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Top 10 Rick and Morty Villains (So Far)

uninvent errs this crazy you go up
against some seriously odd foes welcome
to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 10
Rick and Morty villains so far my
testicle simmer if you’ll allow me to
interject over at mojo talks we have a
little show called watch club where we
talk about the biggest shows on TV like
Legion and West world check out the
playlist at the link below
for this list we’ll be looking at the
best antagonists from this Adult Swim
show and ranking them based on how
threatening and/or entertaining they are
as well as their design and unique
quirks we won’t be including Rick
himself since well he’s not exactly a
hero he isn’t the villain either well
he’s not a villain summer but he
shouldn’t be your hero he’s more like a
demon or a super fucked up guy number 10
fart sometimes it takes a villain some
time to reveal their true nature a
gaseous entity that Morty saves from
assassination this whimsical singing
cloud has dubbed fart by Rick you killed
my best customer but you saved a
mind-reading fart I like this name
farts darker nature has first hinted at
when he manages to destroy their
pursuers by himself
it’s eventually revealed that fart
intends to return to his own dimension
so he can come back with others of his
kind to wipe out all carbon-based life
in Rick and Morty’s universe
the contrast between farce personality
and his intentions make him one of a
kind and his songs are very memorable
and catchy ensuring that he stays with
number nine snowball the Smith family’s
adorable dog snuffles is rather dumb and
his indoor urination leads Jerry to seek
Rick’s help in increasing his
intelligence to prevent this from
happening however that first brain boost
leads snuffles to invent further devices
and things quickly get out of hand
snuffles was my slave name you shall now
call me snowball rechristening himself
snowball rocking a giant robotic
exoskeleton the once lovable pup takes
over earth with the help of other
assemble the troops
i’ve made a decision in the end thanks
to his love for morty snowball and his
canine crew leave for another dimension
but during his time on earth he
nonetheless proved that man’s best
friend is a force to be reckoned with
I’m gonna miss you snowball you can call
me snuffles Marty and I’m going to miss
you too very much number eight shwee me
pants the fourth dimensional testicle
when Rick Morty and some are messed with
time there are side effects namely
breaking time into multiple pieces as a
result of their bickering and
uncertainty this prompts a visit from a
fourth dimensional time cop who looks
like a red testicle revealed in
supplementary material to be named slimy
pants how you think you gonna move time
while you’re standing in it you dumbass
three-dimensional monkey as dummies
while the hideous immortal omniscient
being is able to normalize time for the
trio he also plans to arrest them
prompting Rick to use the broken time to
his advantage splitting himself further
to beat him up and kill his living gun
with his amusing fondness for the word
ass and his Albert Einstein
misunderstanding me me pants is a great
number seven beth smith alog at an
unorthodox alien couples therapy retreat
Morty’s parents Beth and Jerry are given
the opportunity to see exaggerated
physical representations of how they
view each other also called myth along
we can adapt we can communicate and most
importantly together the version of Beth
that Jerry sees is basically a
terrifying cross between her and one of
the xenomorph Queens from the Alien
franchise devious and ruthless myth lock
Beth manages to escape her confinement
and goes on a rampage throughout the
retreat killing numerous people and
plotting greater domination Beth and
Jerry are able to stop her by creating
alternate myth logs but Queen Beth’s
reign was glorious and terrifying while
it lasted this representation displeases
me number six the Galactic Federation
despite sharing part of its name with a
peaceful Star Trek government the
Galactic Federation is anything but
seemingly ruled by the insectoid Grom
flu mites the Federation is a longtime
enemy of Rick and his friends were
viewed as terrorists by the
intergalactic government after
imprisoning Rick for his countless
crimes against them and trying to
discover how he travels between
Rick escapes and manages to destroy
their economy for good measure I mean
our single centralized galactic currency
just went from being worth one of itself
to zero of itself well they seem to have
been removed as a large-scale threat
some of their members will probably
