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Top 10 Philip K Dick Adaptations

wait what shit what is it a try yeah I
need a lot before take skittles a
picture you like whether you know him or
not if you’re a fan of sci-fi on the
screen your life has been influenced by
this prolific writer
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
philip k dick adaptations what’s this
for this list we’re looking at films and
TV series that directly translated dicks
written works to the screen we are the
people who make sure things happen
according to plan that means any
adaptation is fair game
number 10 pay cheque help us and we can
work with you I can’t I can’t you wipe
my memory I don’t remember hot on the
heels of Mission Impossible 2 director
John Woo Sung kis teeth into this
adaptation of Phillip K dicks 1953 short
story of the same name the plot follows
Ben Affleck’s Michael Jennings a reverse
engineer who takes a product and
recreates it with changes and
improvements but as part of his job he
has a habit of wiping his memory
sometimes of important information if
this man’s brain temp goes 1c above 43
he’s avenged though the film’s ending
has changed significantly from Dick’s
original words and was negatively
reviewed for not having capitalized on
the sci-fi thrillers exciting premise
the film does showcase several of Dick’s
signature themes such as maniacal
corporations conspiracy theories and
perhaps most importantly identity crises
don’t you remember doing that sir no I
don’t remember that
because I didn’t do that number 9
impostor it believes it is human it
wants to live
no sphere identity is a tricky thing and
that’s an idea explored thoroughly
throughout dicks body of work most
notably in his 1953 short story impostor
and it’s film adaptation
borrowing from and expanding upon ideas
used by his contemporaries the author
sets up a dystopian future in which
warring aliens utilize artificial humans
known as replicants to invade and attack
human civilizations lucky for us it
believes and how many innocent men bled
for your mistakes before you uncovered
the first replicant although not loved
by critics or moviegoers the film is an
excellent translation from the page to
the screen of several common ideas from
philip k dick the only one I can trust
number eight screamer’s similar in some
ways to sci-fi action flicks like The
Terminator aliens and the thing
screamer’s unfortunately lacks the
taught direction that distinguishes
those as classics
still the film fits squarely into the
time-honored canon of science fiction B
movies call it a screamers developed for
us by Alliance on earth neutraliser
warner ground here on a distant planet a
group of humans struggles as robotic
weapons become sentient and assume a
lifelike appearance what are they
supposed to look like
oh you mean who are they supposed to
look like who’s real and who’s not and
what is reality anyway based on dicks
1953 short story second variety the film
manages to be both entertaining and
relatively faithful to its source
number seven the man in the high castle
when welcome to guess my game Thank You
Phil it’s a pleasure to be here imagine
a world where the Axis powers of the
Second World War
actually won that’s the premise and a
strong one at that
for this 2015 Amazon series drawn from
the classic 1962 dick novel take that
about across the reich you stop here cat
in city s a neutral zone well he can
read it matt the only TV series to
appear on this list the show follows
characters struggling to survive in an
occupied united states the west coast is
controlled by imperial japan and the
east by nazi germany only a sliver of
central states remain neutral and for
how much longer big evil government and
the everyman characters struggling
within them that’s prime philip k dick
material and it made for amazon’s first
successful original series if you know
so much we want with me number six
next i don’t you want you keep me in
this chair forever if you could see a
couple of minutes into the future
would it make your life easier or harder
on the one hand it would take most of
the stress out of flirting please don’t
on the other the government might want
to kidnap you and use you to stop
terrorist attacks a stolen nuclear
munition is being smuggled into the
united states or may in fact already be
here i want you to look ahead and tell
me where it’s gonna be deployed so you
win some you lose some
when Nicholas Cage finds himself in just
this predicament his world spins out of
control based on dicks 1954 novella the
golden men next earned mixed reviews and
wasn’t the most financially successful
of the authors adaptations I’ve seen
every possible ending here none of the
murdered commune
however without revealing too much we
will say that the twist at the end gave
us something to think about
mistake number five The Adjustment
Bureau have we met
you look vaguely familiar Matt Damon’s
protagonist discovers that there are
mysterious forces at play behind the
scenes in his everyday life and a twisty
turny thriller unfolds thereafter
price points you how are you doing in a
world filled with deceit and conspiracy
only a passionate yet seemingly
forbidden love acts as a ray of light
not some hopeless romantic I’ll never
allow myself to be that way but can even
it be counted on held together by strong
performances from Damon Emily Blunt and
