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Video Game Classics: The Legend of the Mystical Ninja

some games will live forever as classics
welcome to and today we’ll
be taking a look at 1992’s lighthearted
multiplayer adventure game the legend of
the mystical ninja emerging from the
long-running and popular ganbare Goemon
anime television and video game series
from UPenn this konami title is one of
the few to get ported to north america
blending two different video game styles
mystical ninja is an unforgettable
action adventure that meshes the best of
2d platforming with the action of
freedom up brawlers in the game up to
two players can play together as Gohan
and his goofy pal Abbas Amaru
oddly their names were respectively
translated as Kid yang and dr. yang for
this American release but would be
restored in later adaptations as the
game opens the pair notices odd
happenings in their hometown and decides
to investigate soon enough they discover
that a mysterious army has kidnapped
princess Yuki pledging to save her they
travel across Japan to find clues about
the hostile force and locate their
hidden base exploring various regions
and towns they visit countless shops
take on minigames and battle a wide
range of enemies and bosses goemon
fights with a smoking pipe and each time
he defeats an enemy he collects
power-ups that upgrade its strength
these power-ups come in the form of gray
cats give his pipe a longer reach and
eventually transform it into a spiked
yo-yo likewise the second player wields
a wooden fan and mallet interestingly
players can each use their money as a
long-range weapon by throwing it at
enemies they can also perform tag-team
moves and give each other pretty back
rides going above and beyond the usual
princess rescuing tail common in video
games mystical ninja tells its story
through vibrant cutscenes and
larger-than-life comedic characters
boozing with personality available on
Nintendo’s Virtual Console the legend of
the mystical ninja is an amusing
action-adventure that shouldn’t be
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