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Top 10 Secret Levels in Video Games

Shh you keep a secret so what’s in there
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
secret levels in video games don’t be
for this list we’re counting down levels
in video games that are hidden and must
be found by completing certain
objectives or certain areas of the game
these are not to be confused with bonus
stages that appear as part of the game’s
progression number 10 star road
super mario world starting off our list
is actually a series of levels that are
located in the stars there are different
entrances to star road that can only be
found by using the secret keyhole exits
in certain levels
star road offers plenty of bonuses
including different color Yoshi’s which
have unique abilities like the ability
to fly once you’ve beaten the entire
world you can use it as a shortcut to
access the other levels without having
to backtrack number nine the launch
facility Duke Nukem 3d it’s time to find
secrets and chew bubblegum only
accessible through the toxic dump in la
meltdown you traverse through a nuclear
launch facility inside the barycenter is
a missile which you can try and launch
but unfortunately in malfunctions
but don’t worry because there are plenty
of aliens around to satisfy your
bloodlust there are also a few armor and
health pickups as well as the RPG time
for more alien kickin number eight
animals go wild Donkey Kong Country it
pays to have a few friends to help you
out in your adventures in Donkey Kong
Country you are able to take control of
different animal buddies to help you
traverse levels and even find secret
levels these are rooms which you can
unlock which allow you to continue to
play as one of your animal friends to
collect tokens that grant you extra
lives if you collect enough whether
you’re flying around is expresso the
ostrich or destroying stuff as Randy the
Rhino number seven it came from Red
command and conquer Red Alert
this is a secret campaign that can be
only accessed through the counter trek
expansion for command & Conquer Red
affirmative when the Soviets have
finally been defeated you must face an
even greater enemy ants these ants have
escaped from a deserted Soviet research
lab and it’s up to you to quell their
numbers fun fact the title is actually a
reference to a 1989 game known as it
came from the desert which also has you
fighting giant ants number 6 fight
reptile mortal combat it would be the
first of many hidden character battles
that would be unlocked in later sequels
this green ninja who possesses both
Scorpion and sub-zero moves would make
random appearances before matches with
clues on how to fight him the process to
fight him varies for each version but in
the arcade version you had to repeatedly
play the pit stage until a random
silhouette flies past the moon then
achieve a double flawless victory and
perform your characters fatality
only then will you find yourself among
the spikes of the pit facing this green
doppelganger flawless victory number
five All Hallows Tomb Raider 3 Lara
Croft is no stranger to secrets by
collecting 59 of these 60 available
secrets in the game you gain access to
all hallows which takes place in a
London Cathedral it features everything
you’d expect from Lara Croft
including puzzles climbing and plenty of
exploration while there aren’t many
enemies to kill it’s still fun to find
out what secrets this Cathedral holds
also rumor has it this level was
supposed to be part of the main story
but if it had been included he wouldn’t
make this list
number four map 31 Wolfenstein doomed to
hell on earth while traversing the
industrial zone in doom 2 there is a
secret exit which brings you to a
faithfully recreated version of the
first level of Wolfenstein 3d although
some of the original enemies from the
map have been replaced such as the
attack dogs replaced by demons you can
still have the satisfaction of mowing
down tons and Nazis from here you can
even access the other secret Wolfenstein
level if you need a bit more Nazi
number three the fourth survivor
Resident Evil 2 by finishing both the
Leon and Claire scenarios in Resident
Evil 2 with an a-rank you unlock a short
scenario where you play as umbrella
operative hunk who is the fourth known
character to survive Raccoon City after
being attacked by the mutated dr. Birkin
you must escape with the g-virus with
limited supplies and within a time limit
Resident Evil 4 also had a level like
this where you play as the beautiful Ada
Wong in her own section entitled
separate ways there’s actually an even
harder mode to unlock in Resident Evil 2
where you play as a block of tofu with
only a knife no I’m not kidding number 2
Aztec level goal denied lo7
considered to be one of the hardest
levels in gaming you must first unlock
it by beating the entire game on the
secret agent difficulty
based on the James Bond movie Moonraker
you must move through Aztec ruins to
reprogram a satellite
throughout the level you must face off
against waves of guards robot drones and
even Jaws himself
just be careful since the guards have
improved accuracy and are much faster
than the others in the game before we
unveil our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions
here’s a little true number one the
secret cow level Diablo 2 this is a
secret level which you can only access
by completing Diablo 2 on any difficulty
and then combining warts leg with a tome
of town portal in the her andhra cube
when you do so you open a portal to the
secret cow level also known as the moo
moo farm here you will find hordes of
Hell bovines ready to slice you up you
should just be careful not to actually
kill the one label to the cow king
because if you kill him you won’t be
able to access the secret cow level
again on the same difficulty and it’s
really sweet for grinding so you don’t
want to do that do you agree with our
list acknowledge what’s your favorite
secret level in video games form or not
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