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Top 10 Ways That Denzel Washington Can Kill You

King Kong ain’t got shit on me he’s all
about the preparation and precision with
a little creativity thrown in for good
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
ways that Denzel Washington can kill you
for this list we’re exploring the vast
filmography of Denzel Washington and
looking at his most jaw-dropping moments
of murderous mayhem
we will be talking about key deaths in
certain films however so this is your
spoiler alert Oh walk away cuz I’m a
burn this mother down number 10 he can
throw the book at you
is it just you or we waiting for someone
else how do you think Denzel Washington
will spend his retirement we figure
he’ll be that quiet man who spends
quality time reading in diners and
musing on life with whomever happens by
big fish you know he can hang on them I
don’t know even if whomever turns out to
be a teenage sex worker let’s say his
new friend takes a serious beating with
Denzel just keep reading know he’d go
black offs on everybody’s asses
beginning with a hardcover surprised
with his observant nature and
calculating mine he’d wait for the right
opportunity to end this clash with a
nasty book shot to the neck thus turning
the page on this chapter he bears these
instructions I’m gonna kill you
understand number nine he can break your
neck you no good I do don’t I on-screen
Denzel Washington has plenty of unique
ways to silence bad guys and of course
he can talk some game in the movies it
stands to reason that these skills would
translate to real life and on the
streets you need to talk the walk and
walk the walk in this case we assume
walking the walk would involve a classic
case of neck breaking a few well-placed
punches plus one quick twist equals the
sound of crushed bones
this would be a case of Denzel gone
rogue and if his movies are any
indication he’d be able to embrace
timeless kill techniques like this with
disturbing precision but didn’t want to
talk to this number eight he can
corkscrew you over
forget something 16 seconds a lot can
happen in this small amount of time and
after a long career in Hollywood Denzel
is trained to optimize for every moment
so theoretical scenario our man has to
knock on the door of a Russian gangster
does he just brace himself for the worst
no he comes prepared ready to employ any
object at his disposal if it means a
quick kill even a corkscrew in this
stitch then Zell wouldn’t just plunge
the object into the stomach of the
oncoming henchmen he’d go for the double
whammy and get all up in his business
even if he doesn’t manage to take out
all his foes in his estimated 16 seconds
Denzel could still be proud of
efficiently taking down a room of
adversaries solo 2919
number seven he can perform a headshot
in front of everybody
either you somebody a nobody when you’re
watching a movie are you shocked to see
one character take out another character
with a single gunshot to the head didn’t
think so but it would probably at least
give you pause if it happened in real
life especially in broad daylight on a
busy street we assume Denzel would have
to be in a pretty bad mood to terminate
his relationship with a business
associate this way oh do you all do fine
but he’d remained cool and collected
showing no regard for compromise while
demonstrating his alpha male status to
all those brave enough to watch well
shoot me fun everybody this would be
what you call a suit and tie kill a very
public execution accomplished with style
and swagger there you go twenty percent
number six you can use a nail gun when
you play for a rain you got to deal with
the mud – you ever see Denzel Washington
approaching you slowly at night and in
the rain duck especially if he happens
to be palming a nail gun if that’s the
case just assume you’ll be meeting your
maker shortly
bullets knives fists
that stuff’s child’s play a nail gun and
a big one at that is a much more
inventive approach to murder and a guy
like Denzel has been around long enough
to have picked up a few creative ways to
kill that most people have never even
considered before kind of like if he set
up propane and oxygen tanks to explode
in a microwave in theory of course you
everybody wants to know number five he
can display his martial arts skills that
was my cat trying specialty now here’s a
question what would Denzel do in a bar
fight don’t want trouble especially if
he happened to find himself in a
post-apocalyptic neo western wasteland
we will tell you what he’d do he’d shut
it down no sure at first it would seem
like everything’s okay following a brief
scuffle but what if a bunch of roughneck
bikers decided to butt in because why
big mistake we’re out of the ground we
were taken for the dusk we are into the
dust we shall return mr. Washington
would roundhouse their asses faster than
you can say Denzel so fast in fact he
could do it with his eyes closed
of course the monster blade he’s
carrying would come in quite handy at
this point as well and maybe even down
the road hard one number four he can
show off his musical talent if you’re
gonna do something to piss off Denzel
Washington you’d best scan your
surroundings first if you happen to see
a grand piano anywhere nearby right to
keep him happy cuz a guy like Denzel
would not be afraid to bust heads if
he don’t feel shit cuz he coked up all
the muddle in time it could be a
perfectly Pleasant afternoon party all
of his friends could be milling about
but if he sees something he does not
like he could just start pounding away
on your skull with the lid of a piano
yes shocking but creative if I get out
get out number three he can electrocute
and Spike you mister Denzel Washington
is a multi-faceted fighter as we’ve seen
and we feel confident that he take a
firm approach to ensure that bad guys
never escape alive but even a guy like
Denzel could find himself in a
precarious situation meaning some help
could come in handy every now and then
fortunately a buddy like ice-t could
step in for the assist if there’s
trouble ice could electrocute him while
Denzel thinks quickly about his next
move and that move would be the cherry
on this Sunday of a kill
Washington could see to it that his foe
is impaled on a spike through the
stomach yep that’s definitely the nail
in the coffin advantage Denzel you got
the point now don’t you Blake number two
he can impale you with broken glass this
one’s for me since we’re dealing in
hypotheticals let’s get really out there
suppose Denzel comes up against a
virtual reality serial killer aside from
being pretty badass and totally cool
this would present some new problems for
our leading man but it’s nothing he
couldn’t solve with some quick thinking
a pulley and a whole lot of plate glass
of course seeing as this is virtual
reality and all there is the distinct
possibility that even that wouldn’t kill
his enemy girl if that’s the case Denzel
would have to finalize the kill up close
and in person
yep it’s a strange one mojo holux but it
would set a high bar for unforgettable
Denzel kills by destroying CID you’ve
effectively lost any chance you had of
finding the little girl no honorable
mentions this time around so let’s get
straight to number one I think is fast I
don’t think it said you know I don’t
think it said number one he can explode
your ass what a present yes be President
well the name of this entry really says
it all c4 highly explosive nobody wants
to get blown up and certainly not by way
of a suppository bomb in the backside
that’s what you have a new ass but
Denzel Washington ain’t afraid to get
his hands dirty when he needs to scare
someone into giving him some info used
to send a page for the receiver what’s
up you’re buying right now
he ratchet up the tension by not only
describing how one transports drugs via
the rectum but also by actually planting
his own pencil detonator in the backside
of his poor victim I wish you had more
time and let’s just say this man on fire
would be an apt description for this
explosive potential Denzel kill tactic
do you agree with our list why you got
to take something as perfectly good and
mess it up what Denzel Washington kill
method impresses you the most for more
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