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Top 10 TV Shows You’ll Like if You Like Game of Thrones

it’s a long wait between seasons of Game
of Thrones and an even longer wait
between books so here are a few shows to
hold you over welcome to
and today we’ll be counting down our
list of the top 10 shows you like if you
like Game of Thrones looking for more
watch mojo videos with a British twist
well pack your bags and take a trip to
watch mojo UK for even more bloody
brilliant content for this list we’ll be
looking at shows in a similar genre with
a similar theme or that are just plain
awesome like Thrones declared an effect
number 10 the last Kingdom this
big-budget historical drama takes place
in 9th century anglo-saxon England
before the English unification came to
it depicts the invasion of the Danes and
Vikings as the main character butrint
attempts to reclaim his royal birth
what is this heaven heaviness mal hala
Lord to the Christians but without the
fighting feasting and humping along the
way there’s intrigue war and death like
Game of Thrones
the last Kingdom is inspired by real
historical events obviously this show
doesn’t have dragons and I saw bees but
don’t let that steer you away it’s
absolutely worth of you if you like
historically inspired epics number nine
attack on Titan
based on the manga of the same name this
anime takes place in an alternate world
where humanity is on the brink of
extinction due to giant creatures who
and they look like giant naked people
game of thrones’ Giants – but they
aren’t quite as big and don’t eat so
many humans a notable distinction my
friend supreme and all I can do is watch
the heroes an attack on Titan battle
their foes in a spectacular fashion
while also dealing with heavy issues
like sacrifice failure and death if you
like crazy sci-fi and fantasy inspired
shows this one will be right up your
number 8 Battlestar Galactica perhaps
one of the best science fiction shows of
the new millennium
Battlestar kicked off a whole new
generation of genre television the
gritty realistic look with documentary
style camera shots gave the show a
unique look and feel that made it unlike
anything else on TV it was full of
politics and had a fair amount of twists
to rival Game of Thrones basically
replace medieval battles with spaceships
and you would almost have Battlestar
Galactica it’s a great series that
deserves all the praise and acclaim it
has gone number 7 Spartacus with enough
sex and violence to rival Game of
Thrones this show centers on the famous
slave turned freedom fighter on his
quest to fight the Roman Empire brought
a dress like Thrones Spartacus is partly
based on history except to a much higher
degree and while there may be a shortage
of supernatural creatures that doesn’t
make it any less over-the-top such
behavior would be spat upon they spit
only to stroke their own cocks so if you
like learning about ancient history with
a healthy dose of gratuitous nudity
extreme violence and spectacular gore
then you’ll love this show
and to be honest is there a better way
to learn history number six the hundred
based on the book series this show is
about a post-apocalyptic world where a
group of survivors live aboard a space
station called the ark due to the earth
being engulfed in a nuclear apocalypse
bummer so in order to find out if the
planet is habitable again they send a
group of 100 juveniles because well I
mean who else would you send of course
once they’re there the hundred discovers
some shocking things is this your
lying there’s plenty of betrayal and
bloodletting reminiscent of a certain
Song of Ice and Fire
and David J Peterson the man who created
the Dothraki language on Game of Thrones
also helped develop the language of the
grounders in the Hundred alayich Octavia
come Skype crew and a goth go through
clean clear number five the tutors sent
in 1500 England during the reign of King
Henry the eighth the show follows the
drama surrounding Henry’s family and
inner circle I believe these are all
just causes for war like Game of Thrones
tutors features some steamy illicit
romances and affairs and like certain
characters and Thrones
King Henry has no problem chasing women
it’s not like that can cause problems
right what’s the worst that can happen I
mean besides the occasional beheading
in any case this show will scratch your
medieval drum a edge if not your dragons
language number for Rome before there
was Game of Thrones there was hbo’s Rome
get back in formation you drunken fool
in a lot of ways Thrones is a spiritual
successor to the short-lived historical
series Rome follows Julius Caesar as he
returns from Gaul and rises from consul
to dictator to corpse
it’s a rising fall we all know as he
gets stabbed a bunch of times by a bunch
of people yes even Brutus but the
assassination of Caesar leads to some
major historical events and there’s
plenty of fallout for the series other
characters as well so check it out
especially if you like your history to
number three Westworld picture Jurassic
Park but with sexy Western robots
instead your new knowledge of rondônia
set in a park that is turned into a
western themed attraction for tourists
and thrill-seekers all the inhabitants
are here for the customers entertainment
and pleasure the space really brings out
the dark side of people through the neck
here so however from the comparison to
Jurassic Park you can guess what happens
next with stellar performances a cast of
characters with dubious morals and of
course sex and violence Westworld looks
like a Mikey Game of Thrones heir
number two black sails being the prequel
to Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure
Island doesn’t mean the show is a fun
this bloody series is all the sex rum
and piracy a Game of Thrones fan could
ever want the show follows the famous
captain Flint has he adventures around
getting into all sorts of trouble
civilization is coming and it means to
exterminate us it also has a cast of
deep interesting and intriguing
historically derived characters so if
you like pirates and adventure as much
as you like violent naked people and
be sure to get black sails a try before
we unveil our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions George I’m sorry to
grab each other reveal planet hurts but
Seahawk ROG tomorrow that’s over my coat
of Edessa psycho me owner Dennis Emilia
Romagna caca de cinematic motel silver
number 1
Vikings this epic saga from The History
Channel has taken the television world
by storm and deservedly so this is one
thing to use a weapon it’s another to
kill this historical drama is about
Ragnar lothbrok who is basically the
boogeyman of medieval Europe as he
raised in villages England and France
his family also plays a large role
leading to plenty of camaraderie and
like Game of Thrones Vikings can
sometimes seem like there are no good
guys just people looking out for
themselves but that’s what makes it so
compelling of course there’s also tons
of sword wielding action and some
classic Norse mythology if you still
do you agree with our picks check out
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