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Top 10 WORST Pokémon Games

remember all those Pokemon games that
weren’t part of your happy childhood
of course you don’t because they’re lame
I’m Ricky with WatchMojo and today we’ll
be looking at the top 10 worst Pokemon
games these Pokemon titles are the
biggest offenders when it comes to
broken buggy and just plain boring
experiences none of these games were the
best like no game ever was and we’re
sorry if you liked them
but they’re bad they’re just bad games
number 10 my Pokemon ranch my Pokemon
ranch serves as nothing more than an
interactive storage box for you to
transfer Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl
you watch your Mii interact with your
Pokemon or visit your friends ranches
the whole point was to help fill out the
Pokedex quicker for the aforementioned
games but if you don’t own diamond or
pearl you’re going to spend a lot of
time grinding as you only get one new
Pokemon per day there’s really not much
here and the fact that this cost about
number nine Pokemon Rumble blast the
Pokemon Rumble games aren’t exactly
terrible but they certainly aren’t for
everybody let alone hardcore Pokemon
it’s an action beat-em-up series that
features basic combat and simple
controls however blast is proof that
that spin-off series is quickly becoming
tiresome the combat is incredibly
tedious and despite having tons of
Pokemon to collect there still isn’t
enough content to keep us busy all you
do is enter a level bring the smack down
and repeat with the series only being
two years old at this point it was
disappointing to see a promising
spin-off not even try to be innovative
with its design number eight pokedex 3d
pro ambipom we understand that this is
something you can get for free but
pokedex 3d probe quickly became nothing
more than a waste of storage space all
you do is scroll through a catalog of
Pokemon look at 3d models and read facts
and stats about them that’s it and it
feels like there was a lot of wasted
potential here it would have been
awesome to see simulated battles between
certain Pokemon to educate players on
how different Pokemon can be effective
in battle instead it just wanted to show
off the smooth renders of the little
monsters if you’ve downloaded it before
you’ve already most likely forgot about
happy knee number 7 Pokemon Rumble you
two years after the mediocre Pokemon
Rumble blast the Wii U was graced with
the appealing presence of Pokemon Rumble
you once again we were left with
entering a level bringing the smack down
and repeating the process while this
would be the first game to utilize the
we use NFC component there wasn’t really
a point in buying them as they would
simply give you whatever Pokemon you
bought it proved to be just as tedious
as the last game boring beyond all
reason and utterly forgettable number
six pokémon battle revolution the
pokemon stadium games as well as
Coliseum and Gale of Darkness
demonstrated that the franchise can
deliver stellar experiences on home
consoles just as it can on handhelds
so when pokemon battle revolution
released on the Wii it was a tremendous
letdown the game lacked a story mode and
the visuals were severely unimpressive
what made things more confusing was how
battle revolution tried to heavily
incorporate connectivity with pokemon
diamond and pearl so if you didn’t have
a DS or either of those games you
weren’t left with a lot of content this
wouldn’t be the only overpriced Pokemon
number five Pokemon – a Pokemon racing
game sounds great on paper but the one
time the franchise attempted it the game
tripped and fell flat on its face the
game’s first strike is that it’s a
racing game where you can only play as
despite the franchise’s vast cast the
second strike is it’s terrible
touchscreen only control scheme that
shows just how messy the races truly are
you’ll frequently find yourself
wondering where the next checkpoint is
in the race only to end up losing your
lead a few moments later the experience
quickly becomes frustrating and soon
enough you’ll just end up quitting in
hindsight we would have settled for
another kart racer number for Pokemon
dream radar
in Pokemon dream radar players use the
3d SS camera to break apart dream clouds
in order to find in capture Pokemon yeah
even by Pokemon standards this concept
doesn’t make much sense
zap clouds so you can zap Pokemon
ignoring the bizarre idea dream radar
isn’t just a bad Pokemon game it’s one
of the worst 3ds titles to date even for
$3 it isn’t worth the amount of boredom
and fatigue that quickly sets in besides
there’s already an augmented reality
game that came with your 3ds for free
face Raiders remember number 3 Pokemon
shuffle the Pokemon franchise has seen
some decent puzzle games however this
free-to-play title is not one of them
players must match at least 3 Pokemon to
pull off various combos and increase
their score and capture Pokemon
unfortunately you’ll quickly feel
cheated out of moves and its reliance on
microtransactions and wait timers makes
the game irritating levels quickly
become difficult and you’ll end up
having to grind for more experienced
points early on it’s tedious it’s boring
and it does almost nothing to set itself
apart from other match-three puzzle
games number 2 Hey You Pikachu one of
the selling points of Hey You Pikachu
was that you could talk to Pikachu if
only it was as enjoyable as it sounds
using the microphone package with the
game players must command Pikachu to do
different things such as fishing or
collecting food or yelling obscenities
at your screen because the yellow rat
won’t listen yes the game’s main
attraction is its biggest flaw if you
somehow manage to beat the game and you
must be a very patient person for doing
so you’re special reward is an extensive
cutscene of Pikachu just wandering
around what a monumental waste of time
number one Pokemon channel can we even
call this a game Pokemon channel isn’t
what you may think it is no you’re not
running your own TV network for Pokemon
and it’s not even an adventure game your
job is to sit there and watch TV with
Pikachu and nothing else
you can watch episodes of the anime or
some of the awkward skits like Meowth
doing news reports and slow pokes
weather forecasts
there’s just nothing for players to do
which makes it so hard to justify it’s a
$50 price tag
seriously it’s baffling do you agree
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