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Top 5 Facts About Capital Punishment

don’t expect a last-minute call from the
governor to save you
welcome to ting down our
picks for the most interesting facts we
could find about capital punishment KXAN
s David Scott tells us why the last meal
that Brewer ordered was the last straw
most of the research we found related to
capital punishment in the United States
and so the majority of our facts relate
to the United States
do you have anything to say before
sentence is carried out up source what I
am number five
ancient Babylonians would kill you for
anything why does nobody ever done
anything because you have everybody
executed who tells you anything the
death penalty goes way back the earliest
set of written laws concerning capital
punishment can be found in the Code of
Hammurabi dating back to the 18th
century BC some 30 different crimes
warranted the death penalty each with
its own form of execution depending on
the crime you know what let’s just agree
to disagree my friend okay for example
those who were convicted of burglary
were hanged those who were caught
stealing items during a fire were thrown
into that same fire and those who were
found guilty of adultery or rape were
drowned committing incest bigamy
kidnapping fraud or many other crimes
also meant being put to death seems a
little harsh doesn’t it number four
Texas stopped serving last meals in 2011
they fixed me a pretty decent steak for
my last meal they even throw in a brew
one person can really ruin it for
everyone after convicted murderer
Lawrence Brewer quote abused the process
by ordering an excessively large final
meal the state decided to no longer
fulfill special last meal requests for
death row inmates Brewer had ordered two
chicken-fried steaks with gravy and
onions a triple patty bacon cheeseburger
a cheese omelet a bowl of fried okra
with ketchup 1 pound of barbecued meat 3
fajitas a meatlovers pizza one pint of
Blue Bell ice cream some peanut butter
fudge with crushed nuts and three root
beers is this a meal to die for
Lawrence Russell
apparently thought so however when
Brewer got the order he wasn’t hungry
and reportedly didn’t eat any of it
outraged by this action one state
senator wrote a letter to the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice asking
them to end the practice of last meal
requests and the department complied to
be honest of Osmo to be executed I don’t
think I’d be hungry either
I’m the goal but he ate my last meal
well that’s the worst thing that happens
to you today consider yourself lucky
number three states are scrambling to
find new ways to kill inmates seem like
white folk ain’t never had a bright idea
needed hey it’s coming up with all cans
way to kill yours and by new ways we
actually mean going back to old ways in
2011 an embargo from the European Union
prevented drug companies from getting
key ingredients for lethal injections to
the US as a result various states have
passed laws to use old discarded methods
of execution as backup in case they no
longer have access to the drugs Utah has
brought back firing squads which were
previously optional for prisoners
Tennessee is using the electric chair as
their backup and Oklahoma decided on the
gas chamber now if approved Oklahoma
could become the first state to use
nitrogen to execute inmates Oklahoma has
also decided to experiment with a new
drug for lethal injections my docile am
which has resulted in excruciating
deaths in Ohio and Arizona but was
upheld by the Supreme Court in 2015
number two experts doubt it deters
murder it’s the only way we can be sure
that they will not kill again according
to a study published by the University
of Colorado in 2009 88% of the top
criminologists in the United States
surveyed said they don’t believe the
death penalty is an effective deterrent
to murder and you know are just as
stupid as these guys who think capital
punishments gonna be a deterrent for
drug kingpins in fact 75% of the same
criminologists believe that the death
penalty serves as a distraction
preventing state legislature and
Congress from enacting real solutions
those numbers aren’t convincing enough a
2012 report by the National Research
Council looked at more than 30 years of
data and concluded that studies which
claimed that the death penalty was a
deterrent to crime were based on flawed
methodology and should not be considered
when determining policy call me Shanna
medal but I’d rather shame fry the
report concluded that these studies are
unreliable since they fail to take into
account key information such as non
capital punishment options so the model
of capital punishment as a deterrent
isn’t credible as if drug kingpins
didn’t live their day-to-day lives under
the possibility of execution number one
in California it’s more expensive than
life in prison justice doesn’t come
cheap a 2011 study published in the
Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review found
that since California reinstated the
death penalty in 1978 the state’s
taxpayers have spent approximately four
billion dollars to kill a total of 13
prisoners which comes out to about 308
million for each execution the author’s
broke down that 1.9 4 billion went to
their trial costs 925 million dollars
went to automatic and state appeals 775
million dollars went to federal appeals
and 1 billion dollars went to the actual
incarceration of the inmates that’s
obviously a lot of money but what’s even
more astounding is that it would
actually be less expensive to give a
lifetime sentence to prisoners instead
of the death penalty the same study
found that a death penalty prosecution
costs up to 20 times as much as a life
without parole case so what do you think
this capital punishment and effective
policy are you really allowed to execute
people at a local jail from this point
on no talking
for more cost-effective top tens and no
chance of parole top fives published
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