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Top 10 Nicolas Cage Movies

he’s been everything from a superhero to
a quirky con man and even a downright
badass welcome to and
today we’re taking a look at the top 10
Nicolas Cage movies you sure you’re
ready for this
until my pass your vest losers always
whine about their best winners go home
and the prom queen
number 10 kick ass as a former cop
working alongside his 11 year old
daughter he becomes a violent Batman
like superhero called Big Daddy his only
goal is to take down a drug lord that
ruined his life and career number 9
Raising Arizona playing the part of a
redneck criminal he marries an officer
before discovering that they are unable
to conceive a child desperate for one he
kidnaps a quintuplet from rich furniture
tycoon Nathan Arizona soon enough he’s
stealing diapers gets blackmailed and
must even escape bounty hunters we got
family you’re gonna start acting
responsibly so let’s go honey let’s go
get Nate in jr. number eight
adaptation in this film cage not only
plays the part of a cynical screenwriter
Charlie Kaufman but that of his twin
brother as well
charged with adapting a book into a
screenplay he must contend with severe
writer’s block agoraphobia and
self-loathing all while his easygoing
twin Donald shows off his ability to
write with ease
I like hurts I wonder if it’s cancer
there’s a bump I’m starting to sweat
stop sweating
I’ve got to stop sweating number seven
Red Rock West mistaken as a hitman hired
to kill an unfaithful wife he decides to
take advantage of the misunderstanding
by collecting the money and making a run
for it however the real killer finds out
and hunts him down hey cowboy who’s got
the gun number six the family men
playing a greedy Wall Street executive
cage is a typical Scrooge who doesn’t
care about anyone but himself however
all that changes when he is made to see
a different path his life could have
taken soon enough he realizes that
having a family is much more fulfilling
and accumulating vast amounts of wealth
there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than
here with you number five matchstick men
in this film cage plays an
obsessive-compulsive con artist dealing
with his own issues his life becomes
even more complicated when his daughter
shows up and shows a keen interest in
his career this is an emergency hey
ever heard of a lie have you ever been
dragged on the sidewalk and beat until
you passed blood number four face off a
revolutionary medical technique allows
an undercover agent played by John
Travolta to take on the physical
appearance of a major criminal and
infiltrate his organization however cage
takes on his identity in return shut up
honey don’t listen to him honey he’s not
your father hear my voice I’m your
number three Conair has a newly released
ex-con on the way to reunite with his
family cage finds himself trapped in a
prisoner transport plane when the
passengers seize control forced to play
along he must find a way to stop them
from leaving American airspace and
prevent them from harming innocent
bystanders along the way cute trailer
my mom who lives in a trailer and put
those off I just saved your life number
two leaving Las Vegas in a role that
earned him an Oscar for Best Actor caged
plays an alcoholic Hollywood
screenwriter who has lost everything
because of his drinking he arrives in
Las Vegas with the goal of drinking
himself to death there he forms a
complicated friendship with a prostitute
what’s up
to drink and drive it’s pretty funny
number one the rock was there any doubt
that this would take the top spot on our
list this is the film that propelled the
actor to the top of Hollywood stardom in
the movie he plays a biological weapons
expert tasked with breaking into
Alcatraz with Sean Connery the only man
to have ever escaped with his life
they must stop a renegade general and
his group of Marines from killing
everyone in the San Francisco Bay Area
what I’m dealing with here is one of the
most deadly substances the earth has
ever known so what do you see you cut me
some friggin slack
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