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Video Game Classics: DuckTales

some games will live forever as classics
welcome to and today we’ll
be taking a look at 1990’s wacky and fun
adventure game duck tales for the
Nintendo Entertainment System based on
the popular Disney cartoon series of the
same name
duck tales was adapted by Capcom at the
height of the show’s popularity and
continues to be a major source of
nostalgia today as the game starts out
players take on the role of Scrooge
McDuck and travel around the world to
collect its most valuable treasures the
goal of the game is to secure Scrooge’s
place as the world’s richest duck
throughout the adventure players will
hunt for the giant diamond of Inner
Earth in the African mine the sceptre of
an ancient king within the Amazon the
Lost crown of Genghis Khan in the
Himalayas the green cheese of longevity
on the moon and finally the coin of the
lost realm that has been kept in
Transylvania playing through the
adventure Scrooge can jump using the
eight button and can use his cane to
defeat enemies or strike objects with
the B button pressing a then B and the
down button simultaneously enables you
to use a pogo stick to jump higher to
reach distant platforms along the way
Scrooge must combat a wide range of
enemies but not everyone Scrooge
encounters is a foe in fact he will get
helpful tips from his nephews Huey Dewey
and Louie in addition he will also work
with his pilot Launchpad McQuack who can
take them back to the level menu for
completionists there are several
secondary treasures to find these
include a golden ring in the African
mines and a golden mirror in the moon
level incidentally these side quests are
found in the nonlinear portions of the
game in which you can revisit levels to
unlock areas that were previously
inaccessible interestingly finding these
hidden valuables and raking up over 10
million dollars worth of money points
will unlock the game’s alternate ending
wherein Scrooge is shown in a newspaper
with a crown on his head
sporting bright colorful graphics and
tight play control this game is one of
our favorites it is also universally
considered one of the top titles for the
NES and that’s high praise considering
there have been more than eight hundred
titles released for the system in North
America alone
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