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Top 10 Powers Venom Has That Spider-Man Doesn’t

looking at venom you might think he’s
basically just an evil spider-man but
he’s much much more welcome to has the spider-man doesn’t
before we begin
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latest videos for this list we’ll be
looking at many of the abilities the
Venom symbiote has displayed that are
far outside the realms of possibility
for regular old Spidey number 10
Peter Parker no wait
how about that guy from Aerosmith while
Peter Parker may be tied down to the
same old boring human form face and
costume venom can look like pretty much
whatever he needs to in order to blend
sometimes that’s as simple as changing
color to match the scenery and sneak up
on opponents but it can be so much more
venom can also duplicate any outfit its
wearer can imagine making costume
changes a breeze and offering awesome
fashion sense on any budget number 9
making his own webbing hang on I thought
this was supposed to be a list of things
spider-man can’t do aren’t webs part of
his schtick well yes but unlike the
version in the Sam Raimi movies comic
book spider-man actually can’t produce
his own webbing as a power he has to
rely on mechanical web-shooters firing
and expensive to make artificial
compound and that means he can run out
you know who doesn’t have that problem
venom the symbiote can goop out as much
webbing as its owner needs giving it a
big boost against the ever cash-strapped
spider-man that’s 1 power his wallet
number eight gaining power from hatred
especially for spider-man I want you to
kill Peter Parker the Venom symbiote
survives by syncing up physically and
emotionally with its users that means
the Venom symbiote has the power to draw
out hatred anger and malice and its
hosts and actually use them to make
itself stronger and who does venom hate
more than anyone else
you guessed it our old friend the wall
crawler that means venom is at his
strongest when he’s with a host like
Eddie Brock who hates Peter just as much
then it may not be the only villain who
hates Spidey but he’s definitely the
only one who can use that hatred as a
number seven being in two places at once
hate synchronization isn’t the only
power venom gets from his symbiotic
nature either being two separate
organisms also lets him bring a whole
new meaning to teamwork specifically
venom and his hosts can split apart for
a limited time to do the work of two
people at once the symbiote can’t
survive on its own forever but while it
lasts the two can look out for each
other by double the enemies or just take
some time to play a two-player video
game if two heads are better than one
Venom’s better than spider-man number
six running on autopilot I’m gonna take
way back when spider-man first donned to
the alien costume he discovered
something unsettling criminals would
show up in jail claiming they’ve been
arrested by an eerily silent Spidey
but Peter had no memory of bringing them
in turns out the costume had been using
Pete’s body to fight crime while he
slept using some excessively brutal
tactics while that might have been a
deal-breaker for Peter is a huge bonus
for the suits less scrupulous hosts they
do their dark deeds while catching their
dark Z’s or just sit back and enjoy the
ride while the suit improves their
reactions and guides their movement
number five living survival suit the
Venom symbiote is used to surviving in
the vacuum of space which makes it weak
to things that aren’t found there sound
for example but it also means things
people on earth need to live like air
and warmth are pretty much optional to
venom the symbiote can provide its host
with everything they need to survive in
any environment under water
outer space no problem the recent series
venom space night even had him soaring
through the void as a full-time cosmic
cop number four vampiric life leech ick
you bitch somebody’s head off fuel in
many incarnations venom sustains himself
by devouring people whole or even worse
in pieces but he doesn’t technically
have to eat them he could just use the
symbiote to suck the life force straight
out of their bodies in a weirdly
vampiric way to bolster his own strength
it may sound less gruesome but don’t get
too comfortable this feeding process
doesn’t look like it’s much fun for the
victims either number three generating
tentacles limbs and weapons being a
shape-shifting blob of alien goo means
venom doesn’t have to stick to the
boring old two arms and two legs normal
humans are stuck with so while
spider-man struggles to juggle all his
responsibilities venom can just grow a
couple new limbs if he’s feeling
short-handed and if the symbiotes host
is missing limbs like Flash Thompson who
lost his legs venom can fill in with no
trouble the only problem is when the
host takes the symbiote off the new
limbs go away with it number two genetic
we’ve seen thousands of millions of
civilizations many streets always with
bundle above all else on top of all
these abilities venom also boasts
spider-man strength agility and
wall-crawling but hang on where did a
blob of alien goo get all those spider
well the Venom symbiote most dangerous
power is its genetic memory it picks up
knowledge even superhuman abilities from
each host it bonds with that means venom
strength is a combination of power
copied from everyone who’s used the
symbiote before and as it swaps to new
hosts it only gets stronger
but since the symbiote has such a deep
hatred for spider-man it loves to show
off his powers the most since last time
if that’s possible maybe we’d better be
thankful it didn’t become the Hulk’s
nemesis instead number one spawning
other symbiotes each was about to
reproduce the tsuba can duel that it can
and it has there is now
the powers on this list make venom a
formidable villain to be sure but the
biggest power venom has at least in
terms of making money for Marvel has to
be spawning new symbiotes that’s right
the Venom symbiote can have babies this
makes venom a massive threat to the
world the only thing worse than one evil
alien monster is more of them after all
but it also creates fun and lucrative
new characters for Marvel to work with
your offspring oh yes we recall
replicating the best-known is carnage of
course it more recently sleeper who may
be the most deadly symbiote of all do
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