that the world is
heating up global warming describes the
greenhouse effect certain gases allow
shortwave radiation from the Sun to pass
through them unabsorbed while also
absorbing some long wave radiation that
gets reflected back into space
greenhouse gases trap heat the way glass
walls of a greenhouse do they include
methane and nitrous oxide but the
paramount culprit is carbon dioxide it
significantly enhances the absorption
and conversion of sunlight energy into
heat for thousands of years emissions of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have
been well balanced by the amount of
greenhouse gases that get naturally
absorbed these conditions have allowed
human civilization to develop within a
consistent climate photosynthesis
enriches the planet with oxygen as
plants and algae and other organisms
suck up co2 from the air special clay
minerals have also absorbed oxygen
consuming compounds into the seafloor
volcanic eruptions emit particles that
cool the earth’s surface but only
thus temporarily masking the full effect
of co2 evidence shows that human
activity contributes to global warming
by adding to and changing the levels of
the gases responsible for the greenhouse
effect changes that have historically
taken thousands of years are now
happening over the course of decades
thawing permafrost and the rapid retreat
of glaciers in Greenland Alaska the
Himalayas the Antarctic Peninsula and on
high tropical mountains show that global
snow cover is melting and that massive
glaciers worldwide are disappearing fast
water flows to the Seas from glaciers
and ice caps as ocean water warms and
expense densely populated cities like
Tokyo Shanghai Bangkok and New York are
all at risk
scientists predict that floods and
droughts are likely to increase in
number and severity and climate related
diseases like malaria can surge other
signs of climate change are seen in
drying forests and dying wildlife
reducing the threat of global climate
change starts with sharing technologies
and resources to lower greenhouse gas
emissions and using clean energy options
where available such as wind solar and
wave power
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