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Travel Guide: Namibia, Africa

this country is just over half the size
of the American state of Alaska hi I’m
Rebecca Braden and welcome to today we’ll be continuing
our travel series with a look at Namibia
located in southern Africa Namibia is
one of this continents hidden jewels not
as well known as some of its neighbors
this country is perfect for those
travelers searching for a unique
landscape in fact tourism is one of the
country’s largest industries with the
number of foreign visitors increasing to
over 1 million annually in recent years
the windblown desert scenery draws
tourists as does the country’s growing
extreme sports culture namibia’s first
UNESCO World Heritage Site was named in
2007 twat Phil Fontaine is a region
featuring over 2,500 ancient rock
carvings and petroglyphs Namibia takes
its name from the name of desert one of
the world’s oldest deserts with a
population of over 2 million it is the
world’s second least densely populated
country namibia’s capital and largest
city is vintage which also acts as the
center of culture and industry for the
country today english is the country’s
official language though only a small
percentage of the population speaks it
as their mother tongue africans and
german are also popular languages
throughout the country african safaris
are another popular draw and visitors
can observe a number of animals such as
elephants rhinoceroses lions and gazelle
in their natural habitat
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