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Top 10 Worst Heroes in Video Games

protagonists are not these certainly
aren’t your typical knights in shining
armour completely useless
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
10 worst heroes in video games it
doesn’t matter what you think here I am
for this list we’ll be looking at the
characters who are supposed to be the
heroes and the guys were supposed to get
behind but either because of
questionable motives are just plain
annoyances are really dull to support I
should take responsibility we’re
sticking to only playable characters so
breathe a sigh of relief goofy and
slippy number 10 Drake Drake of the 99
dragons nothing can stop me now
a true assassin fears not even their own
mortality especially when they’re pretty
much dead anyways
obviously the undying dragon does not
protect him from his stupidity the
premiere assassin of Hong Kong’s
ninety-nine dragons clan fails to
convince players of his badass persona
pretty much from the start of the game
on a quest to avenge the Fallen members
of his clan thinking he’d attained
immortality he immediately kills himself
and even after death it’s all just
downhill from there
with a whole host of towers to a Drake
in his vengeful mission it becomes
increasingly apparent that it’s all
there to help hide from the characters
less than abundant development these
guns are the eight of the gods
I’ll reclaim the artifact in no time
number nine ridin Metal Gear Solid 2
when it comes to saving the world from
nuclear warfare fans of this franchise
expect no substitutes
why Olga asked me to give it to you
besides I’m not a big fan of blades to
be fair right it’s public appeal was
pretty much doomed from the beginning
after he surprisingly took the center
stage of this second installment
everything we loved about the titular
solid snake was absent in the unseasoned
Foxhound agent as along with his
inexperience he was annoyingly
indecisive and lacked basic leadership
skills I felt overwhelmed add in his
obscenely complicated backstory and you
got yourself wondering why you couldn’t
have just played through the game as the
real hero also he slips on seagull poo
successor to snake my butt number 8
booger man booger man a pick and flick
adventure it’s not every day a video
game hero completely grosses you out
local millionaire snotty Ragsdale
assumes the role of quite possibly the
most unhygenic superhero in an attempt
to secure the stolen power source of a
pollution cleaning machine evildoers
beware as booger man possesses the power
to repulse you with his mucus or
flatulence based attacks everyone needs
a hero once in a while but nobody needs
a hero like booger man number 9 Vincent
Brooks Catherine what the hell’s going
on here
here’s an idea we’ll make a character
with severe anxiety problems who’s also
unhappy with nearly every facet of his
life we’ve heard of making videogames
relatable but come on were you even
listening uh sure
Vincent Brooks aimlessly travels through
the whole length of the game with no
solid grip on his reality as he is
either attempting to appease his
girlfriend Katherine with a k’ who
relentlessly needs him to commit or
being manipulated by the mysterious
vixen Katherine with a c’ who is also a
succubus if you don’t answer me I’ll
kill you the biggest issue with Vincent
is that it would have been really easy
for him to tell the evil Kathryn that he
has a girlfriend and get out of the
chaotic love triangle but he just keeps
digging himself deeper every time he’s
with her
number six Lester Lester the unlikely
throw out all the tropes of a hero being
strong courageous or empowering and
welcome this horribly awkward character
after becoming stranded on a deserted
island following a series of very
unfortunate events players are given the
task of navigating through the foreign
terrain with the most cowardly and
uncoordinated video game character ever
Lester shivers when he’s scared runs
away of small creatures look at him
bunny and is just as likely to meet
demise by his own head then from a
hostile enemy chances of survival or fun
are both highly unlikely number 5
reboot Dante DMC Devil May Cry a million
years ever heard of a saying if it ain’t
broke don’t fix it yeah well the
developers at Capcom sure didn’t as
against fans wishes they decided to
reboot one of their most popular action
franchise characters I don’t remember
you will the cocky charismatic and
all-around badass protagonist that we
all came to know and love was soon
replaced by his angsty teenager
alter-ego Dante it really is you the
rebooted attempt of Dante not only got
rid of most of the character’s signature
design quite literally but also came off
as really forced and made the new hero
completely unlikable that’s what this is
you need me to fight the demons help you
save the world what else were you
planning on doing with your life number
lightning Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 13s whole party are so
unlikable that they could have easily
taken up half the slots on this list
still since we have to pick one
character to carry the mantle it easily
goes to the lead gal lightning it’s over
open your eyes and face reality
lightnings personality is anything but
electrifying and takes the standoffish
complex a bit too literally cover your
huh throughout the better half of the
game lightning is solely fixed on the
well-being of herself and her younger
sister and fails to be the adhesive that
Bond’s her team together
sweet dreams she’s not sleeping even
going so far as to pick fights with
other team members at the slightest
questioning it’s over you’re a regular
Angel of Death like number three eight
in Pierce watchdogs I wouldn’t know
where to begin no one likes a hacker and
after playing this game you might
realize why give me a reason to trust
you Aiden operates as a serious antihero
with an even more serious hero complex
after tragedy befalls him Aiden uses his
smartphone hacking abilities to take
down the oppressive entities at work
disregarding all he harms or even kills
in his path well you’re doing it right
you know it’s not
with his warped ideology Aiden can
pretty much justify any of the heinous
acts he commits against society
oftentimes making him more criminal than
the ones he opposes he also displays
little to no personality giving the
player the impression of controlling a
machine rather than a man who would pay
for something like that
number two bubsy the Bobcat bubsy the
Bobcat series y’all wrong
you’re really gonna need more than nine
lives to get through this cat game
especially when he can die really really
easily for an overly optimistic Bobcat
bubsy is quite the unfortunate feline
he’s highly susceptible to damage and
will often go down after just one hit
Bugsy’s high jumping and colliding
ability do little to help him evade such
perils and ultimately create more
frustration for the player why I’ll tell
you why I am Bray what makes this
character completely intolerable is his
tendency to mock the player periodically
after a number of fails hey even his
voice actor Rob Paulsen is not a fan oh
my god loved in the Bobcat best thing
about that show was the checks clear
before we unveil our top pick here are a
few dishonorable mentions tell me how
did you survive I don’t know
I don’t even have a pass to lose but
I’ve still decided that I’m me Claire
they just want the way okay we’re gonna
get out of here
can’t do it sorry why not a lot of
reasons first is I hate to fly and last
I heard Hong Kong’s not all that
drivable number one big the cat sonic
adventures whoa not all heroes are
stationed on the front lines as some
prefer to work behind the scenes big the
cat was never found in either as his
only purpose throughout the game
revolved around fishing for his pet frog
who keeps running away from him the
reason for this character’s inclusion in
the game is still a complete mystery
as his dim-witted behavior does nothing
but slow the game down
his overweight nature makes him mature
to control his irritating voice will
drive you nuts and if all that isn’t
enough to make your rage quit is
insanely frustrating fishing minigame
definitely will do you agree with our
list for the love of all that’s good
who do you think is the worst video game
hero for more scathing top 10s published
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