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Top 10 Video Game Bad-Asses

every video game allows you to live
vicariously through a fictional
character but some games do a
particularly good job of making you feel
like an unstoppable ass kicker welcome
to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 10
video game badasses this is gonna be a
lucky day for this list we’ve selected
the 10 most memorable badasses in the
history of video games the character
must be an original video game character
and as usual only one character per
franchise and what if I say no most of
these characters are central to the
game’s plot so there are a few spoilers
ahead you can’t stop number 10 Captain
Price call of duty modern warfare series
you bought yourself some time anyone who
almost single-handedly ends World War 3
deserves a spot in the annals of video
game badass history the healthy human
mind doesn’t wake up in the morning
thinking this is his last day on earth
an accomplished sniper and squad leader
captain prices heroics rings steadily
throughout the water and warfare series
well the amount of times that captain
price has saved the entire world’s ass
is staggering he’s prevented a nuclear
apocalypse assassinated ultra
nationalist dictators and led countless
military operations of the highest
importance he’s coming
but let’s be honest the real source of
his badassery is that mustache sorry
number nine
BJ blaskowitz Wolfenstein series one of
the earliest unstoppable video game
badasses BJ blaskowitz made a name for
himself in the original Wolfenstein game
escaping from Castle Wolfenstein and
single-handedly thwarting the entire
Nazi regime oh damn
in the Wolfenstein franchise the Nazis
have turned to the occult in an attempt
to create an army of supernatural
cyborgs and bring ancient German royalty
back from the dead enter BJ blaskowitz
who heroically mows down legions of
Nazis putting an end to their twisted
experiments head trauma 4 inches of cast
iron shrapnel right in the cock still in
there when a guy can go toe-to-toe with
Hitler in a double minigun outfitted
mech you know he’s awesome
number 8 rex power cult far cry 3
blood dragon work your black magic
lieutenant hey don’t be hating the
brother boys skills now voiced by
accomplished science fiction actor
Michael Bean who appeared in aliens and
the Terminator Rex Power cult is your
prototypical one-line spitting
butt-kicking cyborg badass killing
when Colonel Sloane goes rogue and
threatens to send the world into the
prehistoric age Rex power cult sets out
to prevent a second nuclear disaster so
are you armed to the teeth with crazy
weaponry as well as his trademark wit
Rex is reminiscent of the cheesy stars
of the Golden Age of action movies
part man part machine all cyber commando
number seven Sam Fisher Splinter Cell
series perhaps the most accomplished spy
in the history of gaming Sam Fisher is
James Bond on steroids blunt and gruff
Fisher trades in James Bond’s martinis
and British accent for an incredible
assortment of hi-tech infiltration tools
and skills
it doesn’t sound too good down there
Fisher the sound isn’t the problem you
should smell it better enough hundreds
of missions around the world Sam Fisher
is motivated by the suspicious death of
his daughter and uses a combination of
firearms expertise martial arts mastery
top-flight technology and hacking skills
to get the job done were you saying
something about my daughter look guy no
yeah I was just messing with you Matt if
you need something done quickly with no
traces left behind Fisher is your man
number 6 max payne max payne series time
in framed for the murder of his partner
and seeking down the killers of his
family Max Payne isn’t your typical hero
he’s plagued by his demons and resorts
to incredible doses of alcohol and
prescription meds to dull his internal
anguish see my last smoke it’s bad for
the baby that’s you max a regular Boy
Scout never afraid to get his hands
dirty max is fueled by one thing and one
thing alone revenge at least
facing in the right direction there’s
nothing more badass than the first time
you go into bullet time dive through the
air and mow down a handful of enemies
before they can even get their guns out
number five
Solid Snake Metal Gear series like many
characters on this list Solid Snake has
single-handedly altered the course of
history on numerous occasions preventing
worldwide disasters by infiltrating –
early crime syndicates and preventing
nuclear war by disarming metal gears
weapons and equipment OSP yes this is a
top-secret black op don’t expect any
official support genetically created to
be the perfect soldier snake combines
masteries of infiltration clothes and
long-range combat
he’s a bit rough around the edges but
that’s definitely part of his charm even
accelerated aging won’t stop him from
choking out people at an accelerated
excellent snake age hasn’t slowed you
down one bit number four Master Chief
halo series good to see you Master Chief
things aren’t going well the
prototypical strong silent type the
cybernetic super soldier known as Master
Chief was one of the first products of
the Spartan project the result was the
ultimate soldier he is given the
unenviable task of protecting the
universe from not one but two
destructive alien species the Covenant
and the flood commander we’ve got a
problem with the help of the artificial
intelligence Cortana she sets out to
prevent the untimely destruction of the
galaxy at the hands of the ancient super
weapons the halos radio for Vita heavy
lift gear we’re not leaving them here
yeah you’re not number three Samus Aran
Metroid series
the ending of Metroid was downright
shocking at the time
female gaming protagonists were pretty
much unheard of a dream I had been
reliving the tragic moments of my recent
past beyond blazing trails for women
characters Samus is still a total badass
with the help of her futuristic cyber
suit she is one of the most accomplished
bounty hunters in the galaxy
simultaneously hunting down space
pirates and their leader Ridley as well
as the famous species of alien parasites
the Metroid’s her trademark suit allow
Samus to use a wide variety of high-tech
weaponry from powerful missiles and
bombs to alien eradicating lasers number
two duke nukem duke nukem series did you
think I was gone forever Earth’s last
line of defense against invading alien
forces has never looked so damn hunky
looks like I’m gonna have to show you
how it’s done
irresistible to the ladies Duke Nukem
puts all of the famous 90s action stars
to shame with his macho one-liner
dropping heavy machine gun wielding
badassery whether he’s flying around
with his jetpack chomping on a cigar or
penning his autobiography titled why I’m
so great Duke kicks butt and he does it
with unmatched style his first major
title Duke Nukem 3d took the formula
established by doom and somehow made it
even more awesome
that’s one zooms beys Murray before we
unveil our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions
you are not yet a warrior I have
defeated a challenger Shane soon
I demand Sub Zero number one Kratos
God of War series you were always Zeus’s
favorites if you can single-handedly
square off against the entire pantheon
of Greek gods and Titans and rip them
all apart like they’re a basket of hot
wings it automatically qualifies you to
be the biggest badass in the history of
everything let alone video games you can
no longer hide behind the skirts of the
theme Athena is dead because of the rage
that consumed you a demigod Kratos was
originally tricked into killing his own
family by the og God of War Ares
since then he’s been on a one-man
revenge mission using his trademark
blades of chaos to tear through every
mythological creature Under the Sun not
to mention the Sun God himself do you
agree with our list on occasion did we
forget any totally badass video game
characters for more ass-kicking top 10s
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