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Top 10 Video Games That NEED Multiplayer Co-Op

trekking through a videogame can be a
lonely experience sometime and it’s
those times that we wish we could have
had a friend running alongside us
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
10 video games that need co-op play
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at some amazing single-player
games whose experience we feel would
have been improved with a co-op feature
our picks can either be games that are
already out or have yet to arrive number
10 Dishonored – all hail her imperial
majesty emily kaldwin the latest entry
in that critically acclaimed dishonored
franchise Dishonored 2 sees you
returning to the dunwall empire 15 years
later with emily kaldwin as the new
empress quickly being overthrown
you must choose between Corvo and emily
for who will stop Delilah copper spoon
and save dunwall with a much larger
world to explore than the first game and
with even more enemies dishonour – would
make a great run through with a
companion by your side
executing distraction maneuvers and dual
takedowns would really amp up the game
however thanks to a certain which player
too may have to take on a different role
than what most would expect
number nine horizon he wrote on when
they told me to raise you
I didn’t ask collection we’ve all seen
it before cavemen dinosaurs the end of
the world robots but why did someone
took all of those ideas and mash them
together you probably end up with
something like horizon zero dawn
jumping into the shoes of a female
hunter alloy you explore a gigantic
sprawling open world filled with
robotics dinosaur-like creatures armed
with weapons built from scrap get picked
down and hunt berries robots for
upgrades open-world games such as these
simply beg to have co-op with gigantic
creatures to face having friends to help
hunt them would be thrilling
number eight Super Mario 64 request
Mario’s first foray into 3d platforming
was a huge success with a humble to
explore before diving headfirst into
paintings of other worlds Mario 64
redefines not only the Mario series plus
the platforming genre in general with so
many other entries in the Mario series
allowing up to two players it only made
sense for us to include mario 64 right
sadly it never happened and it wasn’t
found out until years later that there
was originally meant to be a split
screen feature with one player as Luigi
however due to limitations of the
hardware this mode never came into
fruition modders have tried with some
success to recreate this experience but
it’s something that really needs an
official touch to get it to work just
right number 7 Red Dead Redemption – you
got around on the back
this is open trekking through the
American West was a tough time for those
involved except for gamers who had a
blast in Red Dead Redemption taking the
law into their own hands
hunting wildlife exploring the fast
desert or maybe sitting down for a game
of cards Red Dead Redemption brought the
Wild West to the gaming forefront if you
wanna game are of course chasing down
Bandidos and robbing trains wasn’t
always an EDP for one man
while Red Dead Redemption – is
definitely still a long way off we can
hope that Rockstar will take cues from
the immense success of Grand Theft Auto
online and implement a similar feature
into the newest Wild West sequel
positionally number six Mass Effect
yes we are well aware that Mass Effect 3
does have a co-op board mode but we’re
looking for something in the main
campaign at its core this series has
been about taking gamers all over the
galaxy and meeting and befriending all
forms of alien species from the tactical
torian’s to the large aggressive Croghan
as commander shepard we built a team to
save the galaxy from certain doom
countless times
well three times actually while Bioware
managed to make our party feel as alive
as possible they still boils down to
very good NPCs that we know from
single-player games having a friend or
two drop in to fill their shoes during
missions would be fantastic as fighting
side-by-side to defeat the threat in our
galaxy or maybe the new one would never
be the same
I should go wish I could go number 5 The
Last of Us part 2 surely goodness and
mercy will follow me all the days of my
Naughty Dog surprised everyone with
their new IP the last of us taking the
apocalyptic scenario and driving home an
implacable story with cutthroat gameplay
thankfully you don’t afford the
landscape alone you have le to assist
you in your endeavor sadly there was no
one to take the reins of our companion
and rummaging through storage containers
felt a bit lonely at time sure the guy
up on that second floor right there a
friend jumping into control le to help
us take down those crazy survivors and
terrifying clickers would really help
so hopefully the Last of Us part 2 will
rant up this wish in some way at least
let me kill every number 4
Just Cause 3
quadruple barreled rocket launcher in
one hand a futuristic grappling hook in
the other what could go wrong all right
everything and damn does it feel good in
the latest entry to the just con series
Rico Rodriguez returns once more to
cause immense amounts of destruction
with an open world that developer
avalanche flames is one of the biggest
in gaming and near limitless destructive
power it’s a shame you can’t experience
it with a friend or two considering how
much one player could accomplish it’s
actually frightening to think of what at
least one player could add the only
thing we know for sure is is that there
would be enough destruction to make
Michael Bay jealous you shoot your Ganju
is war and they learn the powerful
number three the elderscrolls v skyrim
hey you finally awake
you trying to cross the border right the
des des is no stranger to creating epic
they’re fantasy epic is still going
strong free at least in 2016 to
accommodate the upgraded graphics
hardware of this generation and keep in
touch with community mods
Skyrim is still a favourite of the genre
of course with tons of mods and a world
that’s worth hundreds of hours alone
it’s a surprise you have to hoof it
alone and let’s face it no one really
likes Lydia what’s better than one
Dovahkiin shouting out annoying arrow in
the knee style guards
well how about more than one
number two no man’s sky
one of the most overhyped games of 2016
no man’s sky boasted space-exploration
like no other with billions of
procedurally generated planets to
explore alien species to befriend and
naming everything from fauna to the
plants themselves it proved to be one of
the biggest space exploration sins out
while players could see systems that
other players had previous week forth
meeting up and cooperating seem to be
lost in the vastness of space and many
gamers thought that because of the
promotional material this game would
have multiplayer of course none of this
was helped by Sean Murray’s rather
nebulous responses to question but since
hello games is still working on no man’s
sky multiplayer should be high on their
priority list will you be able to play
with your friends
yeah can you grief other players yes the
hoop number one male Gear Solid 5 the
phantom pain arguably one of the biggest
series in gaming Metal Gear Solid 5 is
Hideo Kojima’s swan song to his beloved
creation sporting an open-world
landscape for the first time the phantom
pain changed the face of the Metal Gear
Solid series with enemies around every
nook and cranny and patrols roaming the
desert completing missions by yourself
proves daunting and as such they
introduced the ability to bring in
companions to assist you
of course these companions were just
NPCs like many others so why not allow
players to join you in the heated
mission allowing for one or more players
wouldn’t change the flow of the game
play as the game could still be
approached through a tactical measure
even with one more human player in fact
it would be way better
come on Konami Megan are you okay Meg
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