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Top 10 Scariest Movie Endings

these movie finales certainly know how
to send a chill down your spine
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
scariest movie endings for this list
we’re looking at the most terror
inducing endings in cinema that we could
find with entries that vary in terms of
method but remain consistent in their
impact we are not excluding non horror
films although horror films are
naturally predisposed towards scary
endings come on and as this list is just
one giant spoiler a spoiler alert is
definitely in order
I do wish we could chat longer but
I’m having an old friend for dinner
number 10
you called Candyman have you ever heard
Candyman hooks and vengeful violence
certainly an unsettling concept and one
that’s not helped by this movie’s bleak
finale Jesus it stinks at the end of
Candyman which by the way is based on a
Clive Barker story grad student Helen
has sacrificed herself for the sake of a
child and has left her husband Trevor in
the land of the living where he shacked
up with one of his students we might add
while at the home of his new lover
Trevor calls Helens name out of sheer
grief and who should appear but the
spirit of Helen herself angry and ready
to kill one Samana Trevor scared of
something it’s a brutal and
unrelentingly violent way to end a film
but then this is a film about hook
wielding spirits number nine that’s a
good boy psycho we have 12 vacancies 12
Calvin’s 12 vacancies he wouldn’t hurt a
fly would he or is it she well a boy’s
best friend is his mother
whatever the case this simple but
effective final scene from Alfred
Hitchcock’s 1960 psychological horror
has a way of putting people on edge
in the film’s final moments some police
officers go to check on their detainee
Norman Bates it said when a mother has
to speak the words that condemn her own
son but I couldn’t allow them to believe
that I would commit murder the audience
finally gets a look into Bates mine as
we listen to his mother Norma discussing
her innocence the camera slowly zooming
in on Norman’s creepily satisfied face
he was always bad and in the aunt I
intended to tell them I kill those girls
and that man his psyche totally
splintered Norman Bates is somehow more
terrifying all wrapped up in his own
mind then when he was free to kill at
will I hope they are watching
let see they’ll see and they’ll know and
they’ll say why she wouldn’t even have a
flag number eight fiendish photo finish
insidious be honest never seen anything
like it a horror movie rule to remember
demonic possession may not end just
because you think it has insidious sets
itself up for a triumphant ending with
the Lambert family seemingly free from
the demons hunting that has plagued them
however paranormal investigator Elise
becomes suspicious of Josh Lambert and
when she takes his photo he flies into a
violent rage
why did you do that the scenes tension
build as Josh’s wife comes up to
investigate ending with a shocking
reveal of the photo and one final
jump-scare courtesy of Josh that poor
family number seven get the raid enemy
my name’s not Anthony no III I’m calling
to speak to Daniel st. Clair the actor
all of the endings on our list are
terrifying but this one is also bizarre
as hell good technique Jake Gyllenhaal
stars as two characters history
professor Adam Bell and stage actor
Anthony Claire as the film comes to a
Bell is talking to his new lover Helen
only to come across a startling sight
melon being face to face with an
enormous tarantula is horrifying in
itself its bells Loki reaction that’s
even more frightening rather than being
openly scared he instead appears
resigned to the situation to say it’s
all open to interpretation would be the
understatement of the year number six
button button who’s got the drag me to
fool it would be what comes begging to
talk about a last-minute screw-up and
drag me to hell
persevering bank loan officer Christine
has seemingly freed herself of a curse
that would condemn her to hell
relieved she can now prepare for a
bright future just one tiny issue her
boyfriend clay shows up carrying a
button which Christine intended to use
to break free of said curse I thought
maybe you could somebody do so right now
as the audience clues into Christine’s
hopelessness she ends up backing onto an
open train track where the film’s title
finally bears fruit number five the
camera never lies wreck I mean okay
Maggie sim way back here buddy what do
you think about it keep calm and don’t
get grabbed a perfect example of that
advice not being followed appears in
wreck a Spanish horror film about a
reporter survival and investigation of a
viral outbreak
on HeLa and cameraman Pablo eventually
find themselves stuck in a penthouse
with a demon-possessed girl whom they
try to evade obviously unfortunately
this plan quickly falls apart as the two
are brutally attacked
come here the film ends with on hennas
last glimmer of hope being stamped out
just as she’s about to reach her camera
so close number four
stay out of the basement the Blair Witch
Project have you ever heard of the Blair
Witch found-footage movies just don’t
end well for people take the Blair Witch
Project for example a fictional
documentary about three student
filmmakers who disappear while
investigating the titular which the
woods about Halloween time is creepy
enough phenomenon I just think I’m a
little cheesy I want to really avoid any
cheese as the movie comes to its abrupt
students Heather and Mike’s search for
their friend in an abandoned house I
hear you Josh little by little there’s a
growing sense that the two are being
watched and then Heather finds Mike
staring at a wall before she’s attacked
herself the lack of context and surplus
of ambiguity makes it all the more
terror inducing number three his
father’s eyes Rosemary’s Baby to make
baby pray for Rosemary’s Baby indie
towards the climax of this film by
director Roman Polanski the titular
rosemary grows suspicious of both her
buildings inhabitants and the
disappearance of her newborn what have
you done to it what have you done to his
eyes upon investigating further she
finds her fellow tenants gathered around
her child and then it’s revealed that
her baby is the literal spawn of Satan
what have you done damn you man Hagen is
his father not guy if that reveal plus
Rosemary’s horrified reaction to the
child’s appearance weren’t enough the
film leaves off on a haunting note
complete with unsettling music number 2
carpool ain’t cool a Nightmare on Elm
Street yes
he’s gone if not for this things might
have ended happily too Freddie
right after our teenage heroine Nancy
Thompson has seemingly vanquished
Freddie Krueger she emerges from her
house to find her friends alive and her
mother wishing them well however things
are not as cheery as they seem
Nancy and her chums get carried off in
what can only be described as a demon
car as the familiar nursery rhyme rings
out then Nancy’s mother is grabbed by
Freddie abruptly and without warning and
the audience is left in awe it’s
chilling scenes like this that keep
people coming back to the Elm Street
movies before we unveil our number one
pick here are some honorable mentions
what’s the boogeyman
number one go ask alice Friday the 13th
and thus a franchise was born the
counselors went paying any attention
they were making love while that young
boy dropped Friday the 13th moves toward
its finale on a victorious note sole
survivor Alice awakens to see police
investigating Crystal Lake and then
suddenly the decomposing corpse of Jason
Voorhees pops up to drag Alice to her
doom fortunately it’s just a dream as
Alice awakens in a hospital to inform
police about what has occurred
everything’s over unfortunately when
told there was no boy found at the lake
Alice’s three choice words ensured
filmgoers went home in terror now that’s
true fear can Easter Fair do you agree
with our list
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