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Top 5 Video Game Movies That Don’t Suck

I mean they’re not all terrible some of
them are totally fine
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top five
video game movies that don’t suck
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at some of the better animated
and live-action films that are based off
videogames or a video game series
remember our standards have to be pretty
low here so be kind number 5
final fantasy 7 Advent Children
Sephiroth is dead
yes but has his mind died while not a
direct adaptation of Final Fantasy 7
Advent Children takes place in the same
universe and shares the same continuity
of the famous game in the movie cloud
and company must defeat a mysterious
group who is kidnapped various children
while the plot is downright perplexing
for those who’ve never played the game
the character development given to its
beloved cast is welcomed and the
animation is quite stunning in fact that
same animation even influenced the
director of the Final Fantasy 13 game
who wanted to replicate the film’s
cinematic action scenes for his title
while it may a lien 8 new viewers fans
of the game will find more than enough
to enjoy here as long as you exist the
nightmares will come again and again
number 4 Resident Evil loosely based on
the video game of the same name Resident
Evil was the movie to kick-start the e
still will not die Resident Evil
franchise and it’s probably the best one
while it actually takes place below the
Spencer mansion in the hive Resident
Evil honors the basic concept and
continuity of the games which is to
shoot scary zombies in the face it’s not
a masterpiece of a movie by any means
but it makes for guilty-pleasure
the action sequences can actually be
kind of scary the acting is adequate and
the makeup effects are also adequate
compared to what we have in the past
seeing a video game movie with actual
production value was a breath of fresh
air number three Silent Hill your seat
belt fastened the early Silent Hill
titles are some of the best survival
horror games so it’s understandable that
Hollywood wanted to get their hands on
the property while we didn’t quite get
the Silent Hill we deserved it was still
an entertaining romp it definitely has
its problems like it’s way too long and
it’s convoluted as hell even for those
who played the game but that said it
still provided some good scares the
makeup and costumes were solid and the
visuals were tantalizing
it might not stand up as a great horror
movie but it’s still decent
entertainment for fans of the game who
want to see Pyramid Head ripped
somebody’s skin off number 2 Mortal
a Mortal Kombat movie really shouldn’t
work well with the game’s colorful
characters in paper-thin storyline but
that said Mortal Kombat the film was
surprisingly watchable
yeah it’s cheesy as all heck the
dialogue and acting are not oscar-worthy
and it significantly tones down the
violence however it’s still an
entertaining guilty pleasure watch with
some relatively solid special-effects
art direction and fight scenes while
most video game movies tend to forego
basic filmmaking techniques what I’ll
call Matt at least tries its production
values are pretty good it’s clear that
the filmmaker made an effort to bring
the game to life while some aspects fall
flat it kind of succeeds where most fail
knows number one Street Fighter 2 the
animated movie no not that Street
Fighter movie this is an anime
adaptation of the all-time classic
Street Fighter 2 and it’s arguably the
greatest video game movie if we’re
including animation that is the
animation work on display here is really
good the action sequences are fluid and
they’re all imaginative and beautiful to
it’s also real faithful to the game
including essentially every character in
some form or another and unlike many
video game adaptations it stands on its
own as a solid anime many adaptations
are either a complete mess or simply
cater to the core gaming audience but
technically Street Fighter 2 is an
all-round great anime adaptation or not
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