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Top 10 Ways To Fix Sea of Thieves

the game has a solid foundation but

there’s a lot to be improved

welcome to and today we’re

counting down our picks for the top 10

ways rare can fix sea of thieves before

we begin we publish new content every

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then you should know that I’ve already

given my somewhat lukewarm thoughts on

the game but if you need a refresher

this is what I said sure you can become

a legendary pirate with some legendary

looking gear that’s definitely one

incentive but you still really gotta

love the boat stuff if you want to have

a good time so you gotta ask

do you like the boat stuff anyway for

this list we’re looking at some missed

potential and possible solutions that

could turn sea of thieves into the

fantastic game it could be because rare

has recently stated that they are

listening to the community for feedback

on how to improve the game if any of

these changes have already been

implemented by the time you’re watching

number ten

show the damn Kraken alright let’s just

get this one out of the way the Kraken

is supposed to be one of the most

intense fights in the game after all

this is a monstrous vicious squid we’re

dealing with unfortunately our immersion

with the world is a bit broken when

everyone is fighting a group of

disembodied tentacles rare says to think

of the Kraken as a force of nature

instead of a boss but when we can

actually see where the tentacles end it

just kind of looks like they didn’t come

up with an actual design it might be

best to actually make it a boss but make

it a rare boss fight whatever you do you

just got to make the crack and feel a

bit more special and let players

number nine catch the hackers why are we

doing it hello can you freakin believe

it with only a couple months into the

game and see if thieves is already

littered with hackers

there’s not even any reason to hack in

this game yeah there’s like a PvP

element but the stakes are so low why

are you even bothering just so you can

get more treasure chests I mean there’s

nothing to buy it but cosmetic stuff

you’re just basically cheating for the

sake of cheating if there’s anything

that some titles have proven it’s that a

cheater littered game can’t really live

very long seriously rare don’t lose

players because of this come on number

eight different loadouts and player

roles this is one of the most confusing

design choices we understand that the

goal was to keep everyone on the same

playing field but as nice as that sounds

it’s only an idea that sounds good on

paper when it’s executed it means the

game can get kind of boring at times if

see if these was introduced loadouts

or character classes it would be a

tremendous service to the game’s

lifespan after all items and characters

with different statistics help serve

different playstyles while encouraging

players to build new strategies maybe

one character can load cannons faster

while another can spawn enemy ships from

a greater distance

we’re only spitballing here but see if

number seven add some narrative hello

good luck and goodbye one motto that the

game is thrown around a lot is that

players create their own stories here

that’s a cool philosophy but it’s no

excuse to not let us experience other

stories – how about you create a series

of quests where we encounter different

memorable characters in fact rare you

guys already have a noteworthy pirate

that’s worth incorporating remember

captain black I the sorrow drowning

pirate from banjo-tooie maybe see if

thieves can finally be the return to

glory he was dreaming about before his

original game was canceled see now we

have a classic rare where fourth-wall

breaking concept to get started with you

see if Deeb’s is primarily a cooperative

multiplayer experience unfortunately not

everyone has friends to play games like

this with and searching for strangers

online can fuck that can get you added

in the brick of course there are some

players who just want to play by

themselves while you’re totally able to

play the game by yourself the game

quickly becomes kinda boring on your

lone little schooner you also have to do

everything on the ship by yourself which

can get overwhelming and if you can get

frustrating when a team of players spots

you and just takes all your shit it

might benefit solo players to give them

either a crew of bots or just put them

number five fixed the brick we get that

rare is trying to give us complete

pirate experiences here and adding a

brig seems pretty necessary however this

does not necessarily mean it is a good

game design choice especially when

players can throw each other into the

brig for basically no reason what’s

worse is that the only way out is if

other players vote for your freedom but

you’re better off just quitting the game

and joining another server we understand

that this was put in to punish griefers

but it also just opens up the door for

incessant teasing why not utilize this

as an interrogation tool something like

how you kidnap important characters to

help you find valuable artifacts that

number four more enemies in between the

battles with hackers and disembodied

tentacles sieve thieves is kind of

lacking in the combat Department if the

game throws an enemy at you

chances are you fought that thing like a

dozen times before at some point

skeletons snakes and sharks become kind

of a cinch

we know that pirates both fictional and

historical faced many other dangers

aside from those just looking how

Pirates of the Caribbean got creative

with fire anthology also we wouldn’t

mind if ran through in some original

enemy designs of their own just I can

say you know any of their previous games

a few variations of the same skeleton

really is not cutting it number three

as much as we like keeping our ships

spic and span we’d like to make a

kick-ass ship with our crew – this kind

of goes back to what we were saying

about keeping players on the same level

it sounds like a good idea but in

practice it’s not don’t get us wrong the

ship battles are exciting for sure

however because everyone technically has

the same ship aside from cosmetics

everything gets stale kind of quick if

we were able to alter our ships

performance stats it would make the

fights more exciting either that or just

make more ship models that we could

purchase with our fat stacks of gold

number two more stuff to buy with gold

we’ve heard the phrase you got money to

burn but see if thieves often gives you

more gold than you know what to do with

our only options are cosmetic items for

pirates and weapons I mean which sword

looks prettier which blunderbuss is

shinier does this I of reach match my

eyes come on give us a reason to buy

this stuff other than the fact that it’s

shiny like let us barter with NPCs to

buy better ships let us buy weapons with

different statistics geez I never

thought I’d see the day where we were

complaining about too much in-game

number one more quest variety okay so

you got three things to do in this game

catch animals kill skeletons find

treasure that is it repetition sets in

super fast

we know Pirates do more than just hunt

for booty right booty anyway many of the

other entries on this list could quickly

solve this problem rare if you’re really

going to encourage players to create

their own legacy you need to give them

something design quests that tell

stories create characters that can go on

adventures with us you could even have

quests end in different ways to add more

variety given the game’s current state

there’s not much reason for us to come

back for another adventure since we’ve

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