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Top 5 Reasons People Love Nintendo

now you’re playing with power now play
with power welcome to and
today we’ll be counting down our picks
for the top five reasons people love
Nintendo before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for more great content for this list
will be ranking our entries based on the
degree to which we believe they elicit
love from Nintendo fans and the general
public number 5 gave us the modern
console what she’s like to play the
Nintendo Entertainment System for those
born too late or just not in the know
the home video game console market took
a huge dive in the early eighties in
North America due to a number of factors
including over saturation and poor
quality control enter
Nintendo whose Nintendo Entertainment
System for NDS marked many innovative
leaps forward in both design
implementation and Quality Assurance
Nintendo basically gave the world the
modern console introducing features that
we still use today such as anti piracy
protection improved graphics and
scrolling and d-pad controllers the fact
that their innovations saved the video
game industry doesn’t hurt either
number 4 nostalgia with how long the
company has been around it’s not
surprising that generations of gamers
have fond memories of Nintendo games
from their childhood sure the other big
gaming companies elicit nostalgia too
but Nintendo has a leg up on them both
in terms of seniority and in terms of
as we said Nintendo has been in the game
longer than its competition even
outlasting other companies like Sega
while PlayStation and Xbox do have games
for kids
Nintendo’s image as a gaming company for
the whole family is well known leading
more parents to buy a Nintendo system
for their kids meaning that more people
form attachments to their brand at an
early age number three focus on fun the
satanic o toda doto mundos que toma SOTA
curious early on vosotros toka guru nico
to toxic Amado nskzo in gender has a
strong emphasis on games for kids as
we’ve already discussed and what the
kids want they want to have fun kids
really don’t care about complex
storylines and games or super tight
controls so both obviously can affect
how fun a game is
their focus on fund also makes Nintendo
highly appealing to casual gamers since
their games are typically much easier to
just pick up and play rather than
investing heavily on the experience
while their competitors are focused on
making the latest shooter or graphical
superiority or whatever Nintendo issues
the latest trends and gets at the heart
of what makes games games the fun number
2 high quality standard vamsi vamsi
found a capo Hadji medicine Bristol
Ghana donkey Amadeu yo na na da da da da
de Grasse be ready in 1996 before the
launch of the Nintendo 64 Shigeru
Miyamoto infamously said a delayed game
is eventually good but a rushed game is
forever bad and the company has stuck to
that motto ever since Nintendo’s high
standards for weeding out bugs and
preventing piracy is one that continues
to this day while rival developers will
often release games half-finished
requiring numerous patches Nintendo
standards almost always demand that the
game be completely complete before
they’re sold so often at the expense of
numerous delays the number of recalls
and patch is needed for Nintendo’s
products is generally pretty negligible
in the grand scheme of things the recent
issues with the switch notwithstanding
oops thank you our number one great IP
Nintendo is a giant of the video game
industry and a big part of that are its
game franchises Mario and Pokemon are
practically synonymous with Deyo games
in general then there’s titles like The
Legend of Zelda series which are widely
considered to be some of the greatest
games ever made in fact many of their
franchises have defined their respective
genres and have been heavily influential
on games that followed while their
competitors have excellent game series
of their own the secret to Nintendo
success may be due to the fact that they
have far more franchises that are
exclusive to their console and therefore
integral to their brand some to love
their games is to also kind of love
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