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Top 10 Notes: Brave New World

the title of this sci-fi and dystopian
novel is taken from Shakespeare’s The
Tempest Oh brave world that has such
people in welcome to and
in this installment of mojo notes we’ll
be exploring 10 things you should know
about Aldous Huxley’s brave new world
I’ve designed a special conditioning
program just for you number 10 about the
author born in 1894 in Godalming
England Aldous Huxley began writing as a
teenager and studied English literature
in college while working different jobs
he wrote social satires novels
nonfiction pieces and spiritual studies
in the late 1930s Huxley relocated his
family to the US he died in 1963 number
nine influences and inspirations it was
called family we’ve come a long way with
brave new world Huxley contrasted the
utopian worlds presented by HG Wells
with a tail that foresaw a negative
vision of the future
his time at a high-tech chemical plant
also inspired the sci-fi and dystopian
novel turning out human beings like
machines why number eight settings and
era work is fun the harder the more
things we can set in the future at
what’s equal to about twenty five forty
ad Huxley’s fifth novel takes place in a
time when most of the planet’s
population is being governed by a single
political authority this world state
sets a population limit and conditions
children from birth about how to behave
through a process called hypnopaedia
everyone belongs to everyone else
it gives everyone a specific position
within society according to their caste
or rank with the alphas and betas being
higher and the gammas delta’s and
epsilon being lower are you happy I’m
glad in the Delta alphas have to think
things through betas and ganas have too
much to do
it’s a civilized world filled with happy
people that’s contrasted with the wild
and old native folks on the savage
reservation maybe there’s something to
it living off the land nothing given to
you the constant struggle for spot
number seven plot the narrator of this
tale is an all-knowing third person
through which we learn about the world
state each of us is genetically decide
to fit perfectly into our place in
society this is where people are created
in a hatchery and are taught not to feel
strong emotions through psychological
manipulation and a substance called soma
after two workers in the world state
named Bernard and Lenina meet one of the
natives of the Savage reservation named
John they bring him and his mother Linda
back to the world state their return
brings shame upon world controller
Mustapha Mond
because he’s revealed to be John’s
father John has a hard time accepting
this new world and finds a way to
permanently escape from it number six
Bernard marks as one of the world’s
state citizens Bernard undergoes
conditioning to be like the others but
he’s not he thinks differently wants
what others have and feels strong
emotions I think we have to explore the
unknown to make progress sir because of
this Mustapha Mond
wants to exile him he temporarily saves
himself from this fate after he brings
back the world directors son John from
the savage reservation but John’s
rejection of the world state begins to
affect Bernard societal status and
causes the hatchery worker to be
eventually banished
number five Jon Hoeber new world has
such people in it John is the son of
Linda and Mustapha Mond but after his
father abandons him and his mother he’s
left to grow up on the savage
Reservation where he reads Shakespeare
since brass nor stone nor earth nor
boundless sea but sad mortality or sways
their power though he’s led to believe
life in the world state is better he
doesn’t fit in either place he’s too
moral and emotional you – are you
married you got a lot to learn about
civilization John however it’s his
rejection of the shallow world state and
inability to reconcile his feelings with
Lenina that eventually bring him to his
number four Lenina crown and Mustapha
Mond Lenina accompanies bernard to the
savage reservation and helps him bring
John and Linda back to their civilized
world she soon begins to have feelings
for John but is unable to be with him
she’s a bit shallow and also has
emotions but doesn’t comprehend them as
world controller who stop amon is seen
as an intelligent leader and defender of
the world state’s philosophy for the
moment I don’t see any harm and allowing
the savage to remain here at his Liberty
time will tell whether his presence here
will pose a serious problem championing
ideas like stability and happiness but
the shame of his son’s return causes him
to step down the question everyone is
asking how could this happen
disgusting absolutely sickening how a
man in his position could be allowed to
have a baby number three values and
themes to be awake is to be alive
one of brave new worlds major themes is
how powerful and dangerous technology
not scientific research can be in the
hands of an over controlling state the
respect and devotion the world States
residents have for Ford Motor Company
founder Henry Ford and his assembly-line
values in a consumer society are
important to Huxley also explores how
focusing on happiness over reality can
make us miss out on what it really is to
be human and to have something which you
can always rely on to create a kind of
complacency I think may be very
dangerous I think there can be an uber
tranquilization number two modern
popularity Huxley’s dystopian novel was
positively reviewed upon publication
despite some controversy today it’s
considered one of the best
english-language novels of the 20th
century so you want me to help you
figure out how to make people happier
yes number one adaptations brave new
world has been adapted for radio and for
film this includes the 1980 television
film directed by Burt Brinkerhoff
eighteen years later another television
movie took on a condensed version for
the small screen do you agree with our
list what’s your favorite piece of brave
new world trivia be sure to subscribe to for more entertaining top
10s we can recycle her organs and
reclaim the phosphorus okay everybody
come on
chocolates candy
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