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Top 10 WTF Characters in Fighting Games

it’s like for every 5x bit martial
artists there’s one anthropomorphic
jumping bean or boxing velociraptor
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
what the characters in fighting games
I am overflowing with charisma saying
before we begin we publish new content
every day so be sure to subscribe to our
Channel and ring the bell to get
notified about our latest videos for
this list we’re looking at the most
bizarre characters across fighting games
trusters there were a lot of characters
for us to consider maybe too many than
there should be desorber number 10
Megaman Street Fighter cross Tekken I
know we’d always be down to see Megaman
in a fighting game but this was not what
we had in mind rather than stick with
the blue bombers original design or any
other design for that matter street
fighter cross tekken chose the boxart
vision of Megaman and oh boy he’s seen
better days we understand this was
referencing the original bucks arts but
Megaman with a dad bod was something we
could go through life without seeing at
least we got to see our robot buddy in
his classic appearance when he made his
way to Smash Bros no time to relax
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to the list number 9 hack on Street
Fighter series have you ever looked at
the Street Fighter roster and thoughts
where’s the love for oil wrestling enter
her conne whose passion for oil
wrestling isn’t the primary reason he’s
on this list just take a look at him
he’s practically a walking block that
glistens in the light with his cotton
candy blue hair at least the man hasn’t
missed a single leg day by the looks of
it we thought blanca and birdy were the
widows of the cast but her con sense of
style looks like he couldn’t decide
between a night at the local fair o God
of War step on my way to becoming the
oil number 8 Roger and Roger jr. Tekken
second is no stranger to having bizarre
characters on its roster seriously we’re
talking about a franchise that has at
bears mannequins and a cartoon dinosaur
as playable characters of them all Roger
has to be the absolute strangest it’s
not because he’s a boxing kangaroo which
isn’t a new concept but because he’s
just kind of there Rogers story doesn’t
go further beyond being a genetic
experiment of the Mishima Zaibatsu
eventually he raises her family teaches
Roger jr. how to fight is caught in an
affair and wait isn’t this Siri supposed
to be about hey Hachi
Kazuya and Jin having family issues and
throwing each other off cliffs or
number seven Phoenix writes Ultimate
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 looks like I won the
case Meyer in a game filled with
superhumans mystical creatures and
expert martial artists the last person
we’d expect to see in a pine like this
would be a lawyer when glancing over the
cast if Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Phoenix Wright sticks out like bird poo
on a sports car how could a character
like the Ace Attorney face off against
powerful forces like Ghost Rider Strider
and nemesis t-type well apparently all
Phoenix has to do is point is finger
make accusations and prison evidence
surprisingly this type of moveset leads
to the funniest hyper combo in the game
Mortal Kombat has seen quite a number of
strange characters join the roster does
anyone remember meet however mocap is
the fighter that made us ask he’s
nothing more than a motion capture
artist who is trying to find his way
back to earth realm that seeds the guy
doesn’t even have his own fatalities
like man Johnny Cage is the only show
business dude who’s integral to the
Mortal Kombat story if you aren’t
bringing anything special to the table
play your own set of moves or playing an
important role in the plot and why are
you even here
means flawless victory number five baby
Bonnie Hood Darkstalkers series with
characters like a half-naked cat lady
and Australian zombie and a cosmic being
made of fire
you’d think a series like Darkstalkers
couldn’t get any weirder well get a load
of baby Bonnie hood who is basically red
running hood with a bloodthirsty killer
personality and an affinity for Ozzy’s
next to the rest of the cast bebe hood
looks like the black sheep with her
innocent appearance with the other
fighters following a more consistent
color scheme and art style hey if it’s
extremely outrageous it must belong in
Darkstalkers right number four fred
durst fight club everyone knows that the
first rule of Fight Club is to never
talk about Fight Club but does anyone
remember what rule 2 is anyone that’s
always make sure fred durst is at Fight
Club wait what hey we’re just as
surprised as you are
what in the world is the lead singer of
Limp Bizkit doing in a game based off
Fight Club we suppose it makes sense
since dist reference the movie and
living it up still it’s odd that the
reference would warrant a guest
appearance but then again we’ve seen
speaking of celebrities
why does Shaquille O’Neal have his own
fighting game sorry but we’re having a
really hard time believing somebody like
Shaq is some badass martial artist who
can flip through the air and land
roundhouse kicks
that’s like imagining Michael Jordan and
Blake Griffin hanging out with the
Looney Tunes that way that actually
happened reputation aside is just
something odd about watching martial
artists getting their butts handed to
them by a dude in a basketball uniform
although it couldn’t be any less
embarrassing than being the star of two
number two mr. Game & Watch Super Smash
Bros series don’t get us wrong we enjoy
playing as mr. Game & Watch but we have
to admit he looks a little out of place
in the roster even when standing next to
cartoony characters like Mario or
detailed fighters like spank
mr. Gaiman watches incredibly basic
design and two-dimensional appearance
make him the strangest of the Smash Bros
cast on top of that his moveset is a
little and Orthodox in comparison to the
other fighters bugspray
a judge’s hammer a steaming bucket of
oil doesn’t matter what he uses we’re
number one Hornets fighters megamix
of any fighting game to ever exist
fighters megamix takes the ground for
having the weirdest roster on top of
characters like being the dynamite rent
a hero and mr. meat fighters megamix has
the glorious guest fighter Hornet from
Daytona USA no it doesn’t just speed
through opponents and do doughnuts
Warner actually uses its tires to punch
and kick after taking enough damage
Hornet losses its hood and changes
fighting styles why is a sentient car
even in this game we suppose it didn’t
want to end up like the street fire cars
but we won’t hesitate to make that
bring it you live in peace a junk do you
agree with our pigs check out these
other great clips from WatchMojo and be
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