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Top 10 Scariest Cartoon Villains

their brand of evil is truly terrifying
and if a little animated I’ll make it
quick cold soldier welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 scariest
cartoon villains before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
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videos for this list we’re looking at
animated villains that weren’t just evil
they were also pretty darn scary number
10 verminous scum Captain Planet and the
Planeteers yes this rat mutant not only
looks horrifying he also managed to
cause some real down-to-earth damage at
his prime aside from the everyday evil
doings like poisoning water supplies and
turning people into giant rats scum was
responsible for turning an entire town
against a student with AIDS that’s
pretty dangerous for the job he also
caused one of the planeteers and her
cousin to become addicted to drugs with
the latter eventually dying of an
overdose that’s pretty savage for a
Saturday morning cartoon villain
number 9 violator Todd McFarlane’s spawn
yeah kind of cute
get all indignant like that bringing you
to hellish characters for the price of
one the nemesis of our demonic antihero
spawn not only looks like a grotesque
clown on the outside
he’s also a monstrous denizen of the
inferno on the inside acting as the
literal devil on spawns shoulder
violator once tried to veer him towards
the dark side to lead hell’s army but
when that plan backfired he settled for
trying to tear him apart the
old-fashioned way in between causing
plenty of chaos on earth of course to be
honest it’s hard to decide which look is
worse I just love to see the children’s
faces window with them they like kids
don’t you Betty number 8
freaky Fred Courage the Cowardly Dog but
brings you to our cozy corner of the
world holiday the writers of this show
were really pushing the envelope when
they introduced the sociopathic Fred if
you think that smile is unnerving just
wait till you discover his fetish for
shaving hair or in this case fur not
only does he narrate an entire episode
in which we get a disturbing look into
how much he loves his job as a barber we
also get to watch him practically
torture courage when they’re trapped in
a bathroom nauseating and terrifying
Fred manages to surpass many of the
show’s actual monsters by being scarily
close to home as far as psychos go talk
before he was transformed into a still
not so harmless baby the Lich was by far
one of the most dangerous enemies that
our favorite human and dog ever had to
face once imprisoned by the great hero
Billy the Lich eventually frees himself
and brings ruin to the Land of Ooo by
unleashing an army of evil killing
prismo and eventually taking control of
princess Bubblegum’s body even the most
battle-hardened of adventurers would be
nervous to take on such a creature
especially one voiced by Hellboy himself
number six King Ramses Courage the
how courage you really did draw the
short straw on this one while fred is
his own brand of creepy in terms of
legitimate monsters nothing tops the
spirit of a deceased monarch who despite
being made of some pretty shoddy CGI
still manages to scare the crap out of
each worsened after Eustace refuses to
give back a cursed Egyptian slab Ramses
unleashes three deadly curses upon them
nearly deafening drowning and devouring
them in the space of a single night sure
that’s a high standard of evil but just
that appearance alone would be enough
for most number five
hexadecimal reboot rendered an
old-school CGI but just as terrifying
today this secondary antagonist may not
have the intellectual villainy of her
brother but she makes up for it in
madness as the queen of chaos
hexadecimal lives to cause unpredictable
destruction all over the net while her
intentions are often reflected in the
series of horrifying masks she uses to
express her mood and be destroyed even
the ones that aren’t scary can still
give you chills on account of her
distorted voice which makes her sound
permanently on edge this is definitely
not the kind of virus you want on your
system number four
scarecrow Batman the Animated Series so
now they will then the true nature of
how the Joker may have his moments of
sheer cruelty but when it comes to fear
there’s only one villain who’s turned it
into an art form
due to his mastery of chemistry dr.
crane managed to create an air base
toxin that causes hallucinations
relating to the victims deepest phobias
something that not even the Dark Knight
is immune to
Scarecrow only for you in the tuk-tuk
backpack when things start out his
weapon of choice is more frightening
than his look but in the new Batman
adventures he gets a makeover that
elevates him from average villainy into
something straight out of a nightmare
fear is power
number three cold the face stealer
Avatar The Last Airbender how could I
forget you one of your previous
incarnations trying to slay me its debut
may have been brief but there is no
denying that the appearance of this
spirit created a true sense of horror
that remains unmatched seeking
information on the moon and ocean
spirits and finds himself conversing
with the infamous co a creature that not
only comes with a creepy insect-like
shell but also with the nasty habit of
killing and snatching the face of its
victims should they blink in its
presence given how much it loves to jump
out switch faces and invade personal
space we’re still not quite sure how an
manage to remain so composed
come to me even new face number two
the everliving source of evil on Third
Earth this undead sorcerer exists only
to smite the heroic felines that
threaten his rule and of course to
petrify all 80s kids with his decaying
state of being that’s not to say he’s
totally helpless by calling on the power
of his master’s mom rockin transform his
body into a muscular yet equally fearful
whether it’s as a decrepit overseer or
as a vicious juggernaut he remains a
powerful enemy whose talents and
deception and dark magic ensured that
the Thundercats were never short of
obstacles to overcome before we unveil
our number-one pick here are some
honorable mentions you can call me your
new Lord and Master for all of eternity
number one him The Powerpuff Girls there
are many cartoon villains that could be
described as demons but rarely will you
meet one who captures the
characteristics you’d find in the devil
himself well he certainly possesses
flamboyant traits the being known as him
never ceases to remind viewers that he
is evil incarnate he does this by
demonstrating the seemingly limitless
power at his disposal or just by that
warped and unnerving voice when you have
a whole list of atrocities to your name
such as poisoning an entire town with
hatred or being responsible for creating
an apocalyptic future with minimal
effort you know you’re dealing with a
whole different breed of villain and a
darn scary one at that do you agree with
our picks check out these other great
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