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Top 10 Scariest TV Deaths You Don’t See

sometimes it’s worse not to see welcome
to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
scariest TV deaths you don’t see before
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for this list even if it’s implied that
the character is about to die if the
actual death is off screen it counts
we’re excluding forensics crime dramas
like CSI because there are too many of
those deaths to include also two words
spoiler alert number 10 violet Harmon
American Horror Story American Horror
Story started off strong out of the gate
with the terrifying season of television
referred to as Murder House revolving
around a family living in a haunted
house midway through the season we see
what we think is a failed suicide
attempt by teenager violet when she
it’s only near the end of the season
that we find out it wasn’t a failed
suicide attempt at all
turns out we saw violet die and just
didn’t know it it’s too late for that
and neither did she
violet only finds out she’s dead when
Tate shows her her own corpse hidden
beneath the house number nine Dale Lacey
Castle Rock Hulu’s series based on the
lore of Stephen King fittingly gave us
one scary off-screen death in its very
first episode
warden Lacey of Shawshank Prison played
by lost veteran Terry O’Quinn commits
suicide on the day of his retirement for
mysterious reasons
Lacey drives out to a nearby cliff ties
a rope to a tree puts a noose around his
it’s a horrifying death that we’re
thankfully spared from seeing but the
blood spatter shot we do get tells us
all we need to know number eight
bullet the killing the killing was never
a massively popular series but it did
have a strong enough fan base to get a
Netflix revival when it was cancelled by
AMC in the show’s third season homeless
teenage badass informant bullet is
introduced quickly becoming a fan
favorite character after being stalked
by an unknown person in the season 3
episode try bullet is killed off-screen
and her body is discovered in the
following episode by Joel Kinnaman
detective holder by the end of the
season we discover that bullet was
killed by none other than the leader of
the Seattle Special Investigations Unit
James Skinner number 7 Vince Parker
supernatural supernatural has had its
fair share of off-screen deaths due to
its status as a horror show on the
relatively mild CW few if any have been
scarier however then this season one
death that’s a young couple Vincent
Holly stranded on the side of a remote
road the two come upon a terrifying
looking scarecrow as they search for
help that has got to be the freakiest
damn scarecrow I’ve ever seen it scares
Vince soon disappears leaving Holly
alone it isn’t long before she happens
upon his skinless corpse left by the
Scarecrow it’s by far one of the more
gruesome deaths on the long-running
horror series when we won’t be able to
forget as we try to fall asleep
number six principal Flutie and Herbert
the pig Buffy the Vampire Slayer Joss
Whedon’s modern classic television
series about the titular teenage vampire
hunter produced some of the best horror
moments on TV during its seven season
run one of the more ghastly deaths on
the show happened off screen in season
one when principal Flutie and the
school’s mascot Pig Herbert are eaten
alive by a pack of hyenas esthe students
buffy is eventually able to stop the
students but not before they cause some
serious damage
really it only took the series six
episodes to kill off their first
principal and by students no less color
us surprised more kids didn’t ask to
transfer schools number five
Hodor Game of Thrones Game of Thrones
has been responsible for the deaths of
countless characters both hated and
beloved by fans chalk this one up in the
beloved column we’re thankfully spared
from witnessing Hodor being torn apart
by whites but honestly it doesn’t make
the scene any easier to watch in the
very same episode that we learn his
history and that bran was the one who
caused his simplemindedness with his
time-travel shenanigans
Hodor dies protecting bran and meera
from an onslaught of attacking undead
this episode ends with Hodor final
moments before the undead break through
the door
number four barbara holland stranger
despite her death at the hands of the
demagogue inand only the third episode
of stranger things the memory of barb
has lived on in the hearts and minds of
fans after attending a get-together at
Steve’s house barb disappears into the
upside-down finding herself face to face
with the hideous creature at the bottom
of the pool after trying to escape
barb is pulled down into the pool by the
creature and that’s the last time we see
her death haunts the characters of the
series especially Nancy who’s driven to
find out what happened to her best
friend number three
Sophia Peltier The Walking Dead many
remember season 2 of The Walking Dead as
a boar that saw the group’s stuck at the
farm for an entire season we can’t
really argue with you but the handling
of Sophia’s death was surprisingly
effective after being chased into the
woods by walkers early on in the season
much of what follows is the group
searching for her hoping she’s still
it’s only when they find out that
Herschel’s been keeping walkers in his
barn that both the characters and the
audience discovered that sofia has been
a walker the whole time it’s a
heartbreaking moment in the series and
imagining Sofia’s death alone in the
woods is an utterly horrifying thought
number two Laura Palmer Twin Peaks the
entirety of David Lynch’s and Mark
Frost’s original Twin Peaks revolved
around the aftermath of the brutal
murder of teenage homecoming queen Laura
Palmer wanna be heard she’s dead
wrapped in plastic laura is killed the
night before the series begins and
seeing the effect of her unsolved murder
on the town of Twin Peaks creates a
distinct sense of eeriness as well as
I don’t have an alibi for last night I
was with her when we eventually find out
more about her killer and the events
that led to her death it becomes all the
more terrifying in the film follow-up to
the series fire walk with me we see
glimpses of Laura’s murder but much of
the brutality thankfully remains off
screen number one Rita Morgan Dexter
after killing and disposing of rival
Miami serial murderer the Trinity Killer
Dexter Morgan returns home with both him
and the audience believing that
everything’s come to an end with Dexter
victorious once again
soon however Dexter finds his son
sitting in a pool of his wife’s blood on
the bathroom floor with Rita lying dead
in their bathtub John Lithgow’s Trinity
had visited the Morgan house before his
confrontation with Dexter and had killed
Dexter’s discovery of the body resulted
in one of the most shocking and
horrifying moments in TV history one
that we won’t soon forget if ever but it
doesn’t matter what I do what I choose
I’m what’s wrong this is fate do you
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