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Top 5 Things PUBG Does BETTER Than Fortnite

well it wouldn’t be fair to make a

one-sided argument now would it welcome

to and today we’re

counting down our picks for the top five

things pub G does better than fortnight

before we begin we publish new content

every day so be sure to subscribe to our

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this list we’re looking at the best of

what player unknowns battlegrounds has

to offer if you’re wondering what we

think fortnight does better check out

our list of the top 5 things the

fortnight does better than pub G by the

way before we begin many of these things

come down to personal preference so

saying that pub G does them better is

obviously relative to what you prefer as

a gamer in your games so for instance

number 5 realistic visuals looks aren’t

everything but different visual styles

do have an impact on the players

experience for those of you who just

can’t warm up to fortnight’s cartoony

aesthetics you’ve probably already made

the switch to pub G some might find the

character models a little lacking in

detail features but at least we’re given

the ability to customise them plus the

occasionally foggy weather it gives the

game some visual diversity in between

matches while making the gameplay more

intense in the end it all comes down to

what you find more visually appealing

but if you like the realistic stuff you

got to go to pump G can look that way

keep it keep it keep it up

number 4 weapon variety pub G has a

robust combat and weapon system climbing

your way to victory isn’t just about

getting a weapon at a higher tier as you

explore the land and hide from other

players you’ll come across a pretty fast

array of weapons however all of this

variety comes with a catch you really

have to know your playstyle and equip

the gear that’s best for you you’re

forced to be on the lookout for which

specific guns you’re good with then

there’s attachments sure you love your

car 98 but good luck using it with the

red dot anyway all of this variety means

more ways to play but it also means you

have to choose your options very

cheap load up number three

while fortnight has been slowly updating

their single map with new locations club

G has released two massive maps and two

more have been announced and more on the

way the difference between pub G and

fortnight is that there is more variety

in locations to explore seriously we can

only go to tomato town so many times

before things get a little too familiar

the size of the map also plays a huge

part in the game’s intensity a standard

pump G match is double that of

fortnight’s which means that landmarks

are spread further apart and there are

more locations for hideouts until the

circle closes and of course right side o

this is easily one of the best parts

about pub G and it’s caused some

fortnight players to wonder when their

games gonna get some drivable vehicles

while the physics can be a little broken

at times vehicles still make up some of

the best moments across pub G you can

see videos of people gunning down

drivers before becoming roadkill players

pulling off insane motorcycle stunts

both is victim and killer and of course

those groups of friends that just like

to mess around like fools it’s just

really fun to play Mad Max with your

number one longer and more intense

gameplay while fortnight is easy to jump

in and out of pub G thrives on the

tension that each match creates because

of how large the maps are you’re

constantly on your toes most of your

time is spent either hunting for other

players or hiding in corners to ambush

the last couple of people it is that

suspense that keeps every match engaging

and when you finally get that chicken

dinner boy it feels like you’re on top

of the world in turn the added intensity

gives the whole feeling of the game a

more serious tone and in the end that’s

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