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Top 10 Powerful Comic Book Characters

power everybody wants it some people got
it in spades
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
most powerful comic book characters for
this list we’re focusing on the pure
brute strength physical power and
awesome abilities of our favorite comic
book characters and not on their cunning
wealth or other advantages gods are
selfish beings who fly around in little
red capes and don’t share their power
with mankind however if they have cool
weapons or tools that offer them
physical advantages well more power to
yah I want to get a prize of a future
number 10 the Hulk now those are words
to live by
and when you’re the Hulk a massive green
or occasionally gray skin muscle you’ve
got plenty of power for Smashing
overflowing with gamma radiation the
matter Hulk gets the stronger he gets
the mr. hyde to Bruce banners dr. Jekyll
Hulk is one mean green fighting machine
number nine Thanos together we can
appreciate the truest expression of my
love annihilation
everything that is some aliens get up on
the wrong side of the bed every morning
take vanos for example he used his
special infinity gems to wipe out almost
all life in the universe and he still
wasn’t satisfied with his own power and
those of the gems his supreme
intelligence and an ability to just take
matter and energy and manipulate them to
his own purposes
he’s almost unstoppable almost number
eight Thor
Thor the Norse god of thunder
it’s his massive strength from his
parents Odin the father of the gods and
Gaia who’s basically the earth herself
he also has a magic hammer that controls
the weather and a special belt that
doubles his strength if that’s not
enough Thor goes into this weird
warriors madness trance that makes him
ten times as strong warning though it
ain’t called warriors madness for
nothing good shot was satisfying indeed
number seven Darkseid look the
transmissions coming in Darkseid the
godlike ruler of the hellish world known
as apocalypse the granite face Darkseid
is bent on ruling the universe and he’s
got the chops to do it to awesome
strength immortality cunning and control
over Omega energy which can cut down
just about anything it comes into
contact with Darkseid also doesn’t waste
his powers he prefers to act more as a
general and let others do his fighting
saving himself for the truly worthy
opponents impressive under my guidance
you could have become the most powerful
being in the universe your life here
will be nothing in comparison number 6
Jean Grey Phoenix
when Jean Grae first appeared as Marvel
Girl her powers were telepathy and
telekinesis pool but not outstandingly
powerful however when she accessed the
Phoenix force and became Phoenix her
abilities multiplied exponentially as
Phoenix she basically has control over
matter itself as well as over
electromagnetic and cosmic energies
making her one of the most powerful
beings in the Marvel or any other
universe and she can resurrect herself
and other people god complex anyone
number five doomsday
doomsday doomsday is the dude that
killed Superman is it any wonder he
makes this list created by one of those
alien scientists that just shouldn’t be
let near a test-tube he’s the embodiment
of savagery rage and hate the guy
practically wiped out the Justice League
with one hand tied behind his back
literally he also has the annoying
ability to come back to life if you see
this killing machine give him a wide
number four apocalypse and the first
mutant on earth
apocalypse is drunk with power guy is a
strong believer in survival of the
fittest and thinks no one is fitter than
he not gonna argue with him from the
ashes of his swoon hey he’s got super
strength flight can grow or shrink and
is almost invulnerable and immortal if
it weren’t for the fact that he’s weaker
when regenerating he’d be unbeatable eat
I am as far beyond butan says they are
beyond you
how’s our useless against number three
dr. Manhattan
I’m disappointed in you Adrian very
physicist Jon Osterman was disintegrated
in an experiment gone wrong but his
atoms reassembled into the blue-skinned
being known as dr. Manhattan this
creature has immense strength can create
duplicates of himself
teleport items control matter on a
subatomic level and even has knowledge
of future events dr. Manhattan
eventually lost touch with his own
humanity now godlike he departed earth
why to go create life somewhere else of
course now that’s power number two
by Krypton of course we included the Man
of Steel on this list he’s the guy who
started it all and he still about the
most powerful being in comics with his
array of powers super-strength speed
flight and vulnerability supervision and
even yes super breath he’s pretty much
got it all covered amazingly he’s never
tempted to use his powers for anything
even slightly off face boy what we can
do with x-ray vision color underwear am
I learn
hmm I’m sorry I embarrassed you didn’t I
oh no no no no not at all my twin sister
this planner must be made of lead before
we end mask our top pick we’re gonna
list a few honorable mentions and hope
they don’t beat us up for not including
them on the list
number one Galactus Galactus the be own
a god-like creature imbued with the
power cosmic Galactus goes around
devouring yes devouring entire planets
literally for breakfast
the Duke can do just about anything
including teleporting an entire galaxy
from one side of the universe to another
and creating pocket dimensions with the
ability to crush our meaningless little
lives with a twitch of his pinkie do you
think we’re gonna tick them off by not
naming him number one my power is
in all the universe terrors
I can not remove do you agree with our
picks what others super-powered entities
should we have considered for this list
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