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Top 5 DayZ Playthroughs – Let’s Play Countdown

welcome to paon where we
count down our favorite let’s play
videos in a specific category today I
thought we’d sit down and talk about
Daisy that delightful little human
nature simulator about murdering some
zombies but mostly other people let’s
have a look number 5 Daisy psychopath
series channel normal difficulty tell me
have you ever been chased to the ends of
the earth by a psychopath because if you
haven’t been watching Matt from normal
difficulty flee for his life is
definitely an educational experience
where are you psycho on me
it started simply enough Matt was just
running about in a live stream of Daisy
minding his own business when out of the
blue a player named party pom sir began
shouting like he’d been set on fire and
making some really strange threats then
the threats turned into an outright
chase with Matt begging for help all
this bizarre murderous man refused to
stop chasing him help me please help me
please help me
it all seems sort of like a flu a
one-time incident that couldn’t possibly
repeat itself and yet what we have here
is a string of chance encounters that
escalated so fast party pom sir is
plain and simple he never gives up
trying to kill Matt and he even gets a
bit devious in how he starts luring Matt
into traps hey I got a truck coming you
my friend stole party copters truck that
sounds like party pumps are actually
trying to make a different voice I don’t
trust you you killed me before hey that
really makes you want to do that was a
QE this isn’t an elaborate series or a
particularly long one but
definitely shows how morbidly funny the
world of Daisy can be 15 yeah number 4
getting kidnapped and tortured channel
the syndicate project wait until my
friends get here my pins gonna give up
get nap torture human indecency I think
we can all agree that those things on
their own are absolutely horrible but
when it’s in a video game and it’s
played for laughs I think it’s safe to
have a few juggles hey you need to tell
your friends the backup for you here
gonna adapt I I don’t have any friends
if you’re like us and you appreciate
pitch black comedy and this is the
playthrough for you the player here
Alfie gets himself into quite a spot of
trouble another player ties him up and
then starts doing weird things to it
like stripping him naked and shooting
him in the dip twice wait what did you
shoot me
why are you shooting me today but it
doesn’t stop there folks Alfie does
manage to escape and naturally runs into
the nearby forest like a bat out of hell
what follows here is a tense game of
cat-and-mouse with Alfie seeking cover
as the other player keeps hunting after
him I did hold out hope that Alfie would
escape but I did laughs when those hopes
were squashed right around the time his
legs break go on my friend run run
number three a cannibal experiment
channel jam-jar come on please you don’t
have to do this shut up
and here I was thinking that the
apocalypse brought out the best in
people but nope it turns out that under
the right circumstances we can be
convinced to do just about anything
without your buddy
kinda yeah kind of anyway right from the
first episode there’s a certain
creepiness hanging in the air that may
have something to do with jam-jar whose
name in the video is quite literally not
in port
conducting an experiment can’t other
players be manipulated into becoming
murderous cannibals what choice will
they take to kill the crazy friend they
just made eat not important tracks down
player after player stalks them into
coming back to his camp and then
commands them to kill a prisoner for
meat do it wait I’m sorry out of Boy
blankets we’re hungry out here
no cutaways no fancy editing techniques
just unsettling conversations that often
billed towards violence kind of like a
Tarantino movie it was you or him
blankets your buddy gonna tell yourself
third night on the swine and yet it’s
hard not to be fascinated by the cycle
at play here
two of the three players not important
brings back willingly go along with
becoming cannibals they don’t offer up
much in the way of resistance and they
themselves become prisoners to be killed
so it was all the more fun when that
last player breaks the cycle and it
makes for a rather abrupt but fitting
number two mr. moon flesh of my flesh
dayz standalone channel mr. moon he has
the perfect amount of gain from what
I’ve seen a lot of players like to just
dive into dayz and start to mess with
other players in fact it seems that’s
what most people do flesh of my flesh
kicks off with a grisly scene where moon
and his friends have captured a cannibal
tied him up and promptly kill him but I
have to imagine that the phrase the
punishment fits the crime must’ve
crossed their minds at some point once
coming to save you then the video really
gets going mr. moon and company have a
lot of fun playing all kinds of roles as
the situation demands sometimes they’re
just likable survivors looking for a
home and sometimes they’re ruthless
killers on the prowl go ahead and get in
the cell for me and I will be right
behind you need a friend Jenny who’s the
one with a loaded gun here the videos
events never feel slow or overly
indulgent particularly when the action
gets going and the bodies start dropping
in that ending man if that doesn’t give
you chills
tell you want to be on it just so you
know we’re gonna eat you in front of
your new girlfriend here so have a nice
number one ARMA 3 dayz exile Channel
Frankie on PC in 1080p assume of the
problem is what can tell you what the
problem is thanks
ever since ARMA 3 was released players
were eager to see what the dayz mod
would look like up in this new engine
well apparently Frankie on PC and 1080p
was just as curious what with him
literally diving into the dayz exile mod
headfirst let me explain the first video
starts off with a halo jump which isn’t
just a nice flourish on Frankie’s part
it’s part of the mod itself it’s
completely thrilling and segues
beautifully into the meat of the video
Franky trying to survive in a land
populated by as many trolls as there are
zombies that’s figurative trolls by the
way that was so that was so danger close
you won’t even believe there’s a
particular apocalyptic feel to this
video probably because he doesn’t
interact with a lot of different players
and spends most of his time exploring
rather than fighting when there is
action it’s short lived but super tense
like when Franky faces down a group of
zombies in a flooded area scan the
houses get out get out
also I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention
the ending
Frankie’s friend gets hurt a zombie
horde is bearing down and Frankie
himself only barely escapes before
explosive charges go off all of that is
already awesome on its own until you
consider that Frankie made his escape on
a speeder bike guess what can yes we do
mean the speeder bike from Return of the
Jedi don’t ask questions just enjoy it
I’m out
so what’s your favorite dayz video and
what other topics would you like to see
us cover here on the let’s play
countdown as always for more great
content published every day be sure to
subscribe to you’re lying
good man Dylan now let’s eat
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