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Top 10 Signs That A Movie Is Going To Suck

sometimes you just know a movies gonna
be terrible what’s the worst that could
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
signs a movie is gonna suck
actually I don’t think it’s a good idea
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at clues that may indicate that
a movie isn’t gonna be very good number
10 it’s a sequel to a horror movie
something happened to us in the woods
something evil while there are some
notable exceptions to this rule horror
movie sequels tend to be at best not as
good as the original and at worst
downright terrible classic horror films
like The Exorcist Halloween a Nightmare
on Elm Street and Friday the 13th all
have terrible sequels within their
respective franchises typically horror
movie sequels tend to suffer because the
iconic villain from the first film is
brought back to life in some ridiculous
way or because they decide to
overemphasize the violence and gore
either way Jason and Freddy can only
have so many quote-unquote final
chapters number 9 it’s a comedy with old
actors you guys have drugs
Lipitor come it’s never a good sign when
a bunch of old actors get together to do
a comedy the plot usually revolves
around these characters taking some sort
of trip together to recapture their
youth and it almost always involves the
same mishaps I’m gonna be an old dad for
two weeks you’re gonna be uncle Charlie
it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll hear
at least one joke about Viagra and there
will always be an extremely beautiful
and far younger actress who is attracted
to one of the main characters for some
reason all of the best jokes will be in
the trailer so if that fails to make you
laugh you can bet the rest of the film
will fail as well hey grandpa do you
think we should probably start at number
eight it has a very aggressive marketing
campaign that tells me a whole lot of
people are about to die while movie
studio executives may at times value
commercial success over critical success
they tend to know when a movie is very
good they also know that poor critical
success could ruin their financial goals
so they’ll put out an aggressive
marketing campaign to get audiences to
flood the theaters on opening weekend
before the negative reviews can
circulate this may include a huge
billboard presence particularly in
Hollywood and numerous trailers and TV
spots in the weeks leading up to the
film’s release if it feels like a movie
is being over advertised chances are
it’s because it isn’t very good
number seven the studio keeps pushing
back its release date if you don’t want
to make a profit that’s fine but don’t
stop the rest of us pushing back the
release date of a movie is never a good
sign this is especially true for summer
blockbusters that may be pushed back to
the fall but also for films that are
pushed from award season and new antics
there may have been some award buzz
around the film in the initial stages
but upon realizing that the movie
doesn’t really have a chance the release
date is usually pushed back to ensure a
better turnout at the box office
regardless of the reason pushing back
the release date is almost always bad
you were just go home number 6 review
embargo is put in place until the last
hug the point of a press embargo is to
prevent any reviews from being released
until a day or two before the film
appears in theaters while they don’t
restrict what you can say about the film
they do restrict when you can say it
which can significantly impact the
movie’s success particularly on its
opening weekend what do you suggest
although this does encourage critics to
take their time with their reviews to
ensure quality it also hints that the
film may get bad reviews and that the
studio is attempting to prevent negative
word-of-mouth nothing is impossible only
mathematically in topic number 5 it has
poor casting choices lady a woman of
your beauty has no need for such
decorations this one may seem obvious
but it is generally pretty accurate
several famous actors and actresses have
seemingly never appeared in a good film
or at the very least happen in many
years when you see these familiar faces
in a trailer or on a poster you can
almost always tell that a movie won’t be
very good I kind of stopped that bomb he
almost killed us of course this isn’t
always the case
many people criticized the casting
choices of gal gadot and Heath Ledger
for Wonder Woman and the Joker
respectively but both surprised with
terrific performances see I’m not a
I’m just ahead of the curve number four
it’s a remake of a classic movie why
does this exist it’s a question we all
ask while watching practically every
remake in recent years
Hollywood seems obsessed with giving
classic films a makeover and most have
failed to achieve the same success as
the original there are some films that
should be considered untouchable by
modern filmmakers because there’s a
certain vintage charm to them that’s
impossible to recapture although modern
technology can give the special effects
an upgrade these classics should be left
alone as they’ve proven to whip stand
the test of time check it all number
three it’s a rom-com style movie with a
giant cast there you have it young love
full of promise full of hope ignorant of
reality generally these movies revolve
around some form of holiday
although Love Actually was a success
later films that have tried to recapture
that same magic failed both commercially
and critically berry my best friend
while these movies tend to feature huge
casts with several famous actors and
actresses the plot is almost entirely
the same with all the characters
connected to each other in some way or
another the lack of a main character
hurts the plot and none of the
characters receive enough development
because there isn’t enough screen time
to go around what would you do today if
you knew you would not fail number two
it’s based on a video game
to say that video game movies have a
tendency to be terrible is putting it
politely almost every single movie based
on a video game has been a disaster
considering the fact that video games
these days have a cinematic feel about
them it’s somewhat surprising this
hasn’t translated into big-screen
success perhaps it’s because video games
allow the user to feel like they’re in
control of the character and the story
even the releases of Assassin’s Creed
and Warcraft in the 2010s were critical
failures and if games that popular can’t
succeed it’s game over for all of them
you’re pinning me is the only hope we
have for peace before we unveil our
number one pick here are some honorable
or in this case dishonorable mentions
you look amazing
I feel like a fluffy monstrosity number
one there is studio interference you
kitty sometimes directors are given free
rein to include or delete any scenes
plot lines or characters they want other
times however the studio interferes
forcing the director to remove or add
certain details I do like that Spidey
this can happen for a variety of reasons
although in the early 21st century it’s
usually done to set up future sequels
this is often to the detriment of the
film however as most studio additions
tend to confuse the plot or add one too
many characters to the film the studio
is paying the director to do just that
direct and most of the time they would
be better served to adopt a hands-off
approach maybe we shouldn’t be doing
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