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Top 10 Reasons Why Michael Bay Movies Are Hated

his films received a lot of criticism
but is it justified it looks like you’re
at your distributor caps a little loose
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
reasons Michael Bay movies are hated for
this list we’re looking at the reasons
critics and audiences dislike Michael
Bay films we’re focusing primarily on
those movies which were directed by Bay
although we’re also including films
where he acted as producer that’s harsh
man number 10
too much patriotism everyone brave
enough to accept this step forward
okay we get it
Americans are proud to be American and
are passionate about patriotism United
States government just has to save the
world but with his over-reliance on
patriotism as a theme Michael Bay would
have you think that America is the only
country in the world
patriotism is the virtue of the vicious
according to ask a wild almost all of
his films include the American military
in some form or another a you’re a
soldier now all right now you just take
this tune get it into military half when
we hold them off glamorized base style
of course and he peppers American flags
throughout assets like they’re going out
of style think we’re kidding
according to some sources there are 53
flags and transformers age of extinction
alone that works out to one flag
appearing for every three minutes of
screen time
number nine terrible comedy the boys
pheromone levels suggest he wants to
make with the female Bing has famously
declared that he makes movies for
teenage boys and with teenagers but we
can still have adult conversations this
might explain why the comedy in his
films is so awful they’ve got to get
their hands off my but even then do
teenage boys really find robots peeing
on people funny
bumblebee stop lubricating the bag worse
still how is watching Sam wit wikkeez
mom eating pot brownies even the
slightest bit of music hey it’s my cheat
day what I went on a freak out please do
something right now please do so right
now the comedy crime film pain & gain
had a few laughs but that was mainly due
to the presence of the rock that’s harsh
I want to be on the team critics are
firm in their belief that there’s no
creativity behind the humor in BAE’s
films and that his attempts at comedy
are an embarrassment in the screen
number eight so much product placement
this is a v12 oh nine caddy 750
horsepower $500,000 car all of BAE’s
films are notorious for pushing consumer
products you were Hawking your
great-grandfather’s crap in my class
kids in short look can you do me a favor
but none comes close to transformers age
of extinction in this regard in total
there are reportedly 55 different brands
featured in the movie including Armani
Budweiser and Chevrolet what’s most
frustrating however is how obvious they
all are while some filmmakers choose to
insert products carefully and
artistically into scenes bei puts them
front and center we get it they paid you
to hock their wares but the only thing
this achieves is making the audience not
want to buy their products security
breach years ago now number 7 he ruined
transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles I wanna tell you about a dream a
boy’s dream and a man’s promise to that
boy if you grew up in the 80s odds are
you liked both transformers and the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
they would be ridiculed Oh odds are
Michael Bay nearly ruined both of these
series for you with these terrible films
okay here’s the dream your b- dream gone
kaput they failed to capture the heart
that made both these franchises so
appealing impossible by ruining
choosing instead to focus on confusing
action sequences and massive explosions
while bei was only the producer on
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the film
was panned by critics because it wasn’t
entertaining and lacked the fun that
enlivened the earlier films no no my
worst fears have been realized
totally not bodacious dudes three four
total Turtles ones fighting a robot
Samurai why not number six
he panders to the lowest common
denominator yes
directors generally have a target
audience in mind when they create their
films and yes they stick to what they do
well Martin Scorsese for example usually
focuses on mob films because they are
what he does best as far back as I can
remember I always wanted to be a
but is it possible for michaelbay to do
something that doesn’t pander to the
lowest common denominator for once we
would love to watch a Bey film that
actually makes us think or shows us
something new maybe just get tired of
being when you are agent may be a little
strong character development or plot for
a change well when you put it like that
it sounds ridiculous anything but a guy
drinking a protein shake and doing curls
throughout the film I gotta say it felt
great to be doing so awesome number five
he objectifies female characters
on the whole michael bay’s male
characters are pretty much
one-dimensional but his portrayal of
female characters is generic and
stereotypical at best insultingly sexist
at worst I even came up with genius free
membership for strippers delicious
boosted membership 75% within two months
the women in his films are almost always
objectified look no further than the
first Transformers film and it’s
practically naked Megan Fox leaning over
the hood of a car to see what we need to
know fast
one of the big moments of Armageddon
involves Bruce Willis basically giving
Liv Tyler over to Ben Affleck you go
take care of my little girl now and all
she does is cry and watch her men try to
save the world from the comfort of her
home everything good that I haven’t
decided me I have for me and don’t even
get us started on Pearl Harbor all I
ever wanted was for us to have home grow
old together but life method has to be
number four racial stereotypes hey mommy
oh don’t be like that if I had a rock
I’ll butcher weird it’s a mushy death
you know
however Bay’s portrayal of race is
actually worse than his objectification
of women not only are these characters
not funny
they are downright offensive I’ll do
that without me Carrie good I got a
goddamn gun
the characters of mudflap and skids in
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen are
particularly loathsome with some critics
referring to them as some of the most
racist caricatures ever seen in
mainstream film in mudflat what are we
gonna do with this shrimp taco but the
Kappas are told me to truck it in their
wagon oh that not me I’m not wrong they
responded that he was simply trying to
put more personality into the film was
crack a little bitchy my first
lieutenant designation jazz this looks
like a cool place to Kiki
no mr. Bay you’re simply showing your
cultural ignorance weak why don’t you
get a haircut with your bitch-ass go on
to your boy number three bad and cliched
camerawork from a more technical
standpoint face films are simply poorly
shot he’s over dependant on slow motion
which he uses almost every time there’s
an explosion or any loud noise which in
a bay film is more often than not we
also see the same low angle shot of a
character every time they get out of a
car shit just got real
when you use this shot over and over it
loses any effectiveness and becomes
annoying and cliched phase action scenes
are also incredibly confusing making it
nearly impossible for the audience to
understand what is actually happening
number two he emphasizes action
sequences overstory we’ve been building
to this point for basically the entire
many people enjoy action sequences what
they don’t enjoy however are films that
contain dozens of action scenes but no
story bays plots often don’t make any
sense and we can’t help but feel that
this is because he spends the entire
time dreaming up over-the-top explosions
and fight scenes action scenes are most
effective when the audience cares about
the characters involved in Bay’s films
however we barely know anything about
the characters making these scenes
hollow and ultimately boring before we
unveil our number one pick here are some
honorable mentions please you’ve got
Alice Killian go get some please who’s
killing who Oak Island shit excuse me
I’m sorry I’m sorry
okay ladies Velma let’s thank Michael
Bay for joining us
number one his awful movies are box
office successes something here needs to
make this family some money at the end
of the day as much as we complain about
Michael Bay he isn’t gonna stop making
films because of one reason money
sources Believe It or Not Bay has never
lost money on a film he directed listen
I know what the odds are with the
exception okay
considering that several of his films
have had budgets of over one hundred and
fifty million dollars this is equally
impressive and annoying
no just I’m just in a both Transformers
Dark of the Moon and transformers age of
extinction for example made over a
billion dollars worldwide despite being
almost universally panned by critics if
I can apply that technology to my
inventions we never have to worry about
money again as long as the cash
registers keep ringing bay has no
incentive to mess with his winning
formula I’m gonna be rich like stupid
rich do you agree with our list bad mojo
bad mojo
why do you hate Michael Bay movies he
has emotional anger issue problem will
to bed early for this shit just to wake
up to pop one in a mother more exciting
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