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Top 10 Stories of 2012: Year in Review

welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
10 stories of 2012 titled between
dancing like this guy or calling her
maybe we’ve barely had time to keep up
with the news before we get into the
year’s top stories here are some of
2012’s top pop culture moments one
coming up stars
in the traffic on the sideline
you see the one guy go up touchdown and
the other go the proposal was really not
much different but to carly Rae Jepsen’s
call me maybe on on repeat and don’t
stop playing it until the deal is done
music’s biggest duo has just become a
power trio one hand at my back holding
me to him and the other hand my god I’m
not gonna say that the famous couple the
tabloids dubbed Tomcat is calling it
quits the person I love and respect the
most Rob I love him I love him I’m so
and now our list number 10 Armstrong’s
career backpedals and yes I won the Tour
de France seven times it was an
all-around bad year for guys named
Armstrong not only did Neil take his
final moonwalk we also lost a hero in
Lance the cyclist had been denying
doping allegations for a while until
everyone came out of the woodwork to
testify against him yes I saw Lance
Armstrong using drugs he was stripped of
his seven Tour de France titles banned
from competition and lost sponsorships
left right and centre number nine
CERN finds god particle when CERN
announced they had probably found the
elusive Higgs boson I think they have it
they finally prove that smashing atoms
together at high speeds was more than
just a crazy expensive hobby the
implications of this discovery are
far-reaching so we soon might know why
things mass okay we really don’t know
but if we were science nerds we’re
pretty sure we’d be pumped we’re going
to Switzerland to see the CERN
supercollider number eight
London’s big year
2012 was a good year to be a Londoner
unless you hate tourists the city marked
Queen Elizabeth 60 years on the throne
with her never-ending Diamond Jubilee
celebrations they use the Summer
Olympics to remind us that they have
produced plenty of their own celebrities
thank you very much and Princess Kate is
knocked up what more could you ask for
number 7 curiosity peaks on Mars it’s
nothing new for humans to put equipment
on Mars but the Curiosity rover is so
high-tech and so huge that it’s kind of
a big deal in fact not only was this one
of NASA’s most expensive projects it was
also one of their most successful the
NASA rover dubbed curiosity keeps coming
up with startling new discoveries on
Mars this time the rolling lab may have
stepped right into an ancient riverbed
but nothing at all went wrong was
basically a miracle we may soon find out
if life ever existed on the red planet
and in the meantime we’re reading one of
the most adorable Twitter feeds for an
inanimate object that we’ve seen in a
number 6 fail book goes public and I
can’t wait to see what you guys all do
going forward on May 18th Facebook held
the largest initial public offering in
internet history with the company being
valued at 104 billion dollars this is an
awesome moment remember stay focused and
keep shipping meanwhile Zuckerberg
changes his relationship status to
married but that bubble burst pretty
fast trading was held up by tech hiccups
at Nasdaq and it quickly became obvious
that the stock was priced way too high
lawsuits started popping up and that was
the kiss of death well duck you can’t
win them all number 5 innocence of
Muslims don’t make our people angry
because they were king one lone nut’
makes a movie bashing Islam the next
thing you know 75 people are dead from
demonstrations and protests including
the US ambassador to Libya the US
ambassador was being transported to a
safer location
when rockets were fired at his car he
and three other embassy star
were killed anti-american sentiment ran
high in other countries like Egypt and
Yemen but things eventually cooled down
seriously has no-one learned the lesson
yet about depicting Muhammad we know
about the First Amendment and everything
but like use your head number for Israel
versus Palestine 2.0 the Gaza Strip is
back on the front pages for all the
wrong reasons no one thought this
dispute was over but things in the
Middle East
certainly escalated towards the end of
the year especially once the United
Nations voted to give Palestine
non-member observer state status
thousands of rockets were fired a lot of
he said she said about who shot first
came up but one thing was clear the
israeli-palestinian clash gave Anderson
Cooper another chance to look impossibly
cool also two media centers
those are other large explosion yeah
number three the wrath of sandy October
29th was a bad day to be in or near New
that’s when hurricane or superstorm
sandy touched down after it ravaged
countries like Jamaica and Haiti it
wasn’t quite as costly as Katrina but
the northeastern United States was
devastated subways flooded boardwalks
washed away houses burned sand was found
in some very strange places and
celebrity sang are we convinced about
climate change yet number two
four more years there weren’t any Joe
the plumbers or lipstick on a pig sound
bites in this year’s presidential
election campaign but that didn’t mean
it was any less entertaining or any less
packed with gaffes and memes here are a
few of our favorites I love big bird
actually like you too it’s almost like
an etch-a-sketch you can kind of shake
it up and we start all over again I
think it’s called romnesia so they
brought us whole binders full of women
this is why we’re glad there are only
elections every four years what do you
mean shut up number one Syrian civil war
born out of 2011’s Arab Spring this
conflict is at an impasse it’s a bloody
battle between supporters and detractors
of President Bashar al-assad’s bath
party and tens of thousands have been
killed only this year did the
International Red Cross officially
acknowledge it as a civil war and so far
the West has stayed out of it but
Syrians have been fleeing their country
in huge numbers to escape the near
constant carnage and the potential use
of chemical weapons if you make the
tragic mistake of using these weapons
there will be consequences and you will
be held accountable there were many
other important stories in 2012 breaking
news a tragic loss Whitney Houston dead
at just 48 years old here are some of
the other headlines new details on the
affair that has brought down the head of
the CIA you know if I had a son he’d
look like Trayvon Jerry Sandusky has
been sentenced II women from the bands
Pussy Riot will remain in custody when
the gunman wisk was captured he had a
rifle handgun
and gas masks the removal of the Costa
Concordia ship for more top tens be sure
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