speaking of which number five Tammy GRU
durmand one of summer’s classmates Tammy
initially appears to be a more comedic
side character she seemingly got love on
the brain and falls for Rick’s friend
birdperson at a house party eventually
going on to marry him I now pronounce
you Squatch and bird person however
during the reception is revealed that
she’s actually an undercover agent for
the Galactic Federation who used the
wedding as a pretext to get Rick and his
allies in one place in a lot of ways
what I really AM is a deep-cover agent
for the Galactic Federation and you guys
are a group of wanted criminals and this
entire building is in a certain sense
surrounded not much is known about who
she really is
but she has to be pretty cold-hearted as
she’s shot and possibly murdered her
husband even if she does resurrect him
as a cyborg Phoenix person is that what
we settled on I thought we all agreed on
cyber bird it’s only a matter of time
before she and Phoenix person show up
number four the council of ricks as
we’ve seen Rick hates the government but
he also hates himself so he really hates
a government made up of different
versions of himself scan his portal gun
oh come on don’t look at another man’s
portal gun history the council of ricks
is made up of rick’s from numerous
realities with various bizarre hairdos
who rule over a citadel of rick amorites
who have banded together for protection
against their enemies rick’s
anti-establishment mentality naturally
makes him antagonistic towards the
council and they towards him as they
suspect him of a string of Rick murders
and even tried to assassinate him when
he’s captured by the Galactic Federation
Rick retaliates by effectively
destroying the council though ominously
leaving the Citadel of Rick’s without a
leader okay let’s wrap this good job
Morty let’s go kids number three the
alien parasites one of Rick and Morty’s
adventures sees them accidentally bring
home a telepathic parasite which can
insert itself into their memories to
this leads to one of the series funniest
stories in which the whole family tries
to discover who among them and the
rapidly increasing cast of wacky friends
is truly real as explored via some
rather amusing flashbacks watch me baby
I’m like Tom Cruise from cuisine or
whatever that movie’s called where he
makes drinks they eventually discover
that the parasite can only create happy
the parasites can only create pleasant
memories I know you’re real because I
have a ton of bad memories with you the
concept of the parasites is ingenious
and the assorted characters that crop up
are hilarious and inventive sadly the
purging process is not without a Smith
oh there’s been a shooting my wife shot
my wife shot a longtime family friend
number two evil Morty they say the best
villains hit close to home and it
doesn’t get much closer than evil Morty
where it first led to believe that he’s
the sidekick to an evil version of Rick
but it’s eventually revealed that evil
Morty was pulling the strings all along
he’s next seen running foreign winning
the presidency of the Citadel giving him
a tremendous amount of power evil Morty
is subject to a great deal of
speculation as to his motives and
origins and we can only hope the truth
delivers on our expectations in a
satisfying way it seems like a good time
for a drink and cold calculated speech
with sinister overtones before we get to
our top pick here are a few honorable
mentions disqualified there’s one every
season sir they’re over the edge yes
they are just as planned
number one drunk Rick yeah okay so we
did say that Rick would be on the list
and he isn’t drunk Rick is UK Miran
defeated our arch-nemesis well so drunk
you don’t remember doing it one drunken
occasion sees him obliterate a powerful
villain with ease and then torment his
normal allies with sadistic saw style
murder rooms another season nearly
destroy the earth with a neutrino bomb
due to an alcohol-fueled idea of
starting fresh I had to make a bomb or
take it easy it’s gonna be good now
we’ll grant you that Rick Sanchez is
almost constantly inebriated but the
occasions in which he truly goes on a
bender prove that his minuscule level of
sobriety is all there stopping him from
becoming a full-on supervillain next
time I party I’m just gonna focus on
getting totally wrecked you’re so wise
well done team another perfect drink
what is you guys think let us know in
the comments below and don’t forget to
check out watch club on mojo talks where
we talk about the biggest shows on TV
like Legion and Westwood check out the
playlist at the link below do you agree
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