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Top 10 Ways Terrorism Has Changed Our Daily Lives

living in fear would give them exactly
what they want welcome to
and today we’re counting down our picks
for the top 10 ways terrorism has
changed our daily lives
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at the ways that terrorism has
altered society on a day-to-day basis
number 10
police militarization policing has
changed there’s 300 million guns in
circulation and there’s tens of millions
of assault rifles that easily penetrate
their police vests and equipment in
recent years many police forces around
the world have gradually become more
militant in their operations and in
their use of high-powered equipment with
the looming threat of terrorism often
serving as a blanket justification
unlike most traditional military attacks
it’s difficult to tell when and where a
terrorist attack will take place leading
many governments to arm their police
forces more heavily in case such an
attack should occur but these
military-grade armaments have also been
used to fight traditional criminals in
some places the police force feels like
a standing army often making those
they’ve sworn to protect feel
intimidated and threatened rather than
safe what do you think I think we’re
gonna blow it up and let the
bleeding-heart liberals ask questions
later number nine we hear more about
attacks at home and abroad
part of this response has seen us arrest
a 23 year old man in connection with the
attack it might seem like we’re living
in an age of unprecedented terrorism but
while there is no denying that the
frequency and severity of terror attacks
make it a scary time to be alive we need
to take our relationship with
contemporary media into account as well
it’s not only security that’s become
more sensitive but the news industry too
prior to the 21st century terrorism was
covered in the media but not to the
degree it is today anything related to
terrorism whether domestic or overseas
is now considered newsworthy these
stories are not only covered by major
national news outlets but local stations
as well to some extent helping to
promote a global culture of fear it’s
the media has a job to do which is to
cover so to suggest that they shouldn’t
cover major events like nice like what
happened here in the US and other places
in the world is ridiculous number 8 the
United States Department of Homeland
Security was created it is time that we
raised a global baseline of aviation
security we cannot play in a national
whack-a-mole with each new threat 9/11
resulted in changes to many government
agencies in the United States as well as
the creation of new ones the chief of
which was the Department of Homeland
Security the DHS is charged with
responding to and preparing for national
emergencies including terrorism since
its creation the oft criticized agency
also oversees several pre-existing
domestic areas including immigration
customs Border Patrol the Coast Guard
and the Secret Service while not
everyone has to deal with those on a
daily basis you should also know that
they oversee another unpopular agency
created in response to 9/11 the
Transportation Security Administration
better known as the TSA which handles
airport security while homeland security
was making sure breast milk was kept off
our planes they were also doing
everything possible to ensure no one
could light a fire bomb on board
number seven people distrust their own
government this is gonna be honest after
all this shit that we’ve been through I
don’t I don’t know if we can trust our
government anymore trust the government
and the government I don’t even trusted
thinking critically about institutions
is healthy for democracy to function a
voting population needs to hold their
elected representatives responsible
however while suspicion of the
government is nothing new the lack of
faith felt today often feels
insurmountable the threat of terrorism
brought about sweeping changes by the US
government including new departments new
laws and overseas conflict all of which
came at a great expense to the American
people both in a monetary sense and in
terms of civil liberties while it’s
undeniable that some aspects of the
government’s response to terrorism has
made the world safer it’s also
uncomfortably increased the government’s
reach power and influence over our lives
we will make no distinction between the
terrorists who committed these acts and
those who harbor them number six racial
profiling has arguably worsened okay
you’re good to go
racism and xenophobia have been a
blemish on human history since long
before the word terrorism existed
however our modern culture of fear has
drastically increased the degree to
which Muslims and people of Middle
Eastern descent are profiled for example
terrorism and the accompanying line
that’s been drawn between East and West
unfortunately means that many Muslims
are the victims of ignorance based fear
and suspicion on a daily basis in both
public and private settings it’s also
led to the dangerous misconception that
only Muslims can be terrorists which is
far from the truth
number five attending large-scale events
now feels risky this explosion coming
about 10:45 p.m. local time
not only rocked the arena and sent
people inside as you can see fleeing for
the exits it could be heard right around
four blocks around plenty of people have
anxiety about crowds and large-scale
events but because of terrorism it seems
like their numbers have grown big events
that once had little external threat to
them like marathons and rallies now
carry with them the possibility of
attack by terrorists more people means
more potential casualties which makes
popular events an equally popular target
for terrorists campaign of fear and
intimidation life is full of risks
though and the fear of what might happen
should never stop you from living yours
to the fullest and I turn to David and
as I said did somebody spill their drink
there was flashes sparks and the noise
of you know persistence
gunfire exactly number four
we live with stricter immigration laws
and more aggressive screening and I said
at the beginning we are going to get the
bad ones terror has led many nations to
place greater restrictions on who can
enter their countries both in terms of
immigration and temporary visits
although illegal immigration and drug
trafficking have also encouraged
stronger immigration laws terrorism has
arguably been the greatest motivator
increased scrutiny is placed on those
entering countries particularly those of
Middle Eastern descent it’s all part of
that racial profiling we discussed
earlier domestic terrorism in the Middle
East has also led to a surge in refugees
like those escaping the Syrian civil war
countries around the world have
responded with varying degrees of
screening for those fleeing the
devastation and seeking refuge but it
seems to be getting tougher across the
board it is difficult to vet people
coming out of a warzone but it’s not
like we’re just letting anyone in we are
the United States of America not Arizona
State number three higher level of
security I think so I think there’s much
visibility of us security at non airport
venues in the wake of high-profile
terrorist attacks security services have
become much more aware of potential
threats and are far less prone to
leaving things to chance if something
seems amiss buildings will be evacuated
because of an unattended bag or flights
diverted for a minor malfunction on the
one hand jumping to the worst conclusion
immediately results in a lot of wasted
time and money for everyone involved but
on the other hand it’s nice to see that
security services are taking their duty
to protect people so seriously their
ability to fight and protect against
terrorism was also improved thanks to
more funding new techniques better
communication and upgrades in
information gathering
speaking of which number two electronic
surveillance has intensified the moment
the networks were hit all the financial
data automatically began downloading to
those servers banks Wall Street
corporate records government funds
always with the primary aim of
preventing and defeating terrorism laws
like the Patriot Act have expanded the
US government’s ability to monitor its
citizens electronically both via
telephone and online conspiracy
theorists have long railed against the
government’s monitoring of our every
move and well it’s not quite that bad
yet they are still able to learn an
uncomfortable amount about the people
they’re protecting and serving of course
for better or worse we only know as much
as we do about what they’re looking at
and how thanks to Edward Snowden and
WikiLeaks I remember what it was like
before it was being watched and there’s
never been anything in the history of
man that’s like it number one getting on
an airplane is arduous before 9/11 air
travel was actually kind of fun you
didn’t have to worry about what items
you had as long as they weren’t weapons
and there were far fewer steps now plane
travel is no longer an exciting
adventure it’s an ordeal that has to be
endured to reach a destination and
that’s not even going into the nightmare
that is customs and immigration however
the worst part is that the TSA an
organization that supposedly
texts us with these invasive
time-consuming procedures has proven
ineffective in 2015 they failed 95% of
tests as a result many of these measures
have been labeled security theater
practices designed to make us feel safe
without actually providing more
effective security do you agree with our
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