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Top 10 Movies That Surprisingly Have 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

well we weren’t expecting that welcome
to 10 movies that
surprisingly have 100 percent on Rotten
Tomatoes thanks our savage ruthless and
courageous fighters before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
to subscribe to our channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re looking at
theatrical releases TV movies
documentaries and other types of films
that surprisingly have a perfect score
on Rotten Tomatoes as of December 2018
especially when compared to the
reception it received at the hands of
general audiences we aren’t saying that
these movies are bad far from it they
wouldn’t be so highly acclaimed if they
were we just don’t tend to associate
these movies with such high critical
reception either because of their genre
subject matter or the contrast between
the critic and user scores number 10
Batman under the Red Hood alright let us
lay out the facts this animated
superhero adventure flick was the
highest rated direct-to-video movie
about Batman when it came out and it
grossed over 10 million dollars in home
sales well look we obviously have got
ourselves a player week ow
Alfred take him home well it may have
taken the DC Universe animated original
movie series 7 prior attempts to reach
such an overwhelming consensus with
Rotten Tomatoes critics it was all worth
it when under the Red Hood achieved that
100 percent approval rating sure there
are only 7 reviews but this movie
deserves all that praise and more with
its cinematic storytelling mature themes
and stellar voice performances you
simply can’t ask for much more when it
comes to The Dark Knight but if I do
that if I allow myself to go down into
that place I’ll never come back number 9
the Bugs Bunny Road Runner movie
originally released as the great
American chase the Bugs Bunny Road
Runner movie is basically a greatest
when the entire film consists of newly
animated segments starring Bugs Bunny
bridging sequences compiled from the
classic Warner Brothers cartoons a clip
show consisting of old cartoon segments
is not really something you would expect
to see have 100 percent on Rotten
Tomatoes yet there it is although it is
only from 6 reviews over at IMDB it
holds a more modest 7.3 on 10 with many
people calling it a good compilation of
number 8
Bill Nye Science Guy we all love – Bill
Nye as kids but who honestly expected a
documentary about his life to be so
critically acclaimed the documentary
follows Bill Nye as he retires from
children’s television stages a more
mature career comeback and argues
against evolution and climate change
contrarians on a national stage the
documentary was critically acclaimed
securing 25 fresh and 0 Rotten reviews
however general audiences were far more
critical as of writing it holds a 70%
users Quan Rotten Tomatoes and a 5.8 on
10 on IMDB the reasons of course they’re
probably more political than anything
but it’s still interesting to note the
huge dichotomy between the critics and
audiences scores number 7 The Many
Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The Many
Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is similar
to the Bugs Bunny Roadrunner movie it
consists of three short previously
released featurettes about Winnie the
Pooh with extra material bridging the
stories to create a cohesive whole and a
shorter fourth featurettes
anybody at home what I said was is
anybody at home know anybody it was a
massive critical success that has
retained quite the legacy it holds a 100
percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes with
12 reviews and was nominated in the
animation category of AFIS top ten in
2008 when you think of the classic
Disney movies that would have 100
percent on Rotten Tomatoes however The
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is
probably not the first movie that comes
to mind whenever they go
and whatever happens to them on the way
in that enchanted place on top of the
forest a little bear will always be
waiting number six the witches the
witches is another dark fantasy movie
adapted from a Roald Dahl novel as if
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
wasn’t creepy and disturbing enough it’s
poison The Witches holds the rare and
coveted 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with 33
fresh reviews with most critics praising
the masterful puppet work of Jim Henson
productions and Angelica Houston’s
performance as the Grand High Witch that
said it’s quite surprising considering
that the movie was generally ignored by
mainstream audiences and performed
poorly at the box office
even Roald Dahl despised the adaptation
calling it to utterly appalling I don’t
believe it
but don’t believe it number 5 creep –
the creep films are frightening
low-budget movies from Mark Duplass and
Patrick Brice about a psychotic man who
lures people to various locations under
a pretense only to toy with them in
increasingly malicious ways my story I
am what is commonly known as a serial
killer I don’t love that nomenclature I
sort of consider myself a murderer but
my numbers are such that I am now
classified as a serial killer both
movies have earned critical acclaim with
the first scoring 92% and the sequel
earning the coveted 100% with 17 reviews
general audiences are more lukewarm
towards the movies with the first
earning just as 6.3 on IMDB and the
second is six-point for general
audiences just don’t seem to be as
creeped out as the critics however it’s
not ready to see such a major
discrepancy in critic and audience
number four hearts of darkness of
filmmakers apocalypse parts of darkness
of filmmakers apocalypse is a
documentary about the infamous and
legendary production of Apocalypse Now
my film is not about Vietnam stories
that the production have been Hollywood
legend for decades and a filmmakers
apocalypse view
and intimately showcases these trials
and tribulations the doc has earned
critical acclaim scoring a 100% on
Rotten Tomatoes and a National Board of
Review Award for Best Documentary
Francis tried to stop it and he called
for a doctor there was a nurse standing
by and I said no let it let it go I want
to have this out right here and now it
had to do with facing my worst enemy
myself but what’s most surprising is
that this documentary has a higher
Rotten Tomatoes score than Apocalypse
Now which sits at 96%
yeah Apocalypse Now has many more
reviews but it’s still interesting to
see a documentary about the making of a
movie have a higher score than me
number three Jesus Christ Superstar live
in concert who knew that a live NBC
production of Jesus Christ Superstar
would be one of the most acclaimed
pieces of entertainment in 2018 to
conquer death you only have to die you
only have to die this production aired
on NBC on Easter Sunday 2018 and starred
various notable entertainers including
Alice Cooper as King Herod Sara
Bareilles as Mary Magdalene and John
Legend as Jesus the production was a
resounding success earning nearly 10
million live viewers and scoring a 100%
on Rotten Tomatoes with critics singling
out its originality and performances it
was later nominated for multiple
Primetime Emmy Awards including
outstanding directing and three acting
number two them you wouldn’t expect that
a movie about giant irradiated ants
becoming a national threat could be so
acclaimed don’t get us wrong we love
science fiction but this is some prime
b-movie material that has a wormed its
way into classic status the movie was
well received when it was first released
in 1954 and it spawned at numerous
nuclear monster movies that became big
hits in the post-world War two ERA a
fantastic mutation probably caused by
lingering radiation from the first
atomic bomb it’s only grown in stature
since as it currently holds a 100
percent and is generally regarded as one
of the best creature features of the 50s
man into the Atomic Age give the door
into a new world what we eventually find
in that new world nobody can predict
number one Terminator 2 Judgment Day 3d
now before you get your pitchforks hear
us out here Terminator 2 is a fantastic
movie I need you close your boots and
your motorcycle
you forgot to say please in fact we’d
say that it’s one of the greatest action
movies of all time and arguably the
greatest sequel ever made but did it
really need a 3d conversion and even if
it did it’s surprising to see that the
3d version has a higher rating than the
original the conversion has scored the
coveted 100% based on 24 reviews whereas
the original stands at a surprisingly
low 92% with 77 reviews are we really
that enamored with 3d I know know why
but it’s something I can never do do you
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