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Top 10 Nintendo Gamecube Games

these were the best games to play on
your purple lunchbox welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten Nintendo
GameCube games hey Jenna don’t go baby
for this list we’re sticking to one game
per franchise and we’re also excluding
games that were direct ports from other
number ten
Star Wars Rogue Squadron two rogue
leader for the second Nintendo list in a
row the Rogue Squadron series has taken
the tenth spot this game was a launch
title for the system with its main
selling point being the faithful
recreation of the original Star Wars
trilogies climactic battles against both
Death Star’s and the Battle of Hoth how
they I’ve been hit
Echo Base commander Skywalker is down
branch lead the attack against the
waters surprisingly the game was put
together in only nine months and it was
later repackaged in Rogue Squadron 3 as
a co-op campaign we need to keep the
fighters from home once hurry up and
take out those generators number 9
f-zero GX
without question the best title in the
f-zero series this high-speed racing
game has you clock speeds of up to 1600
km/h while going up against 30 other
racers add to that the incredible
sensory overload of the environment
around the track for a more immersive
fun fact in 2013 it was discovered that
the arcade ax version was pitting on the
game’s disc and obtainable via a hacking
device what are your plans now you’ve
won winning this race next time of
course number 8 Pikmin 2 Pikmin 2 as you
might have guessed is the sequel to the
unusually charming realtime strategy
game that bears the same name while the
first one was limited by a 30-day timer
this game had no such time limit this
extra time was used to focus on the
efforts of captain olimar and his
assistant Lois collecting treasures to
help their boss pay off a massive debt
it notably brought to the mix an
addictive co-op and competitive
multiplayer mode
number seven Super Mario Sunshine one of
the most unusual Mario titles it doesn’t
stop it from being a fantastic
platformer set on the tropical isle
delfino welcome to the sun-drenched
tropical paradise of Isle Delfino here
in Mario finds himself armed with a
water gun jetpack that he uses both
against enemies for navigation and for
cleaning up the island I hereby order
the defendant to clean this entire
island one of the better aspects of the
game was the moving geometric platform
sections something that Nintendo with
later use in Super Mario Galaxy number 6
eternal darkness sanity’s Requiem the
first M rated game published by Nintendo
this game has you play as Alex who comes
to her grandfather’s house to
investigate his murder I want answers
and in the process finds out about a
historical struggle against evil to stop
what’s known as the eternal darkness the
game’s main draw was its fourth wall
breaking sandy effects which messed with
your mind sees it really happening and
start to distort what’s real and what’s
safe to say whoever said Nintendo is
just for kids never played this one
there are times when insanity takes hold
and nothing seems right number 5 animal
crossing the debut title in the
frightening Li addictive series this
game has you living out in a small
village with overly happy
anthropomorphic villagers as you go
fishing catch bugs and collect furniture
that falls out of the sky
it also features at an OTG who
constantly scans you into a mortgage
yeah screw you Tom Nook one of the
coolest features that didn’t reappear in
any of the sequels was the ability to
collect and play classic NES games for a
sweet little bit of nostalgia number 4
super the best-selling game on the
system melee was the game that no
GameCube owner could go without a vast
improvement over the n64 original it
introduced faster gameplay doubled its
roster of iconic characters and
introduced brand-new multiplayer modes
making this the party game of choice
number three The Legend of Zelda Wind
even though Twilight Princess was
amazing Wind Waker completely Trump’s it
based on originality
an epic sailing adventure with
incredibly charming characters it was a
fantastic follow up to ocarina of time
the controversial choice to use
cel-shaded graphics proved to be the
best choice in the long run as it meant
that the game would age surprisingly
well want proof with only a few minor
tweaks on the Wii U version it’s still
the same game yet still as amazing as
number two Resident Evil 4 ok
I have only one very important question
you got a smoke got gum as much as we
love the fantastic remake of the
original the fourth game in the series
is in a league of its own
my assignment is to search for the
president’s missing daughter
quite odd by yourself starting life as a
Gamecube exclusive a drastic and risky
redesign of the core mechanics paid off
immensely removing both the zombies and
the static camera in favor of infected
villagers and a third-person perspective
resulted in a tense frightening an epic
atmosphere that made it one of the best
third-person shooters ever before we get
to number one here are a few honorable
number one Metroid Prime Samus rolls
into our top spot with her best
adventure to date after missing out on
the n64 retro studios made the Bounty
Hunter’s transition to 3d flawless going
for a first-person perspective which
intensified the combat without
sacrificing any of the series’s
trademark exploration while technically
not a first-person shooter in the
traditional sense the isolated
environment makes this game a must play
for anyone and everyone
do you agree with our list no I can’t
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