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how long have you guys been dating it’s
going to be actually a year tomorrow I
year talk so uh do you know what he has
planned for the year tomorrow ideas what
would you like to have for the year
anything anything can you divulge
anything or is it I keep it secret yeah
you keep it secret yeah
what was the worst fight mm-hmm the only
win for supper with his ex-girlfriend
you ever suffer with eating oh you want
from Rosie ask you’ll find others did
you tell her before
you mean you went out for supper with
your ex-girlfriend and you didn’t cheat
you and tell her that you were going out
and then she walked in on you with your
no she came to my dad’s house and I
walked into my dad’s house and she was
there so so would you have told her that
you were with your ex-girlfriend yeah
for sure you didn’t tell it didn’t tell
me he didn’t tell me I found it in his
phone a week later called a
ya know what do you say no no I I told
her I told her you told her and and how
did you did you tell me off this is it
was it what is a long ongoing fight is
this what comes up so so when you walked
in what did you do I didn’t walk in on
them oh you want me to sound out in his
phone okay so do you trust him now
mm-hmm trying to okay Mike
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