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Top 10 TERRIBLE Smartphone Game Ports

and this is why mobile gamers can’t have
nice things
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
worst smartphone game ports for more
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boarding games is a great way to give
gamers access to titles across a wide
variety of smartphone platforms however
the lure of vast mobile marketplaces
means that many companies often try to
cash out on their IPS for a quick buck
they might have a great reputation but
the titles we’re focusing on are the
worst offenders of this practice
number ten tomb raider one and two
given the limited graphical and
computing power of most phones on the
market it makes sense that companies
would focus on bringing older titles to
handheld devices this is why Tomb Raider
is a prime candidate for mobile porting
the graphics is a hold up decently well
but the second you get control of Lara
you realize that early 3d adventure
games really weren’t suited for
touchscreen input all of your available
actions are mapped to virtual buttons
which are incredibly unintuitive and
only slow the game down as if digit and
slipped your thumbs across the slick
glass screen oh and by the way the nude
code is a lie number 9 Jet Set Radio HD
we really wanted to love this one but
translating the complicated tricks into
limited clustered inputs just means that
it’s too damn hard to pull anything off
you’ll keep moving your thumbs from the
buttons to furiously swipe graffiti into
existence but they end up getting lost
on the way since there’s no tactile
feedback this forces you to constantly
look away from the action to reposition
yourself further adding to the
frustration while the game mate work in
the loosest definition of the term it
was essentially unplayable thankfully
Sega pulled this game so no one will be
tricked into putting themselves through
it anymore
number eight Chrono Trigger it’s
undeniably one of the greatest RPGs ever
made but even if you’ve never played it
you should probably not spend any money
on this version while the controls and
graphics are perfectly fine the actual
performance of the game is abysmal for a
20 year old release on Hardware more
powerful than the console it originally
launched on and we mean way more
powerful there are dropped frames all
over the place
lag when you’re in battle and even
though it’s gotten better over time with
patches the game crashes way too often
there are plenty of emulators that’ll do
the job so the fact that the official
release fails this hard is kind of
pathetic number 7 Streets of Rage 2 a
poorly executed mess of bad decisions
Sega’s to deburr Oller has tons of
issues that while not game breaking
continuously ramp up the frustration in
the player the user interface takes up
half the screen and makes the game look
ugly the game stutters horribly when
there are more than two or three enemies
on the screen all while assaulting your
ears with some of the most impressive
soundtracks in gaming ever don’t get us
wrong the actual game music is great but
having me poorly ported crackly mess
blaring through your smartphone speakers
on the other hand not so much
number six Final Fantasy Tactics War of
the Lions 2d turn-based games are
probably the best fit for a mobile
experience since you can essentially
pause at any time and you can come back
to it periodically for a few minutes at
a time and not miss a beat
this should have been perfect but
between swiping through menus with
inaccurate inputs and the lag that
occurs when moving around the map and
executing special skills every action
here takes forever to complete if you’re
in the market for a mobile game you
probably don’t want to commit a whole
lot of time to it and this completely
defeats the purpose
number five Wolfenstein 3d classic dude
their popularity it only makes sense for
FPS games to make the jump to mobile but
despite how good the original game is
this port is actually terrible for some
mind-boggling reason movement speed is
tied to your aiming sensitivity meaning
that you’re either going way too fast or
I’ll have to be slow as a serious
problem when walking from point A to
point B is a challenge in and of itself
and it makes the shooting of actual
Nazis the most tedious and unfun
activity we know that it can be done
well since there’s plenty of better
options available so what the hell
happened here number four Mortal Kombat
X by now we all should know that the
real console experience would never work
on smartphones but despite NetherRealm
Studios tinkering the radical gameplay
changes in an effort to make this title
more mobile-friendly ruin to the core
mechanics and controls fights are much
shorter and more chaotic and while the X
ray attacks and fatalities all made it
into the final version executing them is
basically just a QuickTime event which
completely takes the skill and sense of
accomplishment out of performing the
special moves we want to outsmart and
outplay our opponents not just tap the
screen as fast as we can until they’re
dead number three Resident Evil 4
it’s on every other device in your home
but the version in your pocket is by far
the worst one the series has never been
the most fast-paced of shooters but this
port takes that notion to a whole other
level switching between running aiming
shooting the inventory and knifing down
your enemies makes every encounter an
insane drag since all the enemies are
slowed down to compensate even the
bosses don’t pose a threat completely
removing the tension that should be
there all this means that you really
shouldn’t be breezing through a game
which focuses on struggling to survive
number two Bioshock
if there was ever a game that everyone
should experience or at least see it
would probably be Bioshock we wouldn’t
call this a lazy port by any means but
it’s very disappointing I mean the
downgraded visuals are to be expected
but the constant stuttering is
incredibly annoying and the game is just
way harder than it needs to be switching
between your plasmids and weapons on the
fly takes much longer than aunt consoles
which really hampers the experience and
many boss fights another daunting
problem is the fact that it came like
Bioshock requires immersion and
atmosphere is a tough sell on a 5-inch
number one painkiller purgatory if you
never played the franchise it’s
basically about fast-paced demon killing
in closed off arenas and it’s pretty
awesome in that respect the weapons
soundtrack and senseless violence all
kick some serious butt which is why it
hurts so much that all of that was just
thrown out the window for the mobile
version sure it really tries but with
improvised movement clipping through
enemies when performing melee attacks
and the unbearable lag that occurs when
running on mid-range hardware this is a
pain killer game in name only being a
bad port it’s one thing but with so few
enemy varieties ugly graphics and poor
optimisation this is also a lazy one and
that is inexcusable
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