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Top 10 Skyfall Movie Trivia

he is cinemas most famous and
best-dressed secret agent lunch do you
know but fear all there is welcome to and today we are looking
at ten pieces of trivia about the James
Bond film Skyfall just look at you
barely held together by your pills and
your drink don’t forget my pathetic love
of country
number 10 50th anniversary kicking off
our trivia list is a fact about bonds
birthday celebrations page is no
guarantee of efficiency and use is no
guarantee of innovation the first film
in the series was 1962 s dr. know which
means that 2012 Skyfall marked the film
franchises 50th anniversary you know the
rules of the game you’ve been playing it
long enough
we both have maybe too long
other anniversary releases included
2002’s die another day for the 40th 1997
Tomorrow Never Dies for the 35th 1987’s
The Living Daylights for the 25th and
1977 s The Spy Who Loved Me for bonds
15th birthday James I need you sir does
number nine 2012 Olympics Opening
Skyfall received major hype before its
release when Daniel Craig was invited by
queen elizabeth ii to help open the
Olympic ceremonies as James Bond pretty
mu Swan good evening your majesty
Craig played The Secret Service agent on
guard duty he met the Queen and
accompanied her to the event in a
helicopter once their stunt doubles
parachuted into the stadium to the Bond
theme making for a hilarious performance
and the Queen’s acting debut
number eight box office success and
awards Skyfall earned over 1.1 billion
dollars worldwide and became the seventh
highest earning film ever when it was
released now you can afford to buy a
drink and they aren’t even stretched to
to as well as its box office success it
also received 41 Award nominations
the film won two Academy Awards for Best
sound editing and best original song by
Adele this is the end hold your breath
and count
ten number seven popular soundtrack feel
the earth move
even then
speaking of the soundtrack Adele’s
Skyfall was so popular it tied the
British chart success of Duran Duran’s a
view to a kill and became the first ever
Bond theme to debut in the top 10 of the
US Billboard Hot 100 chart
because of this adele was asked to sing
future themes making her the musical
successor to bond regular Shirley Bassey
number six staying in shape you don’t
need to be an operative to see the
obvious it’s a young man’s game bond
actor Daniel Craig turned forty four
years old during filming of Skyfall and
he was having trouble with the physical
aspects of the role so he began training
for the film six months in advance and
he worked out daily during filming so he
could confidently perform his own stunts
Kevin are you alright just changing
carriages ironically the plot of the
film focused on bond being out of shape
grand old warship being ignominiously
hauled away the scrapped inevitability
of time don’t you think
number five welcome to China
double-oh-seven you’re to go they await
further instructions Skyfall
featured a few Bond franchise first for
example it was double-oh-seven s first
appearance in IMAX and his first time
drinking a beer it was also the first
Bond flick filmed in China the exotic
setting of Shanghai was chosen to show
that Bond was far away from his home in
London licensed to kill was almost
filmed in China back in the 80s but
those plans fell through
number four bond firsts and seconds over
his many film appearances James Bond has
done it all what makes you think this is
my first time
Oh mr. problem amazingly he’s only had a
beard been in a rooftop motorcycle chase
and fought on top of a train once before
Skyfall is the second Bond film to
feature an attack on mi6 headquarters
and it is the second longest Bond film
ever running for 143 minutes maybe too
speak yourself number three the new cue
in Skyfall Ben Whishaw became the latest
actor to provide bond with his weapons
and gadgets as the character cue musket
Jovi why because I’m not wearing a lab
coat because you still have spots this
was the first time q was younger than
James Bond as he was modeled on young
geniuses like Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg Whishaw was the 4th actor to
play Q following Peter Burton in 1962 s
dr. know desmond llewelyn between 1963
and 1999 and john cleese for two films
between 1999 and 2002 if you’re q does
that make him Paul
ah yes the legendary double-oh-seven
wick number two villains island lair
Bond villains are famous for their
exotic lairs in Skyfall the character
Raoul Silva played by Javier Bardem
lived on Hashima island which is an
actual deserted island once owned by
Mitsubishi for coal mining at one point
this island housed more people per
square mile than anywhere else on earth
but today it is one of over 500 ghost
islands off the coast of Nagasaki
nicknamed battleship island because of
its shape no one has lived on it since
1974 when petroleum replaced the need
for coal
they left the islands so quickly
thank what to take what to lead what was
important number one Scottish origins
topping off our trivia list is a fact
about bonds heritage because the
original bond actor Sean Connery was
born in Scotland author Ian Fleming gave
the character a Scottish background bond
wore a kilt in 1969 s on Her Majesty’s
Secret Service
however Skyfall was the first film in
which Bond returned to his childhood
home and the final resting place of his
parents I always hated this place are
you with James Bond fan what’s your
favourite Skyfall fact for more
entertaining trivia lists be sure to
visit us at the pleasure
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