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Top 10 Sexiest Anime Witches

damn you’s a sexy witch welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 sexiest
animate witches but this list will be
looking at the ludus lustiest and most
bewitching magic wielding ladies of
anime like this for example some may not
be outright called witches but hey the
shoe fits huge skeleton air con esta
Tiant Apache la Cucaracha Molinaro a
little contender yo yo number 10 haka
kagari witchcraft works good quick
comedy soon she’s the most popular girl
in school and even given the accolade of
princess by her personal fan club so
it’s easy to see why this lady would be
so revered despite her stoic persona as
it turns out she also happens to be one
of the most powerful fire witches in
existence and is tasked with protecting
the rather meek and unpopular Honoka
from danger she may not be one for
emotion but damn she still looks good
whether she’s in uniform or in her
lavish spellcaster getup
donar d-ii Takamiya number 9 yamaha na g
series gather water around me converted
into steam refract the light those are
the three commands that I’ve given the
roof you have to give a lot of props
good Nats for a better magical
instructor all you’re doing is releasing
heat as magic it’s quite simplistic one
of the 8 generals of sindh RIA who
excels in the use of water magic Yamaha
is a sweet and caring individual who
would do anything for her homeland
though she’s got no love for swordsmen
due to her pride and magic being a
superior form of combat
not to mention she seems to have a soft
spot for seashell bras which may have
something to do with why Aladdin keeps
claim to her dirty little fat number
eight layer sole leader I’m used to
being the one who’s doing the tempting
okay we know we’re making the same
mistake as Sol and maka since she’s not
exactly a witch per se but come on she
looks like one and she has witty powers
all right I really just a ridiculous
amount of magical power but out of all
the witches that maka and company
encounter Blair is by far the most
alluring she’s more than capable of
defending herself with her explosive
pumpkins but her most effective assets
would be her assets not timid in the
slightest Blair has no problem exposing
her voluptuous body to the boys within
their group often causing a phenomenal
amount of nosebleeds it’s okay cool guys
see naked women all the time
I’m totally used to it number seven you
go Ichi Hana holic series while she is
certainly capable of appearing mature
when the situation calls for it
most of the time this which is as
laid-back as it gets capable of granting
wishes as long as a price of equal
magnitude is paid she ropes forking hero
into her service turning him into her
personal errand boy often with deadly
supernatural consequences
though to be fair if you’re forced to
work for a witch you could certainly do
worse than this
enticing trickster pitch boy number six
Ruby Tojo rosario + vampire series i
would really like to become your friend
if you want in a school filled with
mysterious creatures that more often
than not take the form of busty beauties
you have this former antagonist as a
witch who originally wanted nothing more
than to kill any human she came across
she ends up joining the newspaper club
after her defeat she also joins the
ever-increasing harem that wants to get
into khones pants with a love of the
moor two blue forms of affection BDSM
she’s all too eager to become a
plaything for tsukune a command okay why
don’t you tell me what happened to boca
number five maria maria the Bergeon
witch lady Maria as the hundred year war
rages on this young but powerful witch
seeks to end the conflict she roams
through France in order to bring peace
wherever she can with the help of her
magic if you like I can give you a
titillating account of what happened
hello however heaven turns out to have a
real problem with this decree that if
she continues to meddle in human affairs
her magic will be stripped from her
should she lose her virginity endearing
hope for peace and the fact that she’s
one hell of a looker makes her a step
above most traditional witches a witch
of my caliber is far too busy to have a
number four Ariana Thompson a certain
magical index series
I’m really sorry there’s nothing quite
like an English femme fatale am i right
starting off as something of an
antagonist with a moral center Oriana is
an expert mercenary famous for being
able to outrun and out with any pursuer
no matter what the situation are you all
right miss
Oh No I should be the one apologizing to
also known as root disturb she’s not
above using her feminine wiles to seduce
her way out of trouble or get info while
she did originally come to blows with
the unlucky Toma she mellowed into a
much more sympathetic and caring
individual though she still doesn’t shy
away from being a shameless flirt number
three Merlin the seven deadly sins
before sing with a name like that the
sin of gluttony ‘he’s appearance is sure
to catch you off guard she may be
lacking in a long white beard but
there’s no doubt she’s the most powerful
sorceress in all of Britannia and an aid
to both her fellow sins and King Arthur
then it’s time to get a move on she also
happens to be not big on clothes either
leaving very little to the imagination
known for her playful nature and
tendency to experiment with her magic on
unwilling participants its lucky for
most of us that she’s one of the good
guys see the Boursin Merlin is going to
be tagging along if that’s okay with you
number two I’ll tear Milkovich fairy
tale where do you think your future will
guide you a deadly mage in her own right
she’s more than proven her strength both
as an enemy and an ally of the fairy
tale guilt when she was aligned with the
antagonists she showed herself to be a
master manipulator and capable of all
kinds of atrocities so many I doubt I
could ever atone for all of them however
upon finding out the fate of her mother
she turns over a new leaf and works to
undo the damage she’s done while this
involves her ultimately sacrificing her
youth it’s pretty hard to forget about
the vast appeal she had beforehand you
need look no further than her choice
about fit when she worked for grimoire
haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet
before we unveil our number one pick
here a few honorable mentions welcome to
my very private suite here Agassi tome
Knopf Tata – in decode Animoto nice
orator tokoto so Tony Victor so she got
schooner Kane again akuto johanna tonic
obama Suzuki thermo Sobhan Toto stets
Coretta cara de aragón number one
Beatriz lumen echo when they cry thirsty
booty New Canaan Indiana day the moon
beautiful alluring and with just a hint
of crazy Beatrice and someone you don’t
want to mess with
so no hokodan on Akane I knew Kagame oh
la dejas sonoda come on legends say that
should you offer her your soul she will
grant your every wish and when her mere
existence starts to come into question
she’s more than happy to appear and make
it painfully evident just how real she
is often with rather bloody consequences
while there’s no doubt that she’s as
enticing as they come
you’d do well to stay in her good graces
her witchy nature runs so deep that
she’s even not that laughs down do you
agree with our list who do you think is
the sexiest which in anime with new top
10s published every day be sure to
subscribe to I know I’m
doing something I shouldn’t
but you see my code name is fever I tend
to burn up like a flaming torch is a
that right
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