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Top 10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Moments

this show proved that a galaxy far far
away could work very well on TV welcome
to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
moments from Star Wars the Clone Wars
live for the living Jedi we must live to
us forever they will before we begin
we publish new content every day so be
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latest videos for this list we’re
choosing from the original 5 seasons of
the animated series that made its debut
on the Cartoon Network in 2008 as well
as the 6th season called
lost missions that was released through
Netflix given the nature of the topic
you shouldn’t have to be a force wielder
to realize there will be spoilers ahead
yes my friend number 10 general krell
vs. clone troopers during the Clone Wars
clone troopers are extremely loyal
soldiers and their Jedi generals are
beyond reproach
however this is a rare exception to that
rule in a four-episode arc Jedi Master
pong Krell temporarily assumes command
of the 501st legion during the battle of
Umbara from the start
Krell’s dislike of and disrespect for
his troops is clear but they feel it
necessary to follow his orders he sent
us to these coordinates to stop the
enemy we thought they were wearing armor
however when the clones discover he
ordered them to fire on each other they
confront him and discover he’s embraced
the dark side of the force they’re left
with no choice but to kill him you’ll
number nine anakin sees the future when
Anakin obi-wan and ahsoka find
themselves stranded on mortis for a
multi-episode story arc they encountered
the Sun representing the dark side of
the force
the daughter representing the light and
the father which keeps balance I have a
gift for you in what was supposed to be
a final encounter the son shows Anakin
what his future holds
including Padme fate the emperor turning
him to the dark side and Darth Vader
this sets Anakin on the path to change
his future and not even obi-wan can
convince him to do otherwise I have seen
that it is the Jedi who will stand in
the way of the peace eventually the
father takes the vision away but for a
moment Anakin did have knowledge of his
own destiny and the will to change it
what you have seen must be number eight
in a move that endured beyond this
series all the way to Star Wars rebels
the Clone Wars brought fan favorite
prequel baddie Darth Maul back from what
everyone thought was the dead all it
takes is his brother Savage Opress
finding him in a galactic junkyard and a
bit of force magic from mother Talzin to
make his rebirth possible but the result
is the return of a tough conflicted dark
force user into the Star Wars universe
it was apprentice to the most powerful
being in the Galaxy once as one might
expect from a reborn Sith Lord Maul
returns wanting revenge on obi-wan
Kenobi and with plans for power in this
number seven attack on Dathomir
surprised the Clone Wars introduced us
to Force wielders who are neither Jedi
nor civ one such group is the
Nightsisters of Dathomir
when Count Dooku is ordered to kill
asajj ventress his former apprentice
escapes by returning home to the sisters
and is welcomed back by their leader
mother Talzin
High Noon Dooku then orders General
Grievous and his droid troops to attack
them to help Ventress and the sisters
defend their home
mother Talzin and old Daka used the dark
side of the force to wake the dead to
fight alongside them and harm Dooku from
light-years away
that is until Grievous catches up with
them and breaks the spell number 6 top
fives and order 66 don’t move
why are you doing this order 66 the
secret command for the clones to kill
their Jedi generals seems to work fine
in Revenge of the Sith however the whole
plan was almost exposed during the Clone
Wars when the order activated early in
Clone Trooper tup causing him to
involuntarily assassinate a Jedi this is
the end fuck it the mission as the
cloners on Kamino tried desperately to
cover up what happened
ARC Trooper fives is determined to get
to the bottom of it and clear his
friends name and he almost does except
that he makes the mistake of trusting
Chancellor Palpatine meaning that the
secret of order 66 dies with him number
5 Darth Sidious versus Darth Maul and
Savage Opress rushed obsessed with
revenge on obi-wan Kenobi and his
newfound position as ruler of Mandalore
Darth Maul forgets that the real evil
power in the galaxy is still his former
master Darth Sidious the future emperor
however doesn’t forget Maul so when he
sees his former apprentice staging a
sit-in surgeon see he drops his
political guise and decides to take care
of the situation personally and
permanently prepare my ship
what follows is an epic Force lightsaber
and dark saber battle that leaves mauls
brother and apprentice Savage Opress
dead and Maul begging for his life
excluding dream sequences this is the
only time we get to see Sidious in
action during the series and it is
awesome thank you I no longer my
apprentice number 4 Duchess Satine is
Jedi are forbidden from having personal
attachments but in the Clone Wars we
learned that Anakin isn’t the only one
who’s been in love obi-wan and Duchess
Satine of Mandalore were once together
Satine had already featured prominently
in other story arcs but here Darth Maul
uses her as bait to bring Kenobi to him
here to do more of your must as bidding
after obi-wan rescues Satine from prison
and their escape is foiled the two are
brought before mall who levitates force
chokes then stabs the Duchess through
the heart with his dark saber after she
dies in Obi Wan’s arms he is clearly
devastated but maintains his calm Jedi
ways number three the death of steela
gerrera this finishes a multi-episode
story arc that sees Jedi covertly
training insurgents to fight battle
droids and retake their planet of
Onderon the moment in question comes out
of nowhere just as things seem to be
wrapping up and the mission seems to be
succeeding Stila will be a powerful
spirit in their lives while Anakin and
obi-wan remarked that it will clearly
have an effect on ahsoka who was
responsible for training stealers group
and was trying to save her from falling
off a cliff while using the force
the most significant repercussions for
the Star Wars universe could be how
steel his death affects her brother saw
Guerrera who we see again as a major
part of the movie
rogue one you are already the best
soldier in my car I was protecting you
number two Yoda sees the future of the
Jedi come to day
they don’t says you seek Yoda goes to
Dagobah after the voice of the late
qui-gon jinn tells him to we get a
beautifully animated look at the Jedi
Masters future home in exile before he
enters the same cave he will show to
Luke decades later this test for me
alone eg inside the darkside envelops
Yoda and shows him visions of order 66
Mace Windu’s encounter with force
lightning and the emperor recruiting an
apprentice it isn’t detailed enough to
know just who is doing the killing and
recruiting but we now know that Yoda saw
the death of most of the Jedi a few
years before it actually happened before
we unveil our number one pick here are
some honorable mentions then there’s
absolutely nothing to stop us from doing
this Clovis love is no
get away from her
number one ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order
I’m sorry master but I’m not coming back
ahsoka tano was an integral and
well-loved part of the Clone Wars since
the beginning of the series making her
exit at the end of season five all the
more poignant it comes at the end of a
multi-episode story arc that sees her
framed for an explosion at the Jedi
Temple on the run expelled from the Jedi
Order and put on trial not guilty master
when she’s finally exonerated and
invited back
she can’t overlook her former colleagues
previous lack of faith ahsoka you are
making a mistake when Anakin begs her to
stay in an emotional and visually
stunning scene she leaves but only after
revealing that she has an idea of the
dark path he’s headed down more than you
realize I understand wanting to walk
away from the order I know do you agree
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