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Top 10 Pokemon of Ash Ketchum

if you want to be the savoury best like
no one ever was then you’ll need a hell
of a team to back you up
hey thanks welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 Pokemon of Ash Ketchum
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great contests for this list we’re
looking at all the pokemon oath by Ash
Ketchum over the course of the anime and
ranking which are the best in terms of
impact and popularity you are believable
okay number 10 Lapras you put up quite a
fight flatbread not only is this sea
caring Pokemon one of the most adorable
creatures you’ll ever lay your eyes on
but it also serves as the main source of
transportation for Ash and company
during their time on the horn and
violence initially afraid of humans have
to be separated from turrets it ended up
forming a strong bond with ash q did
this maybe it certainly knows how to
leave its enemies on ice
number nine Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Morgan
proves just how much of a powerhouse it
was with its peers determination
endurance and solarbeam that turned
photosynthesis into a weapon of mass
destruction it may have taken a backseat
in recent years but his impact is one of
Ash’s strongest Pokemon still remains
true in fact it’s such a beast that it
refused his own evolutionary process and
still came out on top number eight
heracross sure it would much rather
spend its days sucking staff out of
trees than lock horns in a Pokemon panel
but this sturdy insect it’s always
willing to fight for Ash and proved
itself to be a valuable addition to the
team throughout his time and Jo toast
comedic and loving in nature heracross
was actually thrown into some pretty
tough battles and managed to still claim
not many bug types would be able to
stand up to a magmar and a blaster win
but then again play weird arms with
megahorn snackbar is hit by the most
powerful pokémon attack number 7
squirtle when we first met the squirtle
they were a gang of vandals but this
group eventually abandoned to their
mischievous ways and offered their
services as firefighter with squirtle
prime deciding to join ash on his
journey to become a Pokemon master plan
and whose mastery of water techniques
even put Misty’s bunch to shame you
could have always count on squirtle to
hydropump its way out of a jam
number 16 for her name Wow
the sinnoh region is rife with danger
left deadly new Pokemon Team Galactic
and pet deus Paul that’s notch you need
a Pokemon that knows how to bring the
originally a Chimchar owned by Paul it
was tossed aside after he viewed it to
be too weak for his team come on Wow
however it was not long before it found
itself with a new compassion to known
earth in the form of ash over time Jim
Sharkey falls into an Inverness and
eventually got the chance to get even
when it ended out battling Paul’s
electivire during the Sinhalese where it
displays just how strong that becomes
number 5 Snorlax
it’s big loves to spend his days eating
and sleeping and has actually proven
itself to be quite a handy ally in a
Pokemon battle with its immense weight
and strengths
Snorlax has managed to flatten and send
opponents slime that ice punch strikes
like a ton of bricks
aside from having difficulty trying to
get it to overcome laziness ash has
called in this particular big gun
throughout many of his journeys and as
long as it gets their own little rest at
the end of your deal relax
did not disappoint
the before Sceptile had ashes going with
sceptile even when it was just a Treecko
this grass type was a cool customer
after reaching its clinical forms
Sceptile quickly rose to become one of
the party’s strongest members kind of
shame it took so long to evolve because
they really could have used those leaf
blades and solarbeam during the Hoenn
league finals it’s more than made up for
however when it took down two biases
legendary pokemon dark ride number three
ash has has many water type starter
Pokemon over the years and froakie
seemed like it would just be another
run-of-the-mill addition then it evolved
into its final form and we got one of
Ash’s most badass token lot of all-time
due to the XYZ series receiving a
much-needed boost in animation quality
rather than just lead and fighting
abilities are shown to be off the charts
especially when he an – mentally sync
off and let loose that water shuriken I
mean come on is this a pokemon or a
shown in action zero number two
never at the binnacle came on with a
more conflicting relationship with ash
as a Charmander it was as friendly and
as oil as Kazee but then it evolved into
Charmeleon and went through what can
only be described as pokey adolescence
complete with a constant rebellious
attitude then things really kicked up a
notch when it devolved into a Charizard
and wanted nothing to do with Ashton
even costing him his chance at the
Indigo Lee yours I can’t just win the
middle my most important match ever
however over time Charizard began to
mellow and enjoy fighting by Ash’s side
and since become one of his strongest
and most reliable allies ash must have
the patience of the state because we
probably give up after the first
flamethrower to the face
before we reveal our number one pick
here a few honorable mentions
blue truck number one Pikachu
hi Pikachu – that can never forget your
first Pokemon and this little electric
mouse has stuck by Ash’s side through
thick and thin across every single
region gym battle and encounter with
Team Rocket a constant companion
completely refuses to settle for a folk
of all if there’s any Pokemon that can
help ash achieve that decades-long dream
of becoming the very best its Pikachu
after all it’s under Bowl team to
disregard the laws of nature and shock
any type of adversary into submission do
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