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Top 10 Signs You’re a Real Star Wars Fan

be sure to check out watch mojos we’ll
do it live this Friday at 12:30 p.m. and
click the link below to see all the
episodes whether you are a member of the
501st the rebel Legion or just a plain
old super fan Star Wars is your life now
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
ten signs you’re a real Star Wars fan
what did you say use my knowledge I beg
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at the traits and experiences
that mark a person who really really
like Star Wars keep in mind that these
are all coming from a certain point of
view so it’s okay to disagree number 10
you’re knowledgeable about the expanded
universe for you Star Wars was always
more than just the theatrically released
movies you eagerly consume every piece
of media you can find about your
favorite space opera franchise this
includes things like novels comics video
games cartoons and animated movies yes
even the Ewok movies and that holiday
special you’ve got a cup of bootleg
copies hmm why does nobody ever want to
watch that with you they’re missing out
on Bea Arthur’s musical number just one
more song with all that expanded
universe knowledge you know things like
who Mara Jade is or why Baron felt was
such an awesome pilot well afterwards
that is number nine you were upset when
Disney axed the original expanded
universe when Disney declared that all
the old stories from the original EU
were no longer canon you were less than
excited in fact you’d even say you were
mad that is if anger weren’t against the
Jedi Code now let’s be honest about the
expanded universe it wasn’t all great
but some of it really added to the
series lore especially the Knights of
the Old Republic video games and the
Thrawn Trilogy books Disney’s new
expanding universe is being solid so far
with the introduction of some great
characters like dr. Aphra and Terrax as
well as the reintroduction of a certain
blue skinned villain but you still love
those old stories even if now they’re
only legends number eight you’ve made
your own fan edits
it’s arguable that the only reason many
kids of a certain generation went to
film school was because of Star Wars
look at JJ Abrams he was a huge fan and
got to eventually make a Star Wars movie
himself to many fans Star Wars feels
like something they own and that’s why
it’s no surprise that they have taken to
creating their own edited versions of
the films it takes a real superfan
apparently to look at a movie and decide
to expunge the entire existence of a
character looking at you Jar Jar or
rather not looking at you number seven
you correct people on misquoted lines do
oh do not there is no try you already
use quotes from the films in your
everyday life so it bothers you when
people get them wrong it especially
grinds your gears when possibly the
greatest single line in movie history
and one that revealed one of the best
plot twists ever is so often misquoted
Darth Vader does not in fact say Luke I
am your father no really he doesn’t he
actually says me I okay nobody’s perfect
so if one of your friends miss quotes
this iconic line it’s not a big deal
you just let them know they’re wrong and
then pray they don’t alter the lines any
further number six
you try to use the force admit it this
happened from your childhood is stuck
with you as an adult ever since you saw
Luke reach out and grab his lightsaber
to save himself from the wampa you’ve
been convinced you could do it to
control control you must control all the
times you failed have just been because
you weren’t concentrating hard enough
you just need to clear your mind reach
out with the force and feel the remote
control that’s just out of your reach so
far the only success you’ve had using
the force is opening automatic sliding
doors it’s okay someday you’ll get the
proper training from a small Jedi Master
probably I find your lack of faith
number five you own toys and
paraphernalia part of the job
description when becoming a Star Wars
fan is that you also become a collector
this means waiting in line at Toys R Us
before it opens to buy up action figures
and it also means owning a life-size
replica of Boba Fett these are normal
things for the average Star Wars
superfan when your wife asks what you’re
planning on doing with all those toys
you respond by saying
you mean our kids college fund however
you secretly note you’ve never part with
your unopened original Boba Fett and
jetpack why do kids need to go to
college anyway Luke Skywalker dropped
out at Jedi school and he turned out
mostly number four you prefer the old
special-effects computer-generated
graphics are great and everything but
you’ll take the work of Phil Tippett and
other old schoolers from Industrial
Light and Magic any day while we admit
some stuff the special editions added
was cool like dog fighting spaceships
other changes from practical effects to
CGI were just plain unnecessary did we
really need a CGI Jabba the Hutt no not
really at least we got to see the movies
on the big screen when they were
re-released but we could have done
without the vocal stylings of size
noodles if you’re a star Wars fan be
sure to subscribe and check out our
we’ll do it live Star Wars special live
on our YouTube channel Friday December
15th at 12:30 p.m. Eastern
we’ve got polls trivia games and special
guest Greg Grunberg
to talk about playing snap Wesley from
Star Wars and if you missed the live
show be sure to check it out at the link
in the description below number three
you have opinions about which version of
the original trilogy is best when the
special editions of the original trilogy
were released old school fans cried foul
new scenes were deemed unnecessary
dodging you CGI was criticized and as
for Han shooting second well the less
said about that the better
but decades have passed since the
release of the special edition version
of a new hope and to a new generation of
Star Wars fans the supposedly inferior
remasters are the versions they’ve grown
up with whether you hate the added and
altered scenes for ruining the pacing or
think they add some extra depth to the
Star Wars Galaxies you definitely have
an opinion and aren’t afraid to share it
number two
you think Admiral Thrawn is the best
villain of all time casual fans might
not know who he is but real fans know
that Tron is the most compelling villain
Gambhir was scary sure and Darth Maul
was cool but they weren’t nearly as
cunning and pragmatic as Grand Admiral
Thrawn the rebels would attend the
different means of escape and we must
adapt our strategy accordingly throne is
a tactical genius who learned about his
adversaries by studying their species
art in the original EU he nearly brought
down the entire New Republic with only a
fleet of stardestroyers with that kind
of reputation it’s no surprise that
Disney reintroduced him into Canon in
the third season of Star Wars rebels
number one you have strong opinions
about the prequels if you want to be
accepted into a gathering of nerds all
you have to do is drop a line about how
bad the prequels work don’t get us wrong
there were plenty of problems with those
movies okay here comes a hot take that’s
to be expected when you’re creating a
broad foundation for every major
blockbuster that would follow so it can
be forgiven if there were some mistakes
well except midi-chlorians we all know
that can’t be forgiven
we need another clue raincoat but
whether you love them or hate them a
real Star Wars fan has a strong opinion
about the prequels
do you agree with our picks check out
these other great clips from watch mojo
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