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Top 10 Worst Video Game Titles of All Time

if the government can make it illegal
for parents to name their kids after
household appliances and superheroes
surely they could have intervened here
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
ten worst video game titles for this
list we’re only looking at games that
received an official console mobile or
PC release because there were so many
bad titles out there we’re mostly
looking at the titles that are redundant
impossible to say or so hilarious you
wondered who the hell approved it number
10 vvvvvv you only get one chance to
make a first impression
so obviously developers carefully
consider all their potential titles an
alternative approach would be oh look
the V on my keyboard is sticking and it
just wrote the same letter six times
well why mess with a good thing let’s
just call it V V V V and never look back
it’s technically a retro-style 2d
platformer and the title actually comes
from the repeating v-shaped spikes that
you have to avoid we get the idea it’s a
playful nod to the simple streamlined
aesthetic of the game but that’s like
calling Donkey Kong barrels or vvv vvv
vvv this game is actually kind of good
albeit very tough
the only thing tougher than being the
game is actually pronouncing the title
though number 9 Kingdom Hearts 3 5 8
days over – is this a video game title
or a fourth graders math problem Kingdom
Hearts 3 5 8 days over – the games
advertisements show the proper way to
say it as you heard earlier except the
word days is clearly written after the
number 2 so if you were a casual
consumer who happened to see this box
art you probably think the title was 358
over 2 days today makes 255 what’s that
about it’s been that many days within
the game spoiler alert it’s revealed
that Roxas quit organization 13 in the
middle of his 359 day with them but then
why not just use 359 days or better yet
come up with a good title how about that
I have to know you can’t turn on the
organization you get on their bad side
and they’ll destroy you no one would
miss me number 8 Metal Gear Rising 3
we cannot stress this enough just
because you can run two words together
to create a new hybrid word doesn’t mean
that you should means the DNA of the
sole sex perience expectation sword Worf
actually that last one could work great
as a death metal band name but that’s
not really the point now there’s a
pretty mean exquisite revenge and
vengeance are already pretty much the
same word I will have my revenge
vengeance is mine see synonyms maybe we
expect too much from Metal Gear
franchise whose overall excellence is
only surpassed by the generally poor
naming of both their games sand
characters I mean the words Metal Gear
and solid don’t exactly mesh well
together but when we also have the
subtitles like ground zeroes you gotta
draw the line somewhere nice right but
it won’t do any good to get the pickup
day off fiber lucky all right number
seven Peter Jackson’s King Kong
the official game of the movie the
island of the skull what a place to
shoot a picture this roof is gonna make
so much money
hey did you know that this name is about
King Kong or that it’s an official game
but like based on the movie oh and then
that movie is directed by Peter Jackson
stick with me maybe get Murray right
apart from King Kong none of this
information is needed in the title of
the video game most individuals would
have managed to make those connections
themselves given that it was released
around the same time as the film and
feature pretty much the same art and
even if they didn’t make that connection
and for some reason they cared about it
the introductory paragraph on the game’s
Wikipedia page would have probably
covered that
another one down movie tallien games are
rarely well-received so maybe don’t draw
attention to that fact with the world’s
clunkiest title we’ve got to get out of
this nightmare
number 6 infinite undiscovered
more often than not poorly titled games
fit into one of a few common cliche
naming strategies in the case of this
Xbox 360 release it falls into the
overly convoluted cliche shut up you’re
a warrior ain’t you have some pride
first glance it looks like a potentially
sophisticated title but the veneer of
big words wears off almost instantly
sorry to disappoint you
what does infinite undiscovered really
mean infinite essentially means endless
going on forever undiscovered which is
not a real word give it the sense of
past discoveries being forgotten or
simply failing to be discovered at all
so basically the title suggests that it
consists of endless nothingness okay in
reality this is a forgettable RPG with
an unforgettably bad title huh sounds
like a good guy just follow me
number five wild woody now that one’s
got potential wake up pal you owe me got
you had to expect at least one sexually
suggestive title on this list am i right
and the names not pencil-neck
it’s what a picture this you’ve created
a mascot platformer that’s designed to
be sold to kids now in an era where most
parents would have made the purchase for
their kids how many would have purchased
a game for their kid that sounds like a
porn movie another possession fetch why
while not quite as raunchy as tracy
morgan’s gore gasm The Legend of dongs
layer wild woody released for Sega CD in
1995 must have raised a few eyebrows I
mean you kind of expect the opening
cutscene to feature a muscular plumber
or a pizza delivery guy stumbling into a
bachelorette party the title character
woody is in fact not an actor in the
adult entertainment industry but he is
still vaguely phallus shaped as he is a
pencil a really creepy pencil yep
there’s good reason no one remembers
this one lianna Jeff oh boy it’s time to
start sketching yeah
number four divine divinity divine a
word so nice that used it twice
honestly the title is so bad it breaks
all conventions cliches or trappings of
badly title video games
who in their right mind gave the okay
for this one Donna a nice Michigan ol
divinity is literally defined in the
dictionary as the state or quality of
being divine so putting the adjective
divine in front of divinity could not
possibly be more redundant put them
quieter but I’d skyrocket Donna so it’s
not like naming a flavor of ice cream
double chocolate in which case you add
chocolate chunks to chocolate ice cream
that’s doubling the chocolate
no no divinity is already as divine as
it’s gonna get you can’t possibly be
more divine anyway you get this right
John do this John do that I swear this
is a last bloody time I do their dirty
work number three touch dick that’s
really what it says bad a touch dick
admittedly this is more of utility than
an actual game but when you develop
something for the Nintendo DS and give
it a side-splitting laugh out loud no
seriously who got fired over this title
you’ve earned a spot on our list touch
dick is short for touch dictionary and
it is also the most misguided
abbreviation in the history of consumer
goods pair this poorly titled product
with say a fox news report about the
potential for child molesters to use the
Nintendo DS to target victims and you
get a match made in public relations
hell Nintendo DS is going to redefine
portable handheld gaming the way iPod is
redefining music well stop confusing
because it’s also redefining how
vulnerable your kids are to child
molesters number two Zek C’s or Zechs
Azores X’s Azure six eases your guess is
as good as mine viewers
here’s a tip if your video game is about
a dystopian world that’s been ravaged by
nuclear fallout and one of the only
remaining vestiges of human civilization
are the island nations that the game’s
hero must save don’t blow it by giving
the game and islands a name that no one
can pronounce
sike ZZZ released in 1990 for the NES
it’s honestly a pretty fun mixed
platformer shooter with the good story
but with a name like sex wise it we’d
rather let the alien robots destroy it
because humanity’s lost already
before we unveil our top pick here are a
few honorable mentions
me fail English that’s unpassable
okay so our pick for the worst title is
get ready for this one
number one roughly translates to
summertime high school a young man’s
notes how a new exchange student like
myself ran into his childhood friend on
the school tour then for some reason
became super popular with the girls for
his daily scoops on the school
photography club even though he only
takes panty shots and what he thinks is
he goes on dates during his summer of
island school life just rolls off the
tongue doesn’t it
do you agree with our list oh shit is
that a mean what’s the worst video game
title you’ve ever seen for more
memorable top 10s published every day be
sure to subscribe to hope
you got insurance baby looks like a
total loss who’s next on the hit parade
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