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Top 10 Superhero Movies (2012)

they fight crime with special skills and
powers while also making bold fashion
statements welcome to and
today we’ll be counting down our top 10
favorite superhero movies you look more
of us to keep this list balanced we’ve
decided only to include the best film
from a given series or character I gotta
tell you I have no idea what you’re
talking about
I guess words are useless too much of it
diving too much that is what I show you
number 10 blade starting our list is the
vampire flick that expertly blends
action horror and martial arts Blake
came before vampires became romantic
leads and portrays them as blood sucking
dwellers of a complex but sexy
underworld wesley snipes shines as a
human vampire hybrid and uses his
superhuman strength and wicked haircut
to slice some vampire ass number nine
Watchmen Watchmen was years in the
making just a matter of time Moscow many
high-profile directors could not bring
this popular story to the big screen
however Zack Snyder’s film provides fans
with a highly stylized
adaptation of their beloved graphic
novels and does its very best to remain
faithful to the source material even if
that means a bit of blue dong you seem
to understand I’m not locked in here
with you right yes sir you’re locked in
here with me number eight Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles excellent
okay this is the entry that’s based
almost entirely on nostalgia the
live-action adaptation of these
wisecracking pizza loving superheroes
blends the edginess of the comics with
the cap eNOS of the cartoon show special
credit goes to Jim Henson Studios for
bringing our heroes in a half-shell to
life t you are tle power number seven
unbreakable unlike many of the more
iconic superhero films M night Shyamalan
s thriller makes you believe it’s
possible for you to to have superpowers
Bruce Willis plays the sole survivor of
a train accident who slowly discovers
his strength all while trying to bond
with his son this movie is all about
subtlety and dialogue but of course
Shyamalan throws in suspense and an
unexpected twist for good measure
number six x-men – x-men United here is
one sequel that surpasses the original
x2 starts with a heart-stopping tear
through the White House by Nightcrawler
and doesn’t let up from there with Criss
crossing storylines of plenty the first
film introduces us to the x-men but the
follow-up boosts the action the stakes
and the prejudice number 5 The
Incredibles this animated flick brings
superhero action to the whole family
Brad Birds The Incredibles is one of the
few successful superhero films to not be
based on a comic book and it didn’t need
to be what is it Ryu what do what I got
you’ve gotten fat come in how come this
beloved Pixar movie does almost
everything to perfection it’s fun funny
packed with action and full of heart
number 4 Ironman Ironman should make it
onto this list for Robert Downey jr.
Zing’s alone you’ve been called The
DaVinci of our time what do you say that
absolutely ridiculous
and what do you say to your other
nickname The Merchant of death that’s
not bad fortunately the film has a lot
more to stand on than just one-liners
it’s smart loyal to the comics and
packed with action and sarcasm Jon
Favreau’s movie is proof with superhero
flicks don’t need to be full of cliches
and are probably more successful without
them number 3
spider-man 2 while Sam Raimi’s first
spider-man film sets the pace for the
series it’s the second installment that
makes it classic with a touching love
hilarious one-liners heart-stopping
action sequences and of course a
multi-layered sympathetic and terrifying
tentacle bad guy spider-man 2 has got
all the elements of a great superhero
movie thank you bye bye
number 2 Superman finishing a very close
second is the film that sets the
standard for all superhero movies I’ve
been kind of busy for a while
stellar performances from Christopher
Reeve Gene Hackman and Marlon Brando
make the film believable and while it
can be accused of being campy Superman
truly captures the essence of the comic
books and commits it to celluloid number
1 The Dark Knight taking top honors on
our list is the best superhero movie in
recent memory instead of the campy comic
book feel of earlier films The Dark
Knight offers viewers realism and grit
that helps distinguish it from its peers
you think you could steal from us and
just walk away yeah the key to any great
superhero film is casting and this is
one benefits from some perfectly cast
roles Christian Bale’s I see Batman
placed perfectly against Aaron Eckhart’s
poignant portrayal of Harvey Dent’s
downward spiral you either die a hero or
you live long enough to see yourself
become the villain of course we’ll
always have a special place in our
hearts for Tim Burton’s original Batman
but come on who didn’t love Heath
Ledger’s reinvention of the Joker you
know what I am I’m a dog chasing cars I
wouldn’t know what to do with one if I
caught it no I just do things this movie
was oh so serious
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