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Top 10 Reasons Logan Paul Is Hated

getting older doesn’t always mean
getting wiser welcome to
the top ten reasons Logan Paul is hated
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this list we’re looking at what haters
have against Logan Paul going over the
worst rumors and controversies involving
the YouTube megastar number 10 he told
people to sabotage his brothers van
while this is a gigantic maybe the
circumstances are certainly suspicious
the widely covered feud between Jake and
his neighbors culminated in a now
infamous interview with the local news
station and an alleged incident in which
the team tends van was sabotaged
Jake claims that the neighbors loosened
the lug nuts on the wheels resulting in
a dangerous accident on the highway but
there’s also a conspiracy started by
pewdiepie that it was actually Logan who
loosened the Nets after Logan suggested
that Jake’s neighbors do just that egg
is how or take the lug nuts off the
wheels of his cars was it a coincidence
part of a large cross channel script
whatever the case Logan’s anti fans were
not impressed
number 9 the no handlebars controversy
both Paul Brothers have provoked
backlash against their music careers but
Logan generated particularly bad
publicity with no handlebars based on
the flow bots track handlebars the Flo
bot song is about reaching a crossroads
and deciding how to use your power
apparently Logan decided to use it by
riding a bicycle made out of women
literally reducing them to objects while
singing about riding your girl with no
the model he rides who thought the video
would be satire said she felt abused and
ashamed and Flo BOTS frontman Jamie
lorry slammed Logan as the face of
douchebag entitlement releasing the diss
track handle your bars if you like
someone don’t blatantly buy from women
if you like women don’t make a bite from
them now that’s a burn number 8 his
twitch stream when his revenue was
suspended on YouTube Logan decided to
try his hand at the fastest-growing
entertainment platform out there
twitch having already moved from vine to
YouTube expanding to twitch seemed like
a logical jump but many twitch users
were far from happy like during his
first twitch stream he showcased how
much he sucked at the game fortnight
write out a username that included a
racial slur and was purged by images of
penises even so he still scored six
hundred and thirty thousand subscribers
on twitch overnight infuriating many of
the streamers who work hard for subs on
the site number seven his taser video
hopefully few people go on youtube to
watch videos of people abusing dead
animals and while abusing may be a
strong word zapping a pair of dead rats
with the Taser seems like a pretty good
example believe it or not in the
aftermath of other controversies this
dead rat video came as part of Logan’s
comeback efforts following a three-week
hiatus but resulted in all ads being
suspended from his YouTube channel where
he got dead rats from is anybody’s guess
but Google wasn’t having any of it
taking a hard-line approach in
monitoring the content of YouTube’s
biggest bloggers number 6 how he markets
merch both Paul Brothers are relentless
in pushing their merchandise
although Jake is the one who’s most
since their core audience is made up of
kids who aren’t necessarily very
marketing savvy their tactics have come
under fire as being more than a little
problematic Logan is constantly pushing
his maverick clothing line telling his
young fans that they’ll be part of a
movement and ahead of the crowd if they
do the product placement in his videos
is non-stop and he even drops the word
maverick into his sentences as often as
number five he’s rude overseas nobody
enjoys rude tourists in their home
countries and the Paul brothers are
classic examples while his trip to Japan
is the most notorious of all his time in
Italy was almost as bad when the Paul’s
jumped into a canal in Venice it
inspired an online campaign to get them
arrested but they managed to provoke
even more hate in Rome where Logan
decided to fly a drone over the
Colosseum landing him in Italian custody
to make matters worse he filmed and
uploaded his entire arrest as well as
the illegally captured drone footage
number four he’s just annoying hairflip
what’s up my name is Logan Paul well he
may sometimes be considered the lesser
of two evils beside his brother this
doesn’t mean that he doesn’t still rub a
lot of people the wrong way when it
comes down to it many people find Logan
just plain annoying or at least his
douchey online persona it’s hard to tell
what someone’s really like when they’re
mostly pushing merchandise and playing
pranks his attempts to branch out from
social media haven’t encouraged a warmer
welcome he did make a pretty convincing
jock in foursome but a bland generic
hero in YouTube read movie the thinning
number three his role in the jalisa
jalisa was it ever real X team 10 member
ellisa violet left the house in a
whirlwind of drama with Jake claiming
she cheated on him and Alyssa saying
that Jake had cheated on her all the
time there’s nothing I could do about it
because I could his house I’m in a
contract to Penn matters only got worse
when rumors spread that Elissa had
hooked up with Jake’s own brother Logan
as if this wasn’t all weird enough
the Lowe gang released a diss track
aimed at Jake featuring Elissa and
it included a savage second averse that
Logan didn’t originally release because
it was too cruel but then later uploaded
anyway number two he faked his own death
a prankster at heart Logan’s taken his
jokes too far numerous times but this is
one of the worst announcing he was going
to do something wrong that feels so
right he took advantage of the crowds of
eager young fans who follow him
given the age range of most of his
dedicated fans it must have been pretty
traumatic to watch their Idol apparently
get shot to death by a home intruder
even if it was revealed to be one big
joke at the end it’s just one in a long
line of horrific stunts that somehow
seemed like a good idea at the time
before we unveil our top pick here are a
few dishonorable mentions
number one his controversial Japan video
it became one of the biggest scandals
since YouTube began for a very good
Bombay kitchen in Japan the low gang
decided to visit the Aokigahara forest
colloquially known as the suicide forest
because it’s the site of frequent
suicides while there the friends found
the body of a man who had hung himself
and was still suspended from a tree they
proceeded to film it while laughing and
then uploaded the video to YouTube I’m
sorry Logan has since apologized for his
actions although critics felt he came
off as insincere the event has truly
cemented his infamy do you agree with
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