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Top 5 Myths About Superman

you can be among the biggest symbols in
the world and still be the subject of
much misinformation welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 5
myths about Superman
before we begin we publish new content
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this list we’ll be looking at some of
the biggest misconceptions and incorrect
assumptions people tend to make about
Superman number 5 he’s always been super
likable Superman despite being an alien
from a distant planet has a whole lot of
faith in humanity and in many ways he’s
also a reflection of the very best of
what humanity has to offer though it
might come as a surprise to many he
hasn’t always been such an upstanding
citizen in his early days of publication
he was written as being a much more
aggressive antagonistic and downright
careless character like when he
destroyed a low-income area to solve
petty crime at its root or went on a car
wrecking rampage after a friend got hurt
in a car accident how about that time he
nearly got Batman killed by framing him
for witchcraft number 4 his disguise is
mr. mister fainted fainted he was
fainted sorry thankfully Superman has
outgrown much of the overly simplistic
and short-sighted thinking that
characterized his early comics he kept
the glasses though well people often
scoff at Clark Kent’s disguise and the
absurdity of this being the only thing
separating his face from Superman’s
research has actually proven that
glasses do affect our ability to
recognize a face but that misses the
more important point his disguise isn’t
just a pair of glasses but rather the
entire Clark Kent persona what Kent
wears glasses the business suit that’s
the costume that’s the costume Superman
wears to blend in with us his anonymity
relies on the fact that despite the
facial similarities people are incapable
of associating the powerful Superman
with such a mild-mannered unremarkable
it’s an interesting commentary on human
perception and actually a kind of
brilliant disguise Lois Lane
I’m glad to be here Louis number three
you could bring about world peace if you
is more assertive yes Superman’s
abilities mean that he can do the
impossible add to that is unflinching
moral compass ignoring those messy early
years and you don’t just have an agent
of change but a potential bringer of
world peace Superman hasn’t failed to
solve the world’s problems because of a
failure to assert himself though he’s a
source of hope in a physical force but
hope in action can only do so much he
doesn’t have the power to change minds
short of him seizing control of the
world and becoming a dictator his
ability to change the world is actually
pretty limited for further proof see
Superman peace on earth or red Sun
number two he’s the strongest DC
character it’s easy to understand where
this misconception comes from Superman
is a nearly invulnerable being who can
catch bullets fly and survive getting
nuked really where else is there left to
go from there though Superman’s power
level may seem unsurpassable that is far
from being true
apart from Kryptonite he’s also very
vulnerable to magic which kind of
operates on a scale of its own in the DC
Universe as such numerous magic based
characters are arguably stronger
including dr. fate The Spectre Phantom
Stranger and of course Shazam then
you’ve got matter manipulating heroes
like Captain Atom and dr. Manhattan
don’t even get us started on cosmic
beings and gods in the DC Universe
Superman is powerful but not
unparalleled number one Superman doesn’t
when Superman took Zod at his word and
killed his fellow Kryptonian under
threat that Zod would never stop his
rampage there were gasps heard in
theaters around the world many fans
angrily took to social media expressing
feelings of betrayal that Superman had
broken his cardinal rule and taken a
life we get where they’re coming from
Superman as a general rule doesn’t kill
but this wasn’t the first time he’d
taken a life heck it wasn’t even the
first time he’d taken general Zod’s life
in 1988 he killed the depowered Zod and
two cohorts via kryptonite execution it
was an action that weighed heavily on
him afterward but when he took
nonetheless do you agree with our picks
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