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Top 10 Typecast Action Stars

when Hollywood needs something to go
boom they count on these guys welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our top 10 favorite
typecast male action stars number 10
Dwayne the rock Johnson kicking off our
list is the electrifying star who was
once known simply as the rock he started
out as a force in the wrestling ring the
lucky we have the same Andros – action
hero status as the Scorpion King before
giving us the rundown and walking tall
he even fought Martian demons in Doom
and rejuvenated the GI Joe film
franchise we love how tough yet tender
he is and that cocked eyebrow always
means trouble can you smell what The
Rock is cooking number nine
Dolph Lundgren this captivating Swedish
actor had us feeling some serious
Stockholm Syndrome back in his heyday
his career took off after playing in
posing Russian boxer Ivan Drago in rocky
4 but he became an action icon by
playing roles like he-man The Punisher
and villain Andrew Scott in Universal
Soldier no matter what movies in this 6
foot 5 giant is always an army of one
number eight Vin Diesel this Fast and
Furious star is best known for his deep
voice right bald head and for playing
heroes with questionable moral fiber
exactly these include his stint as the
fur coat wearing agent xxx and the
goggle clad antihero Riddick
he’s a hulking action hero who’s at his
best when using his bare hands and a
simple teacup
number seven Jason Statham this quick
Tong Britt is equally quick in combat
don’t think of a junk about at once
woman he made it big and Guy Ritchie
crime comedies before using his
knowledge of martial arts to become an
American action star he’s all about
adrenaline fuelled action and you gotta
love that he performs most of his own
stunts and fight scenes number six
Steven Seagal this martial arts master
with a ponytail didn’t star in movies
movies were created around him above the
hard to kill or out for justice this is
your trophy this is your trophy okay the
titles of his movie say more about him
than they do about the film’s themselves
he relies on his mastery of Aikido smack
talk and dirty fighting tricks to save
the day there’s no one quite like him
he’s so badass we can’t even picture
Seagal in a rom-com which is more than
we can say for many of the entries on
this list number five jean-claude Van
Damme the muscles from Brussels Van
Damme is all about the super flying and
the 360 degree spin kicks he is best
known for facing off against deadly
contenders in martial arts tournaments
and for playing a time cop a universal
soldier a street fighter and even duel
versions of himself yes it’s true – Van
Dam’s are better than one number four
Jackie Chan what’s up my nigga what did
you just say what’s up my nigga this
Chinese martial arts legend has been
involved with action movies since the
early 1970s he has since become a staple
of American action flicks like rush hour
and Shanghai Knights he always performs
his own stunts and throws comedy into
his countless insane action set-pieces
just don’t ever expect to see anything
resembling a sex scene in his films
Jackie likes to keep it PG oh shut up
number three
Bruce Willis okay he transformed the
action genre by starring as Detective
John McClane the man who was always in
the right place at the wrong time I
thought I killed you already
get that sometimes consistently the last
man standing
Bruce is a box-office juggernaut who is
frequently cast as the likable and
wisecracking hero with a moral code
she’s killed a helicopter with a car I
was out of bullets
number two Sylvester Stallone this actor
is anything but expendable fans love him
for playing the underdog who reject
society and for his monosyllabic way of
speaking this room has been pacified
personally we wouldn’t want Rambo any
other way but seriously what is he
go away did you get any of that number
one Arnold Schwarzenegger that’s my
oldest horse friend doing here both your
names came to attack the list was there
ever any doubt taking the top spot on
this list is the cigar smoking muscle
clad governador Arnold wins this race
for being the buffest hero ever to grace
the silver screen but his foreign accent
and unique brand of charm didn’t hurt
either crush your enemies see them
driven before you
they had a lamentation of the women plus
he never disappoints with his hilarious
one-liners and over-the-top kills little
some steam Bennett with so many
Hollywood action stars we’re sure we
missed a few which is your favorite have
a nice day
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