others the fast paced film based on
Dixon 1954 short story adjustment team
explores classic sci-fi themes such as
the conflict between fate and free will
did you really think you could reach the
Chairman and change your fate if you did
number four a Scanner Darkly
substance d D D is for dumbness and
desertion the desertion of your friends
from you you from your friends this is
the movie to watch to make you feel like
you’re on drugs the next thing you know
a creature from between dimensions was
standing beside his bed looking down at
him disapprovingly enter him in my
things in a Scanner Darkly an undercover
cop in the near future attempts to
infiltrate and disrupt the flow of a new
hallucinogenic street drug while his
increasing addiction to the drug seems
to be stripping away his sanity to
hemispheres of my brain are competing
done entirely with rotoscoping a process
by which animation is done on top of
live action images the film is visually
a trip the narrative drips with paranoia
and Keanu Reeves Woody Harrelson and
Robert Downey jr. give outstanding
performances in this Richard Linklater
adaptation of dicks 1977 novel if the
front door is opened while we burn
Sencha thumbnail-sized auxiliary motion
detector digital memory camera start
recording you shouldn’t open what if
they come in through the back door or
the bathroom window like that infamous
Beatles song its convoluted nature may
leave more questions than answers but
they’re questions worth asking what I
think should never be used to serve the
purposes of the Dead but the dead should
if possible serve the purposes of the
living number three Total Recall
sorry Quaid your whole life is just a
dream good science fiction is always
better with a dash of hyper violence am
i right get ready for a surprise
based on dicks 1966 short story we can
remember it for you wholesale although
the plot diverges significantly this
bleak view of the future not only
features some of arnold schwarzenegger
finest work it was also a critical and
commercial hit you got a lot of nerve
showing your face around here Hauser and
Cruz talking racking up
thought-provoking ideas as well as plot
twists and an impressive body count
Total Recall looks at a man who attempts
to have memories implanted in his brain
but it turns out he’s a secret agent
who’s already had some work done on the
old noggin
my job tricky stuff right what’s even
trickier is the ending but we won’t
spoil that here now open your mind me
number to Minority Report remarks my
mandate of the District of Columbia
pre-crime division I’m placing you under
arrest of the future murder of Sarah
Marx and Donald Dubin Ames take place
today April 22nd at 0 800 hours before
minutes no I didn’t do anything you may
have noticed that many of the works
adapted from dicks writing are somewhat
dark Minority Report a reworked version
of his 1956 short story is no exception
where’d you catch that because it was
gonna fall you’re certain yeah but it
didn’t fall you caught it the fact that
you prevent it from happening doesn’t
change the fact that it was going to
happen an officer with the pre-crime
unit tasked with preventing murders
before they happen
John Anderton is told that in a matter
of days it is he who will commit murder
now there’s a hook reeling the audience
into its bleak but intricate world
Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report
delivers on all fronts they don’t have
to run everybody runs pledged we’re
treated to a study in the deliverance of
justice the concept of fate and the
definition of what makes us human
where’s my Minority Report
driver have one it was such a hit and
introduced such a rich hypothesis that
it later made the jump to TV
Bartlet Plaza before we adapt our top
pick here are some honorable mentions
I have material for about a dozen
stories just biggest in all the premises
we spot out but none that I could write
about without betraying my friends
confidence number one laid runner got
the wrong guy pal
low-five nay coachman the rajab play
he say you break right now hello mom
eating science fiction never feels more
real than when it challenges our ideas
of what it means to be human
implants those aren’t your memories
there’s somebody else’s they’re Tyrells
nieces and while the 1968 novel Do
Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and the
film are completely different
no adaptation better encapsulate the
themes explored by dick as well as the
essence of his science fiction canon
then Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner were
made as well as we could make you but
not to last the light that burns twice
as bright burns half as long and you
have burned so very very brightly Roy
following the story of a man tasked with
hunting down and killing artificial men
and women we’re forced to question our
own consciousness at the same time as we
experience the story unfolding in front
of us it’s too bad she won’t live
but then again who does
you will lead this film blown away
terrified and with a new appreciation
for life all those moments will be lost
in time like tears
and rain do you agree with our list
which philip k dick adaptation is your
favorite for more sci-fi top 10s
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to what if this is a dream
well then kiss me quick before you wake
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